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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Vitamins for Women after age of 30

Vitamins for Women after age of 30

After thirty years, age-related changes begin in the woman’s body that can adversely affect her health and appearance. However, a proper diet, intake of vitamins and minerals can significantly prolong health and youth.

Age-related changes in the body of a woman

  • Slowing down metabolism. With age, the body produces less growth hormone, which can lead to a decrease in muscle mass and tone. At the same time, adipose tissue is formed in the body faster, and due to a slowed metabolism, it becomes more difficult to deal with it.
  • Decrease in bone mass. This is due to the fact that bone cells regenerate more slowly, the body gradually loses calcium. As a result, the bones become more fragile. A lack of calcium in the body can lead to osteoporosis and joint problems.
  • Changes in the skin. They occur as a result of a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin - the main "youth proteins" that are responsible for skin elasticity. This is observed after 25 years, so it is at this age that the first wrinkles are laid, which by the age of 30 become visually noticeable.
  • Decreased immunity. Protective cells and T-lymphocytes are located in a special organ - the thymus. After 30 years, part of its tissues are replaced by fat cells. Therefore, the immune system is deteriorating, and our body needs additional support with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other beneficial substances.

However, all these undesirable processes can be significantly slowed down or delayed. After all, age is not a sentence, but only a figure.

Anti-Aging Techniques - Amway Recommendations

  • Active lifestyle
  • Compliance with sleep and nutrition
  • Healthy diet
  • Drinking mode
  • Stress minimization
  • Rejection of bad habits
  • Regular intake of vitamins
  • Active lifestyle

Maintaining an active lifestyle does not mean at all that you have to break sports records or spend long hours in the gym. You must follow the capabilities of your body and choose the available types of training. For example, run at your own pace 2-3 times a week. Jogging can be replaced by long walking, cycling, swimming or basic, but regular fifteen-minute gymnastics.

Compliance with sleep and nutrition

Of great importance to health is the time and duration of sleep.

Firstly, you need to sleep at night. This is due to the fact that it is at night that the hormone serotonin is produced, which is responsible for the emotional state. Therefore, a lack of night sleep leads to poor mood and stress. Another "nocturnal" hormone - melatonin - is involved in metabolism, so if you sleep little at night, you are more likely to gain excess weight. This is especially true for people after 30 years, whose metabolism begins to slow down.

Secondly, the duration of sleep should be at least 8 hours. Otherwise, the brain starts the self-cleaning system, removing the completely necessary cells and synapses (places of transmission of nerve impulses).

Healthy diet

The famous maxim "a man is what he eats" still remains fair. The use of natural and healthy products, the priority of plant food over animals, fish - over meat - a recognized guarantee of health.

It is advisable to completely eliminate foods such as transgenic fats, sodas, and dramatically reduce sugar intake.

Drinking mode

It is best to quench your thirst with clean drinking water or green tea. A glass of water 15 minutes before a meal helps to “start” the work of the stomach and speed up the metabolism. The main thing is to observe the specified interval between meals of water and food. Otherwise, water will dilute the gastric juice and this will worsen the digestion process.

Stress minimization

A lot is known about stresses and their harm today. However, life in such large cities as, for example, Moscow, with their intense rhythm and unhealthy environment, is itself a stress-generating factor. Minimize the aggressive impact of the urban environment is an important task for a person of any age. Indeed, during stress, the hormones adrenaline and cortisol are produced, which destroy memory, weaken the immune system, slow down metabolism, damage the heart and affect sex hormones. If it is not possible to eliminate stress by non-drug methods, you should consult a doctor.

The approach to anti-aging struggle should be comprehensive. However, not all working women have the opportunity to exclude stresses from their lives, visit the gym on a regular basis and daily calculate their diet. In this case, you should start taking vitamins and dietary supplements.


The best vitamin complexes

Universal Vitamins

Many women ask themselves: what good vitamin complexes today exist? The choice primarily depends on the specific organism and its weaknesses. However, there are universal fortifying vitamin complexes that will be useful to any woman after 35 years. For example, the NUTRILITE ™ Daily is a basic complex of essential vitamins that lasts for one month. So, one of its tablets contains 93% of the daily norm of iodine, 13 vitamins, 8 minerals and phytonutrients of 6 plants. Thus, taking one tablet once a day will help to improve well-being and fill in the gaps in proper nutrition, which is especially convenient for women working and busy with problems.

For beauty

Women should pay attention to the NUTRILITE series of vitamins, the effect of which is aimed at supporting women's health, beautiful appearance.

NUTRILITE ™ Iron Plus includes folic acid and ferrous salts of fumarate and gluconate, which are best absorbed. This drug raises working capacity, strengthens nails and hair, increases hematopoietic functions, which is especially important for women who lose iron during menstruation. In addition, in the female body, the iron content is initially three times lower than in the male. The product contains only proven, natural ingredients, so pregnant and lactating women can take it.

Another important complex is very accurately called the “Beauty Formula” - its action is based on antioxidants that increase the life of cells, and the two main vitamins of female attractiveness - B7 and C. The benefits of these vitamins can hardly be overestimated. Vitamin B7 (Biotin) helps skin cells retain moisture, and Vitamin C helps produce collagen. As a result, the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves markedly. The course is designed for one month.

NUTRILITE ™ Women's harmony compensates for the lack of Omega-6, necessary for the beauty and health of women, and also affects the well-being of women before and during menstruation.

To maintain immunity

It is well known that garlic is one of the most powerful immunomodulatory agents. However, it has a significant drawback - an unpleasant odor. NUTRILITE ™ Garlic will work around this problem. One capsule of the drug contains 6 mg of allicin - the main active ingredient in garlic, which destroys harmful microorganisms, and also provides high immunity. The composition also has peppermint, which eliminates the smell.

Another good immunomodulator is ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is found in rosehips, currants, parsley, green peppers, broccoli, etc. If you are often unable to consume these products in the right amount, you can purchase the NUTRILITE ™ Vitamin C plus complex. To maintain the required daily level of vitamin C, you need to drink only one tablet. In its composition: concentrate of acerola berries, citrus fruits and other natural ingredients.

Vitamins are available in two convenient forms: swallow tablets and chewable tablets.

To fight overweight

Since metabolism slows down after 30 years, this leads to weight gain. If you aren’t able to exercise on an ongoing basis, try NUTRILITE's Bodykey Weight Management Program. It has products for every taste. Bars with different tastes are very convenient, which you can eat during the day and stock up on energy without harming the figure. As a breakfast, you can use milk shakes from the Bodykey dry mixture, and drink herbal tea based on mate, rooibos and green tea throughout the day.

Foods with a large amount of carbohydrates contribute to the production of insulin - a hormone that accelerates the conversion of carbohydrates to fats. To slow down this process, it is worth using a NUTRILITE carbohydrate blocker - its task is to block excess kilocalories that come from food.

Age-related changes are influenced by NUTRILITE ™ KLK 500, a drug based on conjugated linoleic acid (from the group of fatty acids). KLK accelerates metabolism, affects fat burning and muscle growth during physical exertion. In combination with training, this contributes to weight loss.

To protect bones and joints

Calcium loss is a serious age problem. A complex that includes calcium, magnesium, vitamin D will help to avoid it - substances that prevent bone fragility, help the body absorb calcium, and also contribute to muscle contraction and bone formation. Packaging is designed for one month.

NUTRILITE ™ Glucosamine will be an indispensable tool for those involved in sports, and those whose joints are under increased stress. The main ingredient of these capsules is glucosamine, an essential participant in the synthesis of connective tissues. It improves joint mobility and slows down their destruction.

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