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Monday, June 1, 2020

Eating Habits in Childhood Are We Doing it Right

Eating Habits in Childhood Are We Doing it Right

Many parents approach pediatricians or nutrition professionals with a concern: how to instill in their children the best eating habits. As we all know, a good diet from childhood is decisive in the physical and intellectual development of any person.

My child is not hungry: causes of poor appetite

The pediatrician Jorge Washington Alvear, from the Avansalud Clinic, affirms that "the most frequent consultations that are made to pediatricians are about the lack of appetite in boys and this may be due to various factors." According to this specialist, the reasons for loss of appetite in childhood include the following:
  • Physical discomfort. The discomfort associated with a physical indisposition will decrease the child's desire to eat.
  • Excessive portions. Sometimes we serve more food than the child needs to the point of saturating it. So the child loses what Washington Alvear calls "love" for food.
  • Food rations outside the usual hours.
  • Nasal congestion According to Washington Alvear, nasal congestions caused by viral infections can cause food reluctance in our children. It is due to fatigue and discomfort when breathing, typical of the symptoms. This makes it even more difficult for them to breathe and eat simultaneously. Faced with this choice, says the pediatrician, many children choose to breathe by giving up eating food.
  • Throat irritations or mouth sores.
  • Anorexy. If the child does not present any physical difficulties such as those stated so far, nor is he forced to eat excessive or late meals, and yet refuses to eat, it is possible that we are dealing with a case of childhood anorexia. In such a case, it is best to consult a specialist in this type of disorder.
When do I have to worry if my child loses his appetite?

You can also notice that the typical "round" aspect of babies is disappearing. However, if the growth curve shows the correct percentiles, you shouldn't worry. Nor is it alarming that the child stops consuming one of the meals on occasion. In fact, you will most likely regain your appetite in time. What is essential is that, if in doubt, consult your pediatrician. Together with a dietitian-nutritionist, he will monitor the child's growth curve, evaluating each stage of his development.

What other factors can influence children's appetite?

Often, the causes of a child's loss of appetite are on the table without us noticing. General discomfort or simply the instability associated with a stage of change such as a change of address or a new school are a common example.

There are also characteristic growth processes, such as that of teething, that can cause discomfort to the child when chewing. Even the atmosphere or mood of the family group in which a child lives can become distracting factors or produce nervousness at mealtime. This is what happens with noisy or entertaining places like the television, the computer and some games that require a lot of concentration or a great display of activity. These are practices that, carried out before meals, can be the cause of that distraction that worries us so much.

Tips to stimulate children's appetite

Here are some tips to stimulate the child's appetite
  • The presentation of strained, chopped dishes and any other food should always be pleasing to the eye.
  • Food temperature should be optimal: neither too hot nor too cold.
  • It is recommended to prevent children from eating in front of the television. After all, mealtime is an ideal time for family fellowship.
  • Children must be instilled with eating habits and accustomed, at a minimum, to a fixed time and place for meals.
  • Invite the child to collaborate with you in the preparation of food, this can be a stimulus for his appetite.
  • Do not scold or punish the child when he does not want to eat. In this way, the only thing you will achieve is that you associate food with punishment.
  • Teach him a daily physical exercise to stimulate his appetite and, if possible, practice alongside him.
  • Don't push your child when he doesn't want to eat. Only when it becomes a very frequent situation should you go to the pediatrician.
Developing healthy eating habits in childhood

It is necessary to remember that infant feeding must not only be pleasant but also must be healthy, varied and balanced. Let us not forget that it is in childhood when we can help children to create the habit of drinking water. Its consumption should be at least 4 glasses a day.

Around the age of two, the child should already take between four and five meals a day: breakfast, morning snack, lunch, snack and dinner. This is the key period for learning proper eating habits. Eating habits start in the family nucleus and are complemented in the school environment. For this reason, schools, parents, teachers and those responsible for feeding children play a very important role in them.

Changes in children's nutrition during the school stage

On the other hand, during the school stage the child's motor and cognitive maturation allows him to accept and tolerate the diet of adults without difficulty. Generally, at this stage no new feeding problems appear. However, the bad habits that developed in preschool age are maintained. At least, those who were not attended in time. In particular, behavioral disorders of appetite due to excess or deficit. Still, some children with eating problems during the preschool stage outgrow it by the school age.

Along with good eating habits, these simple tips will help our children have optimal development and growth. In addition, they will also protect them from many diseases throughout their lives.

So, my final recommendation is that we take advantage and enjoy the time of the child's nutritional learning. This will allow us to strengthen our emotional ties with him, making this stage a succession of pleasant moments that in turn strengthen the health of the future adult.

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