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Saturday, December 5, 2020

8 essential tips for choosing fresh tasty and healthy meat


8 essential tips for choosing fresh tasty and healthy meat
8 essential tips for choosing fresh tasty and healthy meat

8 essential tips for choosing fresh tasty and healthy meat

In the store, meat is sold in packaging, which makes it very difficult to determine how fresh and high-quality the product is. Even when choosing open meat, you can miss important details that say that it is not worth buying. Advice from will help you take care of your health and tasty diet: with them, the choice will be obvious and correct.

1. Smell

Before buying meat, be sure to check for smell. It should be easily recognizable and rich. In this case, any extraneous aromas should be completely absent. If there is even a minimal hint of rotting or mustiness, then it is better to never select meat in this place at all. A sour smell is also a sign of a poor-quality product. Most likely, such meat was additionally processed with vinegar to keep it longer and look more attractive. This product can lie on the counter for a long time, but outwardly it is absolutely not noticeable. It is also a mistake to buy meat that has any chemical impurities that can be smelled. The ideal smell is pure meat.

2. Purity of meat

It is not worth checking the freshness of the meat, focusing on the seller's assurances, because it is profitable for him to sell any product. If a suspicious film or mucus in the form of an ugly gloss is visible on the product, then this is a clear sign of missing meat. Meat fibers must be clearly visible.

3. Appearance

Perfectly cut, even portions of meat with even distribution of fat are not always ideal for cooking. These pieces are best for steaks, chops or medallions, and for all other dishes, it is better to choose another meat. Professional chefs prefer uneven pieces with different portions of fat. Such meat, most likely, came to the market from a small private farm, where the animals are better fed and kept in optimal conditions, without chemical additives.

4. Fat

The presence of fat in meat can also play a significant role in choosing a quality product. Fat layers or blotches should be perfectly white. A slight yellowish tint means that the meat lasts a long time and will no longer be tasty. In this case, the fat should be the same in its softness as meat, otherwise the product is not worth buying. And, of course, all parts of the meat you buy should smell good.

5. Elasticity

One of the best tests to check the quality of meat is its firmness. To do this, you need to press on the meat with your finger, and then look at the fibers: if they quickly return to their original position, then the meat is fresh.

Helpful Hint: It is best to choose meat where you can evaluate its appearance and smell in detail, namely without packaging. Even if the seller does not allow you to touch the product with your hands, you can ask to conduct the elasticity test personally, with your gloved hands. Packaged meat is almost impossible to check for freshness.

6. Unplanned expenses

Some unconscious vendors improve the meat with a salt water solution. This solution can be injected with a syringe into poultry, beef and pork and sent to grocery store shelves to make the product more delicious and beautiful in appearance. This adds moisture to the meat to make it look fresh. This solution of salt and water, which is added to the meat, can make up 15 percent or more of the weight of the whole meat. This means that you have to pay extra money out of your pocket for this. In addition, excess salt intake leads to health problems such as high blood pressure. Salt water injections can also increase the risk of E. coli infection by pushing bacteria to the surface of the meat.

7. Good chicken

It may seem that choosing chicken is much easier than other meats. But this business also has its own nuances. The skin of the meat should be yellow, and the meat itself should be pinkish and have a natural appearance in section or shape. In addition, the chicken should not have a special smell, if it does, this product is clearly stale. The carcass must be plump and intact with very little fat.

8. Meat and bones

When buying meat on the bone, you can use another freshness check life hack. Whichever type of meat is chosen, it should not disintegrate, exfoliate and easily come off the bone. If this happens, then the meat is already bad and not worth buying. At the end of the sternum of the bird, one can understand whether it was young or old. In an old bird, the bone will be ossified, and in a young bird, it will be easily bendable and cartilaginous.

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