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Thursday, October 22, 2020

What drugs improve memory and brain function how they work

What drugs improve memory and brain function how they work
What drugs improve memory and brain function how they work

What drugs improve memory and brain function how they work

We live in an amazing time: everyone can gain access to knowledge without leaving home. However, our brains and memory are not always capable of handling large amounts of information. As a result - overwork, sleep disturbances, headache, nervous disorders. Is it possible to improve brain function if you drink herbal preparations and do not resort to serious medications? Read on for an overview of popular plant-based products and Amway's tips for using them.

What drugs improve memory and brain function

In fact, it makes sense to talk not about specific brands of drugs, but about the main active ingredients in their composition. Importantly, the most popular of them have been known to man for many centuries - some even for millennia - and have been thoroughly studied.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng, Panax quinquefolius)

Ginseng root has been used in traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times. Has a wide spectrum of action - from anti-inflammatory to immunostimulating. Including ginseng is widely used to enhance brain activity.

Today, the ecological situation in China, where ginseng is cultivated, leaves much to be desired. Therefore, in the production of preparations, Panax ginseng is increasingly being replaced by the related species Panax quinquefolius, which grows in North America and has the same beneficial properties.

Rhodiola rosea (Rhodiola rosea)

This is a well-known natural adaptogen - that is, a substance that helps the body to adapt to external influences. Rhodiola increases resistance to stress of various natures - both physiological and psychological. By stimulating the synapses of the nervous system, it relieves fatigue and has a beneficial effect on cognitive functions - attention, perception, memory, speech, etc.

Clinical trials at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia have proven 1 that rhodiola-based drugs are effective for depression. And the staff of the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium found 2 that Rhodiola extract helps healthy people to work more productively.

Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri)

Another plant whose properties have been used by people since antiquity in medicine in this case is Ayurvedic. Its peculiarity is a double effect. By increasing concentration and alertness, Bacopa simultaneously reduces the body's response to stress. It does this by balancing brain chemicals. The concentration of the joy hormones dopamine and serotonin increases with a simultaneous decrease in the level of the stress hormone cortisol.

According to 3 studies from the Oregon Neurological Disorders Research Center, bacopa-based drugs are especially beneficial for older adults. An extract of this plant has high potential for safely improving cognitive function during aging.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo)

This is an unusual tree that has been growing on our planet for tens of millions of years. An astounding longevity has made Ginkgo one of the most popular herbal supplements in the world. Its extract is believed to have beneficial effects on the brain and even slow the development of senile dementia.

However, attempts to verify these statements in practice give conflicting results. Only in some cases is there a 4 pronounced effect of taking the drug, and the experimental results do not allow talking about the system. Therefore, modern evidence-based medicine is questioning the efficacy of ginkgo-based supplements.

Cistanche tubular (Cistanchetubulosa)

A desert plant widely used in folk medicine in China and Central Asia. One of the important properties of cistanche root supplements is the ability to optimize blood vessel pressure. This process promotes active nutrition of the brain. Scientists from Sinphar and Amway's R&D Center have found that Cistanche extract improves memory and concentration in healthy people. The drug NUTRILITE ™ Memory Plus in the form of tablets based on cistanche root is recommended to anyone who wants to develop their memory and mental performance.

How drugs work to improve memory and brain function

There are a number of mechanisms that make natural remedies effective in improving memory and brain function. As a rule, plant extracts affect the body in several ways at once.

  • They improve blood circulation, including in the brain, which means supplying it with oxygen.
  • Enhance the action of neurotransmitters that transmit impulses between neurons.
  • They prevent free radicals from damaging brain cells and also protect cells from toxins.
  • Stimulates the regeneration of brain cells.
  • They supply the brain with essential nutrients and vitamins that are lacking in the diet.
  • They increase neuroplasticity - the ability of the brain to change and form new connections to replace the lost ones.
  • Increase resistance to stress.

When can you take drugs to improve brain function?

Herbal nootropics are indicated in the following cases.

  1. People whose activities are associated with constant intellectual stress.
  2. Those who are prone to frequent SARS.
  3. People who drink a lot of alcohol.
  4. With overwork and stress.
  5. With seasonal hypovitaminosis.
  6. To eliminate the consequences of traumatic brain injury.

As a rule, in order to achieve optimal results, drugs that improve memory and brain function must be drunk in a course. Dietary supplement NUTRILITE ™ Memory plus is recommended for adults to drink 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals during a month. Repeat the treatment if necessary.

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