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Friday, September 11, 2020

13 beauty mistakes that many of us involuntarily make

13 beauty mistakes that many of us involuntarily make
13 beauty mistakes that many of us involuntarily make

Every woman dreams of always looking fresh and attractive. And the countless amount of tools that the beauty industry produces are designed to help it with this. However, many of us in the pursuit of youth make many mistakes that they do not even know about. We will recall the most common mistakes.

1. Irregular bed linen change

Bed linen is in daily contact with our skin. That is why it should always be clean and fresh. In just a few days, a large number of dead skin cells, sebum, bacteria and dust are collected on pillowcases and sheets. All this bouquet can negatively affect the condition of the skin, especially if it is sensitive and prone to inflammation. In order not to harm yourself, make it a rule to change your bed at least once a week, and if there are pets in the house - at least twice.

2. Pluck eyebrows before applying makeup

Remember once and for all: the eyebrow shaping procedure cannot be compatible with the application of makeup. If you need to correct the shape of your eyebrows, put it aside for the evening. Remember, even removing a few hairs is a microtrauma, through which germs can easily get inside. It is best to use tweezers after several stages of cleansing, and after the procedure, treat the damaged area with any antiseptic.

3. Diligent fight against oily sheen

Most often, the owners of oily skin struggle to "dry" it. To combat greasy shine, various alcoholic lotions, salicylic alcohol, matting wipes and other miracle emulsions are used. As a result, the skin becomes stressed and the sebaceous glands begin to secrete even more oil, and the face looks just disgusting. There is only one way out - not to get involved in the fight against oily sheen, but to choose the minimum set of products for your skin type.

4. Frequent use of scrub

Exfoliation is undoubtedly good and very important for beautiful and healthy skin, but don't forget about a sense of proportion. You can use scrubs 1-2 times a week, otherwise there is a risk of disrupting the natural pH balance, which will make the skin fragile and susceptible to external irritants. Simply put, if you scrub too often, surprises in the form of acne, flaking and redness are guaranteed.

5. Touch your face often

Some people touch their face constantly during the day. This often happens unconsciously and regularly. In this case, be prepared for surprises in the form of breakouts and acne. And there is nothing surprising here, because in public transport, in the office and on the street, we touch different, to put it mildly, not too clean things, and then we direct all the microbes to our face.

6. Neglect of brush hygiene

Not all women know that makeup brushes and sponges need to be washed regularly. Many girls believe that the fact that they use the brush alone eliminates the possibility of contamination. However, this is not at all the case. Remains of cosmetics, sebum, dead cells and dust particles accumulate on the brush. All this you put on your face in a place with makeup day after day. If you want to avoid any nuisance, rinse your brush thoroughly after each use of liquid products and clean the brush once a week with the one used for loose products.

7. Use the wrong cream

Unfortunately, not everyone has yet realized that the foundation should be chosen according to the type of skin. This is important, because the result of the entire makeup depends on the tonal base. So when choosing a foundation, rely on your skin type, not a palette of shades. If there are no marks on the tube, contact a sales consultant for help or read reviews on the Internet.

8. Experiment with cosmetics

It is not surprising that with a huge variety of different cosmetics, you want to try everything. However, don't get too carried away with experiments. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting a mass of skin problems in the form of acne, acne and allergies.

9. Brush wet hair

If you regularly comb your wet hair, don't be surprised if the ends split and break mercilessly. Therefore, if you dream of a healthy head of hair, first dry your hair and only then gently comb.

10. Do not apply cream at night

If you don't use a night cream to rest your skin, you are making a mistake. The fact is that it is at night that our skin is actively regenerated, and the cream helps it in this. So remember, hydration and nutrition should not depend on the time of day.

11. Overuse powder

Owners of oily skin often try to hide the treacherous shine under the powder, applying it layer by layer throughout the day. However, this behavior can lead to serious consequences. It's not even about the fact that the powder, applied in several layers, looks unimportant, but the pores under such a mask are mercilessly clogged. The result is acne and blackheads.

12. Apply perfume to hair

Almost all perfumes have alcohol in their composition, so regular application of perfume to your hair will not benefit your hair. To keep your hair smelling good, use perfumed shampoos or special products, and perfumes are for the skin only.

13. Neglect the care of the neck and décolleté

Of course, facial care comes first, but you shouldn't forget about your neck skin either. Unfortunately, many ladies forget about the décolleté and neck area until they notice age-related changes in these areas. If you do not want to see a flabby neck and fine wrinkles in the décolleté area one morning in the mirror, do not forget to cleanse, moisturize and massage these delicate parts of your body.

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