Natural energizers for energy recovery |
There are many ways to help your body recharge. The most popular in a metropolis are to drink several cups of coffee a day and regularly go out for a smoke break. It helps threefold: relaxes, shifts attention to other people's problems, energizes ... But seriously?
But seriously, the effectiveness of such "folk remedies" is deceiving: on the one hand, you really feel a little more cheerful, on the other hand, after a short time you start to lose energy again. Sharp changes in the rise and fall of strength wear out the body, leading to premature aging.
Surely you also know the "correct" ways of filling with vital energy. That is why we are not going to talk about exercise, balanced nutrition, and walking in the fresh air now. Let us remind you of one more method - simple, useful and very pleasant.
Nature has given us all the necessary substances for the general strengthening of the body and recuperation - we are talking about plants. And knowledge about their healing power is in the books. Even in the culinary ones.
Morning "Enerjazer"
If you drink such a cocktail in the morning, the charge of vivacity will be enough for the whole day. To prepare this energy cocktail you will need:
1 banana;
1 hour boat of honey;
2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice;
10 drops of an alcoholic tincture of Eleutherococcus.
You can mash the banana with a fork or send all the ingredients to a blender - there is not much difference.
Rosehip fruit drink with honey
An amazing drink - refreshing and warming at the same time.
You will need:
200 g rose hips;
a quarter glass of honey;
1 lemon;
5 glasses of water.
Rinse the rosehip, cut the lemon, add water to the components, boil and strain. Then add honey and cook for 3 minutes. Decorate with mint.
The secret of the taste and useful properties of the Ukrainian folk drink is that the uzvar is infused, not boiled.
You will need:
100 g dried apples;
100 g dried pears;
50 g prunes;
1 lemon;
2-3 st. spoons of honey;
4 liters of water.
Bring the water to a boil, throw in dried fruits and lemon sliced into slices. Turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. When the uzvar has cooled slightly, add honey. Serve in a decanter with a circle of lemon.
Ginger drink
An excellent warming drink that helps to cure colds and strengthens the immune system.
You will need:
0.5 tsp of grated ginger root;
a quarter of a lemon;
1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey;
0.5 l of water.
Put the grated ginger in boiled water, cover the container with a lid, let it brew for 30 minutes. Then add honey, lemon juice, mix everything thoroughly, strain. Drink hot or chilled.
Ginger tea with honey
Another option for an invigorating drink with ginger.
You will need:
small ginger root
two lemon wedges.
Cut the root, pour boiling water over, let stand for a minute. Then put honey and lemon, leave for ten minutes.
Drink "Bogatyrsky"
This drink is very similar to yoghurt, but much healthier and tastier than the purchased one. It's incredibly easy to cook.
You will need:
1 liter of kefir;
3 bananas;
3 tbsp. spoons of any berries;
3 pcs. marshmallow.
Grate or beat bananas, berries and marshmallows. Then add kefir, stir well or beat. Best consumed immediately after preparation, as bananas can later darken the drink.
Vitamin cocktail from sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn is especially tasty when combined with honey. This drink is served to vacationers in the ski resorts of the Caucasus to recuperate.
You will need:
3 tbsp. sea buckthorn spoons;
2 teaspoons of honey;
1 tsp lemon juice;
1 cup boiling water
Crush the berries, pour boiling water over, let stand for half an hour. Strain, add lemon juice and honey. You can add mint leaves, then they need to be infused along with mashed sea buckthorn, then strain.
Pink tea
A unique drink is tea made from the most delicate rose petals with rose hips. If the Tibetans knew how many vitamins there are in the rose hips, they would take them to Tibet in trains.
For cooking you will need:
30 g rose petals;
2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar;
20 g rose hips;
500 ml of boiling water.
Boil rosehip and petals, leave for a quarter of an hour. Add vanilla sugar.
Apple and mint cocktail
A very refreshing cocktail will surprise you with its taste and give you great pleasure.
You will need:
1 liter of apple juice;
sugar syrup;
2 apples.
Boil the syrup, pour the apples cut into slices. When it cools down, pour in the juice. Put ice, apple slices in glasses, pour a drink, decorate with mint.
Hot chocolate
This is the best cure for bad mood and loss of energy. Chocolate is famous for its ability to enhance the production of hormones of happiness, and dark chocolate can be enjoyed even by those who are on a diet.
See also: Homemade Chocolate Recipe
You will need:
150 g of chocolate;
50 g cream;
vanillin (on the tip of a knife);
a pinch of cinnamon.
Melt the chocolate in a water bath, gradually pouring in the cream. Add vanillin and cinnamon. Serve in thick walled ceramic dishes as they keep the temperature very well.
Tibetan elixir
The next drink is not so much tasty as healthy. Take 100 g of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, immortelle flowers and birch buds. Mix thoroughly and pour into a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water. Insist for 20 minutes. Strain. Take 1 glass warm with the addition of a teaspoon of honey 2 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals and in the evening before going to bed 2 hours after meals (after that, do not eat or drink anything else in the evening). Do this until the mixture in the jar runs out. The course should be carried out every 5 years.
This collection rejuvenates, cleanses from toxins, has a beneficial effect on the heart, pancreas, liver and kidneys, improves vision, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, normalizes metabolism and pressure.
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