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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Why is a protein shake useful and how to drink it correctly

Why is a protein shake useful and how to drink it correctly
Why is a protein shake useful and how to drink it correctly
Among novice athletes, the phrase "protein cocktail" is equated to "mountain of muscles." Many are passionate about finding the right protein for muscle gain. The demand has pulled up the supply now there are several dozen protein supplements on the market. 

Is it worth getting carried away with homemade and purchased cocktails, what are the benefits or harms of them? The opinions of both athletes and doctors were divided. But before starting the course of the protein miracle, it is worth studying the basic information about the product.

Protein cocktail composition

The main value of a protein shake is protein. It is an organic molecule required by the human body. It helps build blood vessels, bones, skin, hair, nails and muscles. 

If a person eats properly, then he receives the entire necessary complex of nutrients or KBZhU. The abbreviation stands for "calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates". All athletes or those who are losing weight closely monitor this indicator.

In addition to protein, a protein shake contains fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. You can call it a conditionally "complex" drink that meets the need for the necessary substances. Signature cocktails may contain flavorings, fat burners, and other chemicals.

Protein enters the body with food, so athletes heavily lean on meat, eggs, dairy products, and cereals. On the desire of people to quickly gain muscle mass, marketers are cashing in by offering ready-made protein shakes.

Is a protein powder shake healthy?

The main problem with this supplement is that it is not being tested as a medicine. And it can negatively affect health, even if done well. Since 2010, US scientist Wayne Campbell has decided to test several samples of commercially available protein. In 2015, a group in Brazil conducted a similar study. Results are mixed:

-  in some samples the amount of protein is less than stated on the package;

-  there were residues of mercury, lead, arsenic (which is unacceptable for food);

-  in other samples, anabolics and steroids were found; 

-  cholesterol or sodium content is several times higher than stated.

It is still unclear how protein shakes affect the body in the long term. Also, manufacturers do not warn that their supplements can be harmful. In pursuit of a healthy lifestyle or muscle building, a person will not first go to the doctor for tests.

A resonant case is connected with this. In 2017, Australian bodybuilder Megan Hefford died. She diligently prepared for the competition, introducing more protein into the diet (including in the form of protein shakes). 

The cause of death is a disorder of the urea cycle. This is a genetic disease (and not uncommon - 1 case in 8500), in which the body cannot break down protein. The case drew public attention to the uncontrolled intake of protein and supplements in the sports environment. 

There are also bona fide manufacturers on the market whose products correspond to those stated on the packaging. This protein powder is no worse than natural and only simplifies the athlete's nutrition. But you should only trust trusted brands. Expect to pay a significant sum for a jar of high quality protein.

Protein shakes vs excess protein in the body

The daily norm for a person is his weight multiplied by 0.8. Weighing 55 kg, you only need 44 g of protein per day. That's about two eggs for breakfast and some chicken for lunch. Against the backdrop of a passion for healthy eating and sports, doctors note that people consume more protein than they need.

This is due to improper use of protein shakes. As a rule, they already contain some part of the daily value. Another person gets from food. Therefore, if you are drinking a protein shake for weight loss, muscle growth, or for other reasons, you definitely need to adjust your diet.

What is the danger of exceeding the norm:

-  indigestion;

-  rashes on the skin;

-  mood swings;

-  weight gain;

-  kidney and liver problems that cannot process excess;

-  hormonal disbalance.

It is important not only to comply with the protein norm, but also to formulate the diet correctly. Protein foods are combined with fiber to help eliminate waste products from the body.

How healthy lifestyle and protein are related

Bright jars of protein shakes are eye-catching in supermarkets. They are taken by supporters of proper nutrition, as well as people who love dairy products. Protein is often bought by vegetarians: it is a great way for them to get protein. In some cases, you can enjoy it without harm to your health, if you do not play sports:

  • as an alternative to having a snack on the road when you are pressed for time. Supermarket products are more credible than roadside cafes. The cocktail's satiety will last for 3-4 hours, it is easy to prepare, it tastes good.

  • instead of harmful sweets. Although food contains sweeteners, flavors, thickeners, it is considered more beneficial. Some people drink cocktails instead of sweets, chocolate bars, ice cream.

  • with intolerance to foods with natural protein. The cocktail helps to replenish the required level. You need to carefully read the composition so as not to purchase a jar with an allergen.

This product is not recommended for children and adolescents. With negative symptoms, nutrition should be discarded. 

Protein shake for gaining muscle mass and losing weight: rules of admission

Before starting to consume an increased amount of protein (in any form), you should consult your doctor. You may not even suspect that you have contraindications. The fact that the body copes with the daily rate for the average person does not mean that it will process more.

When examining, pay special attention to the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. If you are aware of cases of protein intolerance in your relatives, this is worth checking too. Protein intake in excess of the norm is possible only with regular intensive training.

How does a protein shake for weight loss work?

Protein increases the energy consumption of the body. With a low amount of carbohydrates and more protein, you can burn an order of magnitude more calories. It is certainly very beneficial for weight loss. Also, food with a high content of the component helps to stay full longer, therefore, to eat less. 

In combination, a high-protein diet gives a positive trend in weight loss. This property is due to the thermogenicity of the protein. The effect lasts about 2-3 hours after eating. During this period, energy is generated as much as 100% more. 

Given that the cocktail is a drink, it can be taken before and during training. This will not burden the stomach, provide the necessary fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins. It is advised to use a protein shake like this:

-  with 5 meals a day, replace 2 meals: breakfast and second dinner;

-  the rest should be balanced: contain protein, slow carbohydrates, fats;

-  drink cocktails slowly;

-  physical activity is mandatory - walking, running, swimming.

Protein shake for gaining muscle mass: mechanism of action

The effectiveness of protein during exercise is related to the concept of nitrogen balance. If it is positive, then the body will build new muscle tissue. If negative, then destroy. A zero score is not conducive to any change.

A lot of nitrogen is produced when protein is broken down. Interesting fact: studies have shown that the body successfully adapts to any conditions. The high and low protein diet groups retained nitrogen equally well under moderate exercise conditions.

While a low-protein diet is not good for gaining muscle mass, it is not at all necessary to raise the rate to sky-high levels. It is enough to calculate your rate and slightly increase it. The reserve of the substance works like a fuel tank: it increases the body's endurance, allowing you to work longer and harder.

Therefore, protein shakes for gaining muscle mass are advised to be consumed in 30 minutes. before training and half an hour after. The body successfully uses fats, carbohydrates (they will simply burn up in the carbohydrate window) and begin to break down protein that is useful for muscles.

Protein overuse leads to imbalance. If protein is not absorbed, it turns into fat - exactly the opposite effect expected. Prolonged intensive protein cycle results in:

-  Increased blood pressure.

-  Skin reactions (rash, dryness).

-  Mood swings and aggression when canceled.

-  Apathy.

It is strictly forbidden to replace all meals with a protein shake or introduce only such foods into the diet! There are known versions of the eastern execution, where a person was fed boiled meat without salt. In a cramped cell, he died in agony a month later.

It would seem, what is the connection between ancient torture and passion for protein shakes? Two to three servings of the drink contain almost daily protein intake. Add there those amino acids that a person gets from food. Against the background of low physical activity and a limited diet (if it does not contain carbohydrates, fiber), a modern version of torture is obtained.

Internal organs cannot cope with an excess. The concentration of urea in the blood rises. It is clear that this happens more slowly. The first alarming symptoms:

-  constant feeling of thirst, dryness;

-  rash;

-  acetone breath;

-  heaviness in the stomach;

-  stool problems;

-  lethargy, apathy;

-  increase in blood pressure.

Resistance to large amounts of protein is also genetically determined. People whose ancestors ate less meat and more vegetables suffer more. Northern peoples may limit themselves to protein foods longer.

In the modern world, with the availability of all products, there is no need to artificially impoverish the diet (even for healthy lifestyle purposes). The recommended norm for an adult not exercising is weight times 0.8. With intense training, the rate can grow up to 2-3 g per 1 kg. 

Protein shake recipes from available ingredients

To make a protein shake at home, you need a blender or shaker. All components are mixed until smooth. Such a drink should not be stored for more than 10 hours, heated or frozen. 

Remember that the calorie content of the cocktail is very high: 500 calories on average. The daily requirement of an adult is 2400/2800 (women / men). Those. one serving of drink replaces 1 meal.

1.  A homemade protein shake consists of:

2.  Base. This is fat milk from 1 to 3.2%, cottage cheese, eggs (proteins).

Carbohydrates and fats. Fruits, sweeteners; nuts, vegetable oil.

Let's take a look at simple protein shake recipes to understand the proportions. 

  • # 1. 350 ml of milk, 1 protein, 1 banana, 100 g of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of honey.

  • # 2. 250 ml of milk, 200 ml of yogurt, 1 banana, 2 spoons of honey, 40 g of oatmeal porridge, a scoop of ice cream (about 40-50 g). In this cocktail, per 100 g: 500 calories, 40 g of protein, 8 g of fat and 50 g of carbohydrates.

  • Number 3. 500 ml of milk, 2 bananas, 200 g of cottage cheese, nuts (to taste): walnuts, almonds, peanuts and 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • No. 4. Protein-carbohydrate cocktail: 300 g of cottage cheese, about 200 ml of yogurt, 100 ml of water, a tablespoon of cocoa powder, 1 banana, honey or jam to taste. 
  • No. 5. Saturated drink: 200 ml of water, 20 g of milk powder, a tablespoon of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, lemon juice. Calories are added with flax seeds (a teaspoon), olive oil, protein 1 or 2 eggs. 

It is recommended to drink no more than 300 ml at a time. You can make a protein shake from homemade milk and / or yogurt, but take into account the fat content of the product. If one component is fatter, the other must be taken fat-free. 

In the composition, the protein base plays the main role. Jam, honey, nuts act as sweeteners and a source of vitamins and fat. If you don't like sweets, replace them with fruit purees or fresh fruit pulp.

Protein Powders Review - How to Find a Reliable Ready Mix

Making a protein shake at home can be challenging all the time. Therefore, many people choose mixtures that are diluted with water. Some useful tips:

  1. Don't be fooled by beautiful packaging and advertising. Ask your trainer if you should use this product.
  2. Low price is a reason to be wary.
  3. Study the reputation of the company, pay attention to the packaging. Translation into your language is required, even better - the availability of certificates at the point of sale. Unnamed banks are not a good idea.
  4. If possible, find an authorized dealer or representatives if you have chosen a foreign brand.

Today's most popular brands are Optimum Nutrition, MuscleTech, BSN, Syntrax, Gaspari Nutrition, Weider. These companies test products in laboratories and have not been seen to manipulate the composition. 

Optimum Nutrition

America, has been operating since 1986. The company was founded by the brothers. With products, a person can eat right and take care of his health. All products are certified and tested in laboratories.


America, opened since 1995. Athletes, doctors and nutritionists are involved in the creation of sports nutrition. There is a laboratory where samples are tested. Produces innovative products in the industry.


America, since 2001. Provides multifunctional sports food lines for different needs. It quickly gained popularity and now exports its products to 90 countries of the world.


Country of origin - America. Attracts buyers with its budget - one serving will cost less than competitors. At the same time, the products are of high quality and comply with all standards.

Gaspari nutrition

America. Launched in 1998. Founder - bodybuilder Rich Gaspari. The company has its own laboratory and a team of specialists working on the food line.


America. Founded by bodybuilder Joe Weider, one of the oldest on the market. The first products appeared in 1936. It is considered one of the best. 

The protein in these shakes comes in the form of whey protein isolate, concentrate, casein protein, and complex blend (slow and fast digesting proteins). Cost and efficiency depend on this.

Whey Protein

The so-called "fast protein". It is absorbed almost instantly in the body and is indicated for daily consumption (in individual doses). Whey protein spurs anabolism, promotes quick recovery after exertion.

Complex supplements

They consist of two types of protein. Recommended for ectomorph athletes who have difficulty gaining muscle mass. For people who are prone to overweight, it is better to refuse a complex protein. 

Casein proteins

The most digestible proteins, perfectly nourish the growing mass. Recommended for athletes seeking phenomenal musculature. It is used at night, when metabolic processes are accelerating, sometimes even in the middle of the night, to prevent muscle burning.

For a starting set of muscles or losing weight, you should dwell on the simplest protein shakes. In any case, the recommendations of doctors and trainers must be taken into account. It will help you choose the optimal exercise regime, plan your meals. 

Also, the amount and type of protein consumed depends on the training phase, exercise regimen. During muscle building and drying, different types of protein are needed. The need for protein shakes is different for athletes and bodybuilders: what's good for muscle growth is bad for a runner.

If you do not strive to lose weight, do not go to the gym and do not have nutritional problems (you are getting a protein norm), do not consume protein shakes on the same level as athletes.

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