How to get out of quarantine without earning agoraphobia |
It is difficult to remember when such a large-scale panic among the world's population was observed before. The coronavirus pandemic in a matter of weeks captured the main part of the planet, and then all of humanity. Global quarantine has locked us, active and ambitious people, within four walls, and it's hard to say how long this imprisonment will last.
But, the restriction in communication, the pressure of the walls and ceiling this is not the worst thing that hit us together with the threat of contracting a strange disease. The worst thing is endless obsessive fears of contracting infection even from the eyes of an outsider. One can argue endlessly about whether our worries about the notorious coronavirus are justified, but the quarantine regime will someday end. And there will be a high risk of another problem - agoraphobia. How to overcome the fear of leaving the house after a long imprisonment and return to the usual way of life?
What is agoraphobia
The idea of living in isolation is not new in itself. Voluntary seclusion in our busy world without caronavirus is gaining more and more popularity. For example, in advanced Japan, this phenomenon is called " hikikomori " and its momentum is becoming rampant. In an effort to protect themselves from the aggressive external world, people choose retreat, thereby depriving themselves of simple everyday joys. However, the motives for such behavior are fundamentally different from those that guide the rest of humanity in the difficult period of a pandemic. In this case, this is not a choice, but a necessity. But it gives rise to irrational fear and it becomes more and more difficult to take control of your emotions every day.
Agoraphobia is a panicky obsessive fear of leaving home, followed by a categorical voluntary refusal to make any contact outside the home walls. The basis of this condition is the fear of losing control of the situation when it is impossible to avoid it. Like, for example, a sudden faint or an attack. However, in this case we are talking about the fear of contracting a disease, about which not much is known.
The disorder is accompanied by irrational obstinacy and unwillingness to take a different position. Agoraphobia is fraught with physical and moral exhaustion due to panic attacks and depressive moods. Having reached the level of phobia, this obsessive state makes it impossible to continue normal human activity.
Who is prone to agoraphobia
Despite the fact that the quarantine rules are the same for everyone, agoraphobia threatens only a few.
As a rule, these are impressionable, easily suggestible people. They are pedants with the makings of perfectionists, very demanding of themselves. Any deviation from the given scenario takes them out of equilibrium. It is difficult for them to be flexible and guided by intuition. These people are controlled by common sense and prudence. But it is precisely these character traits that make them defenseless against the unknown. Judiciousness and perfectionism are not in themselves a disadvantage, rather the opposite. But, in the event of a stressful situation, these qualities can be accentuated and interfere with an adequate perception of reality.
How does fear manifest
The situation, which our society has become hostages of, is atypical, and therefore gives rise to emotions that some of us may not be familiar with. An oppressive feeling of powerlessness, uncertainty, fear for oneself and loved ones is fertile ground for the development of agoraphobia. Like any disorder, it has its own symptoms.
The desire to avoid risk at all costs
The instinct of self-preservation is one of the basic ones and its importance can hardly be overestimated. But a man obsessed with fear is trying to protect himself by doing damage. He minimizes communication, which greatly impoverishes his life and turns it into "Groundhog Day." This behavior is currently a necessity. It will become a symptom of a phobia if a person continues to live locked up after quarantine.
Protective behavior
People prone to upset, at the level of the unconscious, have unresolved internal conflict. If it is impossible to publish and work it out, there is a need to drown out the spiritual discomfort. Unfortunately, the most accessible and dangerous methods are often used for this:
prohibited drugs;
passion for drugs;
all sorts of addictions and eating disorders.
Needless to say, such a dubious mental anesthesia has a short-term effect. But addiction also joins the company in fear.
Anxiety Upfront
A person who constructively responds to a threat solves problems as “What to do, what to do?” The person suffering from the disorder is worried even with an objective absence of threat. Premature anxiety as it prepares him for the fact that the worst can happen. Therefore, catching him by surprise will not work. However, constantly being in a state of combat readiness, a person deprives himself of physical and moral strength, since it is very exhausting.
Fear of fear
This quality is characteristic of all people suffering from phobias. They are already afraid of the very probability of a critical situation, which provides food for fear in advance. Unpleasant sensations appear, both in the internal discomfort, as well as in the external. This is weakness in the body, tremors, numbness of the limbs, heart palpitations, pressure surges. Uncontrolled conditions of this type are harbingers of panic attacks.
How to return to your normal life after quarantine
Fear of leaving home is the fear of losing control and protection. However, the experience of people who, for one reason or another, have already experienced forced isolation, are confident that this fear can be overcome. They say that quarantine is a kind of check of who the person really is and how comfortable he is in the company of himself. At a time when habitual life slows down, such an important resource as time can fall in price. If this happened to you and you are tormented by fears for an unknown future, listen to the advice of those who managed to turn a painful situation on their own.
Recognize that quarantine is temporary
The centuries-old wisdom of King Solomon is still relevant: "And this too will pass." So, the time set to pause is better to use with a constructive. That it will be just for you, decide for yourself. Online training, visiting a virtual gallery or exhibition, gaining new skills and knowledge. Anything, if only this pastime set your life in a positive tone.
Minimize Negative
Information junk poisons the soul and distorts our perception of reality. Yes, coronavirus is dangerous. But even this fact should not enslave consciousness. The information that has been surrounding us lately blocks objective thinking. Therefore, discard the content, after viewing which the level of anxiety is growing rapidly. What you need to know about protection and prevention, you already know. The rest is information poison.
Feel the body
Restrictions in physical activity often become an uncomfortable surprise for those whose rhythm has previously been kept non-stop. Energy, physical or emotional, always requires a way out. Let her do it. Dance to your favorite music, play with children, arrange a Skype conference with friends, learn a new hobby. It is pleasant, and most importantly, it will release your energy in the right direction.
Clean regularly
Any chaos can be ordered if desired, and the uncontrolled process can be controlled and led. Try to treat cleaning as meditation. How to act, which you directed yourself. You decide what cleaning up your house will be like, a little daily torture or a productive process that works for the future. This is not only about self-discipline, though, and about her, too. This is about the desire to surround yourself with cleanliness, and, therefore, about respect for yourself and those people who live with you. This is about the desire to use the really necessary, beautiful and useful things. This is about joy for the eyes, because the view of a clean and bright space gives us aesthetic pleasure and a sense of security.
Keep discipline
Yes, it sounds boring, but having lost control over your life, you draw losing control over actions and thoughts. Therefore, include in your home schedule charging, meals by the hour, time for productive work and rest. No mountains of dirty dishes and household duties set aside for the day after tomorrow. Otherwise, relaxation will play a bad joke with you.
Do not stand still
Now you have a unique opportunity to upgrade your professional capabilities. And for this it is not necessary to pay for expensive training. On the Internet there are a lot of free courses, workshops and trainings. You just have to arm yourself with a notebook, pen and desire to become better than yesterday.
The main condition for quitting quarantine correctly is the ability to think objectively. Falling into despair is very simple, but are we looking for easy ways?
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