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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

7 beauty treatments that cannot be done on your own so as not to harm your health

7 beauty treatments that cannot be done on your own so as not to harm your health
7 beauty treatments that cannot be done on your own so as not to harm your health
During the quarantine, many girls learned to take care of themselves, since the services of professionals were not available. Manicure, haircut, face cleansing - everything was done thanks to advice from the Internet, and sometimes the results were quite good. However, experts say that a number of procedures cannot be done on your own, as they can harm your health.

Procedure 1: Removing age spots

There are a number of treatments that were originally conceived as salon treatments. That is why you should not make them yourself at home, even if the instructions on the packaging are written in simple and understandable language. Particularly dangerous are drugs that contain strong chemical reagents. Improper use can lead not only to chemical burns of the skin, but also to aggravate the original problem.

You should also refrain from buying and using professional cosmetics. On store shelves, there is a wide variety of products marked "to combat age spots." However, there is no guarantee that they will help. In addition, not all girls know about the rules for using such cosmetics, and therefore forget about elementary caution. For example, creams and serums should not be applied to the skin immediately before going outside, and during the course it is important to use a product with an SPF level of at least 50.

Procedure 2: Hair coloring

Hair coloring is the most popular “home” procedure. Most girls prefer to do it on their own or ask their friends, since it is not always possible to sign up to a professional hairdresser. However, this is quite risky: you can improperly prepare the composition, apply unevenly to the hair, fail to withstand the required amount of time (or, conversely, sit with paint on the strands for too long, in the hope that the color will be more saturated). As a result of these mistakes, the hair may take on a completely different shade than you expected. Plus, their condition will worsen, because most of the "budget" paints include hydrogen peroxide. If its percentage is too high, the curls will become brittle, begin to fall out or split.

Procedure 3: Facial massage

When applying the cream, many advise to massage the face, they say, this procedure improves blood circulation, due to which the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, puffiness is eliminated, and the active substances that make up the care products penetrate deeper into the skin. This is true, however, in order to achieve this effect, it is important to know the location of the muscles on the face. Not all girls have this knowledge, and therefore make movements that do not relax the muscles, but, on the contrary, make them tense. This leads to the premature appearance of wrinkles, decreased skin elasticity.

Procedure 4: Waxing

Before starting work, epilation masters must undergo training and certification, and regularly take advanced training courses. During the procedure, they withstand all technologies with the necessary means to make it as hygienic and safe as possible. A professional craftsman knows in which direction the hairs are growing, so he can correctly apply wax and remove it without damaging the skin.

A beginner in this business very rarely achieves positive results: it all starts with the wrong choice of wax. The next mistake is improper application of the product, as a result of which the top layer of the skin is injured. If a number of mistakes are made during the procedure, this will lead to bruising, irritation, pigmentation, and ingrown hair. Do not forget that the epilation itself is quite painful, and if your hand is not full, the procedure will last indefinitely.

Procedure 5: Dermaroller Mesotherapy

Dermaroller is a roller with thin needles, with the help of which the cosmetologist applies microtrauma to the skin, stimulating it to regenerate. During the procedure, a specialist rolls a roller with needles on the surface of the skin, the length of which may vary depending on the purpose of the device. Thus, the surface layer of the skin, the elastic properties of the dermis, its elasticity and springiness are improved, a peeling effect is observed.
The length of the needles determines how deeply the skin is disturbed. You can press lightly, thereby enhancing microcirculation, or you can pierce it harder when drops of blood appear on the surface. This procedure requires not only sterility, but also professional skills, since it is very easy to turn your face into a “needle pad”.

It is also very important to choose the right drug that is applied for further penetration into the layers of the epidermis. As a rule, beauticians use sterile solutions. If you perform the procedure yourself at home, you can get serious complications.

And the last thing: a dermaroller must be of high quality. If the needles are not made of a special alloy and securely fastened, the effect of mesotherapy will not be what you expect. In order not to expose yourself and your skin to risks, entrust the choice of tools and the procedure to a professional.

Procedure 6: Chemical peels

Chemical peels involve deliberately traumatizing the skin to renew it. The acids that are part of the drugs used act on tissues in such a way that a controlled chemical burn occurs. Such a procedure is not recommended to be carried out on your own, as there is a risk of achieving an absolutely opposite result: hyperpigmentation, red spots, and scars may appear. In addition, the skin should be prepared for professional peeling in advance, after assessing its ability to recover. Do not forget about such factors as:

• seasonality - from April to October, the procedure cannot be carried out due to active solar          
  radiation, as there is a risk of age spots;
• dosage and holding time of the composition;
• selection of care products after the procedure (for example, you cannot use “aggressive” drying 
• ban on scrubbing, and so on.

Procedure 7: Facial cleansing

It is very important here to choose all the means correctly, to follow all the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, to know the procedure for the procedure. When cleaning with your own hands, you may incorrectly remove some elements, as a result of which abrasions, spots, wounds appear, and inflammation will increase. Do not forget about the possibility of a "breakthrough" of a purulent element not outside, but inside, which in the worst case can lead to infection and sepsis entering the bloodstream.

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