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Sunday, October 25, 2020

How to determine your chronotype

How to determine your chronotype
How to determine your chronotype

How to determine your chronotype

In the modern rhythm, it is very difficult not to sacrifice good sleep. Is 8 hours really the best time to sleep? But it also happens that you get enough sleep, and you still feel tired. The reason for this may be a discrepancy between your schedule and the internal clock - your personal chronotype. Ukrainian scientist Olga Maslova will tell you about healthy sleep and how to determine your chronotype.

It is believed that for proper sleep you need to sleep 8 hours. It is right?

It's very individual. The American Sleep Research Association has developed a table calculating the number of hours of sleep for different ages. This need changes throughout life. For example, babies sleep almost a day - 17-18 hours. For older people, 5 hours is enough. And for those who are from 24 to 70 years old, it is worth sleeping 7-9 hours.

Each of us has our ideal sleep time. For some it will be 7 hours 24 minutes, for someone - 8 hours 12 minutes, these are just examples and thousands of options. This indicator may differ for one person during a lifetime. How much to sleep, everyone chooses for himself.

There are many trainings out there today that promise to teach you 3-4 hours sleep a day and be super productive. But, given the genetic characteristics of people, there are only 3-4% of those who really have enough time to recover. And such exceptional people often do not consider this to be their peculiarity, but they begin to tell others how to become the same. However, this is not just bad - it is dangerous! Each person needs to find their own pattern for when the body will feel better.

I am very confused by the current trend - to bring everyone under the same scheme: get up at dawn, work late, and then how will it be. There are very few people for whom such a rhythm of life is optimal, even a few. But there are more than two or three chronotypes. In fact, the chronotype is a kind of scale from 1 to 10, which the morning types begin, the evening types end, and most of the intermediate shades are in the middle.

We are now observing the so-called "morning chauvinism". It’s like five o'clock is morning, and ten is already late for the beginning of the day. But 10:00 is a normal morning. If a person wakes up at nine, spends an hour on a shower, meditation, coffee, singing or something else, and at 11 comes to work, he can complete his official duties until 9 pm, or he may also be late because someone will come to him. inspiration. There is no need to require such people to observe the regime from 9:00 to 18:00. So you can lose most of their productivity. Then it is worth remembering about the morning type of organism: “If for someone, from a neurophysiological point of view, the optimal time for waking up and active work is early morning, this is also normal and good. The main thing is that it should be a necessity, not violence against oneself. "

I recommend to all readers of "Wheels of Life" to find their own chronotype and adjust their life schedule just for it. Otherwise, if you break yourself every day, you will only get fatigue, stress, decreased self-esteem and, as a result, health disorders. We live in the XXI century and there are many opportunities to establish a comfortable rhythm of work and life.

What to do if a person cannot understand when he wants to sleep and when he wants to wake up?

If a person, after a marathon to search for a chronotype *, still gets up and lies down at different times of the day, this is a hint that his chronotype is in the middle of the scale, so you need to discipline yourself.

Each of us has situations when inspiration lasts until 4 in the morning and you want to do something, create ... This may be an exception, but on other days it is important to give the body a sufficient amount of sleep at the right time. In the series “How I Met Your Mother,” there is a heroine - a grandmother with certain life principles. There is no grandmother herself, but the main character often recalls her. One of her principles is: "Nothing good happens after two in the morning." This grandmother is right. Our body in the period from two in the morning to five in the morning is extremely necessary to be in the dark and be at rest, ideally - to sleep.

How to determine your chronotype

There are two ways to define your chronotype:

Remember yourself from early childhood. Find patterns. Try to determine when you were sleepy and when you were not.

Arrange a marathon to find the chronotype. Step away from your social hours for 10-15 days. Better to go on vacation. Warn colleagues that you will not be able to respond to messages, letters and calls. On vacation, do not use an alarm clock, reduce the time of using gadgets, be in natural light as much as possible.

The first few days you will live according to the old regime, and the next few days you will begin to navigate what is happening. Within 10-14 days, you will begin to notice patterns. The error between falling asleep and waking up in nature and in the city does not exceed 1-2 hours. Therefore, you will understand which sleep pattern is most suitable for you.

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