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Friday, August 14, 2020

Features of fitness classes after 40 years

Features of fitness classes after 40 years
Features of fitness classes after 40 years
Despite the fact that they leave professional sports very early, moderate loads are equally beneficial for 20, 30 and 40 years old. When developing a program, take into account some age-related changes so as not to harm inappropriate techniques.

What happens to the body after 40 years

Doctors and trainers say that our old age depends only on our lifestyle. If you don't have bad habits, you get enough sleep, eat right and play sports, then after 40 almost nothing will happen.

In developed countries, this age is not considered the starting point of aging: people in their 40s are just starting to build a career. In the CIS, often due to low living standards and poor ecology, 40 is the starting point for years before retirement. Although there is no real reason for this. Some age-related changes:

-  natural, but slight aging of the skin - fine mimic wrinkles;

-  slowing down of metabolic processes;

-  in some cases, exacerbation of chronic diseases;

-  the body as a whole tolerates stress worse and takes longer to return to normal.

But: studies have shown that among professional athletes, strength indicators decrease slightly with age. For example, athletes under 50 retain high results, after 50 they lose 2% annually, and more than 8% of the decline appears only after 75 years.

Therefore, it is really possible to maintain mobility and physical strength until old age, if you follow your diet, observe the daily regimen, give up bad habits, and try to exercise regularly. And not to stop fitness even at 40, because there is no good reason for this.

Optimal types of loads after 40 years

Given the small age changes, coaches recommend paying attention to:

-  strength exercises;

-  aerobic exercise;

-  stretching.

Introduce 30 to 60 minutes of workouts 2-3 times a week into your schedule, or take 20 minutes of simple exercises daily. Strength exercises can help maintain muscle tone, which in turn guarantees mobility in old age and reduces the risk of fractures.

Refuse excessive intensity: if before 40 you have never lifted a barbell or have not constantly trained in the CrossFit gym, then start gradually. It is clear that there is no point in going into professional sports at this age. But with frequent exercises, it will turn out to reach a high level.

Aerobic exercise, such as running, dancing, zumba, aerobics proper, helps to train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. A swimming pool is also suitable for these purposes. In addition to physical qualities, a pleasant bonus appears - a fit and fresh appearance younger than real years.

Stretching maintains the flexibility of the ligaments, helps to relax the muscles after intense exertion. Supports natural plasticity, develops gracefulness. The only caveat: you have to work hard for serious results. At 40, it is still more difficult to quickly sit on the twine.

Pay attention to joint exercises. Squats, toe raises, push-ups are useful. To start with your own weight, use insurance to avoid injury.

Sport also supports hormonal health. This helps to postpone menopause a little and ease its course. For many people, fitness is a way to make a difference, meet new people, and get lots of endorphins.

Exercise releases the hormone of joy, which reduces depression, helps relieve stress, and generally improves mood. 

How to calculate a training program

Focus only on your own feelings. In everyday life, there are not only classes in the gym, but also work, family, stress, which also exhaust resources. Therefore:

-  divide workouts into conditionally light and heavy;

-  sleep at least 8 hours a night, allow 1 hour nap during the day if possible;

-  eat properly and regularly, do not spare calories, but consider BJU;

-  Don't push your limits, but don't give up sports at all.

The hard option includes strength and aerobic exercise lasting 20 to 40 minutes (depending on fitness level). Before - they must warm up, and after - they restore muscles while stretching. Light days are moderate exercise such as dancing, slow running, yoga, etc. 

If you want to work out 3 times a week, you can try the scheme: hard workout first, break 1 day, light, break 1 day, hard and rest 2 days before the next. The regime in a row is not suitable: the body simply does not have time to recover and overtraining occurs. 

Also, age after 40 does not mean that you should give up cycling and hiking. They are just as beneficial to health as fitness. It is also a great way to spend time with the whole family.

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