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Sunday, May 31, 2020

How to Choose a Face Mask

How to Choose a Face Mask

The choice of caring cosmetics is huge. In shops and pharmacies, shelves are filled with many bottles and tubes, and it is sometimes very difficult to choose those products that are right for you. What are facial masks?

First of all, you need to know that face masks are divided into professional and for individual use. The first includes many components, and they need to be mixed immediately before applying to the skin, so it is better to entrust their use to a professional. Yes, and to purchase them in retail is quite problematic.

Types of masks for skin care

One of the main divisions of masks into species is based on the action that they exert on the skin. Masks are nourishing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, cleansing, lifting (with a lifting effect), regenerating (helping the skin recover), drainage (relieving swelling) and tonic (increasing skin elasticity).

Many masks affect the skin in several ways, but never do it all at once. The mask is universal - this is nonsense!

The effect of the masks, which is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer, always combines action in several close directions. So, masks that are positioned as anti-aging, combine hydration, regeneration, lifting and toning, and a mask for oily skin, most likely, contains components for cleaning and disinfection, that is, it will also have anti-inflammatory effect.

There are four types of masks that are needed by almost all women from 18 to 20 years old: moisturizing, nourishing, drainage (they are used at any age, if there is a tendency to edema) and cleansing (are in addition to surface cleaning with milk, lotion or gel).

Face masks by method of application

By the method of application, masks are also divided into several groups.

Frosting on the face with a film or cast, which are removed in one motion when the mask expires.
Rinse off with water - one of the most common. Masks that can be removed with special wipes or cotton pads moistened with tonic or lotion can also be classified in this category.
Absorbent masks do not require removal at all (sometimes only surpluses are removed).
Non-woven masks, which in advance or immediately before applying them to the face, are impregnated with a special solution.
Choose from them the one that, firstly, is more convenient to use for you personally, and secondly, that which has the action you need. It so happens that a mask against age-related changes is released only by a film that hardens on the face, but in other forms it does not occur in principle.

All manufacturers of caring cosmetics must indicate on the packaging for what age the mask is intended and for what skin it is. Every woman knows the type of skin on her face. If not, a visit to the beautician will solve the problem. The main rule that you must adhere to when applying masks is to follow the manufacturer's instructions and do not use those masks that are not suitable for age and skin type.

When choosing cosmetics for facial skin care, one should not forget about folk remedies known to our grandmothers. Honey masks, berry, cucumber perfectly help maintain beauty for many years.

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