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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Fruit and Vegetable Diet or what happens if you only eat vegetables and fruits

Fruit and Vegetable Diet or what happens if you only eat vegetables and fruits
Fruit and Vegetable Diet or what happens if you only eat vegetables and fruits
In anticipation of spring and the upcoming beach season, are you determined to get rid of excess body fat? Among the numerous dietary systems that can help with this, many choose diets that include only berry, fruit and vegetable bases. The so-called fruit and vegetable diet. It even excludes the consumption of cereals and legumes. To what extent are such diets effective and harmless for health and weight loss?

Fruit and Vegetable Diet: Pros

Among the advantages of fruit and vegetable diets, we note the following:

  1. A large amount of ballast substances (fiber), after modifying its part by the microflora of the stomach and small intestine, turns into substances that can reduce the level of bad cholesterol. This value can reach as much as 35%, which with a "normal" diet is possible only with the help of special medications.
  2. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water. She, along with fiber, is very voluminous. A rapidly full stomach sends signals to the brain - stop, I'm full. There is a feeling of fullness. But with a large volume, most vegetables and fruits have few calories. Therefore, the body draws energy from other sources, and the person loses weight. However, sitting on a carbohydrate diet should not count on losing 6-7 kg per week, as it is promoted on some "women's" sites, but minus 3-3.5 kg is an achievable result for losing weight.
  3. All the same fiber and fluid help the large intestine to empty itself quickly and without problems.
  4. A fruit and vegetable diet allows you to quickly restore the liver and muscle glycogen spent in training, to reduce the height of the pain syndrome of dyspepsia and its duration.

If you have decided to eat only vegetables and fruits for some time, remember that the WHO recommends limiting the amount of simple sugars to 10%, and, therefore, the remaining 90% must be distributed between complex carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and traces of fat.

Vegetable fruit diet: cons

To begin with, since the late 1980s, nutritionists have been actively promoting the postulates of adequate nutrition instead of a balanced eating system. Among them there is an item on what and how to eat, depending on the ambient temperature and the region of residence. Based on this, it is advised to adhere to diets, the basis of which (and not completely the entire diet!), Consists of vegetables, berries and fruits, are recommended not in the winter-spring, but in the summer-autumn period. And this advice is not based on saving money.

Food, consisting almost of only carbohydrates, covers the energy, but not the plastic needs of the body. Lose weight, then you will lose weight, but this will happen due to a decrease in muscle mass. There will simply be no need for fat to split, because there will be more than enough energy source, but there will simply be nothing to maintain the volume of old and produce new muscle cells. Therefore, the disappeared kilograms will return rather quickly. As soon as proteins begin to enter the body, the muscles will begin to recover.

Vegetable and fruit diet and its unconditional cons:

  1. After a meal that contains a large amount of vegetable and fruit fiber, hunger will return quickly. Especially if you managed to stretch your stomach. Ballast substances quickly go into the duodenum, where the body begins to feel deception - the absence of proteins and fats. In addition, the stomach begins to send impulses to the brain, asking it to fill up. As a result, it sucks in the stomach, the number of meals increases. In the future, it will take considerable time and willpower to get rid of such consequences. 
  2. The absence of fat in food leads to a decrease not only in bad (low density), but also in good, extremely necessary for the normal functioning of the body, high density cholesterol.
  3. A carbohydrate diet definitely and hard hits the pancreas, kidneys and liver. In some cases, it can cause pus acne.
  4. Passion for sour fruits and berries can cause gastritis.
  5. Exclusion from the diet of proteins, especially animals, leads to protein-free edema. And here are the tips for daily limitation of table salt to 2 mg or less - dead poultice. It can only get worse. NaCl is an essential mineral nutrient that is intensely lost during exercise with sweat, and requires recovery, if not complete.
  6. Carbohydrate silage is just as effective in producing intestinal gas as legumes or meat.
  7. Lack of protein and fat creates a deficiency:

  • hormone-like substances necessary for the gastrointestinal tract, which by the way produces more hormones than all the other endocrine glands and adipose tissue combined;
  • c-reactive protein, precursors and proper neurotransmitters themselves, as well as some amino acids that are of unique functional importance, for example, Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • minerals - calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, chromium;
  • vitamins - D, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, H, PP, lipoic acid.

And in conclusion, we want to advise you to still lose weight on a diet that restricts carbohydrates and fats. Let the fruit and vegetable diet for weight loss be a supplement. Leave fruit or vegetable days for low-calorie fasting days that the body needs to extend its life span. 

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