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Friday, June 5, 2020

The 14 Most Frequent Questions in the Consultation of a Dietitian Nutritionist

The 14 Most Frequent Questions in the Consultation of a Dietitian Nutritionist

Why is it better to have whole wheat bread than white bread?

Whole wheat bread and white bread provide practically the same amount of calories. However, whole wheat bread provides fiber that favors satiety and a correct intestinal transit; It also causes a gradual absorption of glucose, which prevents peaks in blood glucose and favors a more sustained energy supply. Whole wheat bread also provides more than 500 types of phytochemicals that have a positive effect on the intestinal microbiota and therefore on the child's immunity.

White bread lacks fiber and therefore all the properties mentioned; It would only be indicated in diarrhea or gastroenteritis processes or less frequently.

Is it true that juices contain a lot of added sugars?

Currently there is usually a lot of difference between nectars, juices (both rich in added sugars) and between juices without added sugars, which contain only the sugar naturally present in the fruit, that is, fructose. Under this circumstance, we could think that they are indicated for daily consumption, but since they lack fiber and other nutrients, they cannot replace the whole fruit and should be used occasionally, since they do not favor the acquisition of good eating habits.

Is it true that you shouldn't eat more than three eggs a week?

Current scientific evidence allows us to recommend a daily egg in children (except in the case of allergies, in which it would be completely contraindicated).

The egg is a food with proteins of high biological value, essential for growth and rich in provitamin A that largely determines visual health, that of the skin, hair, nails, etc. It also contains B vitamins, Vit E, D, zinc and other minerals, so it can be considered a functional food.

Until a few years ago, the recommendation was to consume eggs more sporadically since it was believed to be responsible for the increase in blood cholesterol, however, it is now known that the cause of hypercholesterolemia (not hereditary) is due to a hypercaloric diet (rich in added sugars and hydrogenated and saturated fats), in addition to other bad lifestyle habits such as sedentary lifestyle or alcohol.

Are skimmed dairy products the same calcium as whole foods?

The calcium intake of skimmed and whole dairy products is usually quite similar. But whole dairy products have Vit D (which participates in the intestinal absorption of calcium), while skimmed dairy products, if they are not fortified, lack it. For this reason, among others, the consumption of whole milk is usually recommended for children, especially in children under 2 years of age. Of course, they are recommended without added sugars such as custard and custard and without excess salt and fat such as cured cheeses.

Does milk maintain its properties even if it does not contain lactose?

Lactose-free milk (consumed by lactose intolerant) usually maintains the same properties as normal, although calcium absorption is favored by the presence of lactose.

Lactose is the sugar in milk. Breast milk, for example, has lactose and in the case of babies it performs very important functions:

Provides approximately 40% of the energy needed
Facilitates the absorption of calcium and iron
Reduces the risk of gastrointestinal infections
It provides galactose that is directly incorporated as galactolipids in the tissues of the central nervous system and therefore promote brain growth.
From 3 years of age, a large part of the population usually stops producing lactase, which is the enzyme that digests lactose and what can produce gases, diarrhea or heavy digestions, in these cases the use of milk without lactose, otherwise an evolutionary advantage would be wasted.

Are fortified foods necessary in the diet?

Learning to eat is preferable to having to resort to supplements that include a series of nutrients that can be provided by a varied and balanced diet. It should be remembered that a correct formation of eating habits cannot be based on the use of nutritional supplements, which are often consumed due to social or advertising influence, as a way of alleviating supposed deficiencies, which in reality do not exist. .
No nutritional supplement is necessary to maintain a complete and balanced diet in healthy children, so we should only use them with a prescription.

Is vegetable fat better than animal fat?

It depends, there are vegetable fats of great nutritional quality as well as fats of animal origin:

Examples of healthy animal fats: those found in blue fish rich in omega 3. Small blue fish such as sardines or anchovies that contain less mercury than larger fish are recommended.

Examples of healthy vegetable fats: those present in avocado or olive oil that provide monounsaturated fatty acids, and those present in nuts such as nuts, cashews, etc. that provide omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties.

Are spinach high in iron?
Spinach provides 2.5 mg of iron per 100 g, while cockles, for example, provide 25 mg per 100 g, in the form of heme iron that favors its absorption. In contrast, plant foods provide non-heme iron and need Vit C to improve its absorption. In the specific case of spinach, the presence of oxalates and lignin is added, which further hinders the absorption of iron, so they cannot be considered a food source of this nutrient.

Does pork increase cholesterol?

The consumption of red meat (including pork) is usually very high in children and adults. The current recommendation is 1-2 times per week with a maximum total consumption of 300 g per week in the adult population, since a relationship has been observed between high consumption and the appearance of pathologies such as obesity, hypertension, cancer, etc.

A single food cannot be held responsible for the increase in blood cholesterol (as this depends on several factors), however, the continued consumption of red meat, as well as its derivatives such as fatty sausages, bacon, fuet, sausages, etc. can directly affect total blood cholesterol values, increasing the LDL fraction of increased cardiovascular risk.

Do caffeinated drinks (cola, coffee) interfere with the absorption of calcium in children?
Soft drinks are not recommended in children for excess sugar and for negatively affecting the consumption of water and fruits, essential in the acquisition of good habits, in addition to cola, they have caffeine and phosphoric acid, two inconvenient additives for children's health. Caffeine is an exciting substance and excess phosphoric acid imbalances the organic balance of calcium and can promote bone decalcification, although more studies are needed to corroborate it.

Does drinking sugar water remove stiffness?

Stiffness is caused by inflammation and oxidative stress (previously believed to be due to lactate accumulation) after 24 -48 hours of intense physical activity, therefore the best way to resolve it is through a diet anti-inflammatory rich in phytochemical substances such as fruits, vegetables, species such as cinnamon, ginger, legumes and nuts that will also provide us with essential minerals and vitamins to avoid oxidative damage such as vit c and vit E. Also suitable is important hydration and an adequate supply of protein and omega 3 through fish, for example.

Water with sugar or maltodextrin and salt is only justified in the case of athletes who practice intense and long-lasting physical exercise

Should we peel the fruits and vegetables?

Frequently we need to peel the vegetables to achieve adequate textures (depending on the type of preparation) and to improve the availability of the nutrients present in it, such as pumpkin or eggplant, but if the preparation does not require it, the skin can be maintained which would favor the conservation of some nutrients. The important thing in any case is that the child accepts them, but for this reason it is not justified to crush everything, it is necessary to educate from a young age to discover the different flavors and textures to achieve better eating habits

In relation to fruit, the most important thing is to maintain the intake, so if the child prefers it peeled and cut, it is considered a good option, although the fact of removing the skin, sometimes implies reducing the fiber intake.

Do frozen foods lose nutritional qualities?

No, frozen foods usually retain their nutritional qualities, sometimes in a better proportion than fresh ones, since the time that passes from harvesting to distribution can affect their nutritional value, with the loss of some nutrients such as water-soluble vitamins. It is highly recommended to have frozen vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, mushrooms, vegetable stews, etc. in the freezer instead of having pre-cooked foods such as croquettes or nugguets or hypercaloric desserts such as ice cream or cakes. You can also freeze homemade preparations such as vegetable stews, roasted vegetables, etc.

Is it better to take raw or cooked vegetables?

Both ways are justified since if raw vegetables are consumed, the contribution of vitamin C, for example, is higher and when cooked they increase the bioavailability of some phytochemical substances such as lycopene (with great antioxidant capacity) present in tomato and other vegetables. Therefore, you can take a serving of raw vegetables and another of cooked vegetables daily.

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