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Saturday, September 5, 2020

12 professional secrets that manicure masters are silent about

 12 professional secrets that manicure masters are silent about
 12 professional secrets that manicure masters are silent about
Today, girls and women are simply obliged to keep their legs in order. People around you always pay attention to their hands, and no one has canceled the rules of basic hygiene. For several years now, gel polish has not given up its positions. It would seem to be the most versatile and durable way of nail care. But even this business has its pitfalls.

1. Passion for edged manicure

Some girls are too fanatical about their manicure, while others simply have nothing to do, and they "pick" their cuticles so often that they do not have time to really grow back. Experienced craftsmen warn that such a desire for perfectionism and excessive enthusiasm for edged manicure will play a cruel joke over time. Instead of a perfect manicure, they will get rough, uneven skin. There is nothing strange in such metamorphoses, because the function of the cuticle is to protect the root of the nail, and when its integrity is constantly violated, it automatically becomes coarser and thicker. So, if you do not want to add work to the master, you should not do the amateur performance again.

2. Too thick coating

Despite the fact that gel polishes and acrylic bases are strong enough, there are still girls who ask for a thicker coating. They seriously believe that the thicker the coating, the more reliable. This position is fundamentally wrong. The thick coating, growing back, looks untidy and creates additional stress on the free edge of the nail. According to, the ideal base thickness should not exceed one millimeter. Exceptions are when complex modeling is required.

3. Ordinary varnish

With the advent of gel polishes, everyone completely forgot about the existence of conventional coatings and in vain. No, of course, simple varnishes are not as persistent as gel varnishes, but sometimes their use is simply necessary. The fact is that not all nails can be covered with dense gel materials, and there are also a number of nail diseases that also prohibit the use of gel polishes. Only now the masters often keep silent about this, because the usual coating is much cheaper. Regarding durability, with proper application and careful wear, regular polish can last up to two weeks on nails.

4. Pecking nails

Downward growing nails can and should be smoothed. If your master says that this is not possible, change him, he is simply lazy. Pecking nails look unattractive in terms of aesthetics, and when the material grows, an excessive load is created on the free edge, which will lead to cracks and damage.

5. Elongation of the nail bed

Nature has not endowed everyone with a beautiful shape of nails, some of them live for many years with short "children's" fingers. On such nails, any coating will look untidy and unattractive. Fortunately, smart masters can remedy the situation by lengthening the nail bed. This is one of the types of modeling that allows you to change the shape of the nail, while maintaining its natural appearance.

6. Thorough cleaning of the little fingers

When doing a pedicure, don't get too carried away with cleaning your little fingers. You will probably want to remove the cuticle that covers most of the nail. warns against doing this. This growth may not look very attractive, but it protects your finger from injury and stress. By the way, despite the fact that the little finger is the smallest finger, most of the stress falls on it.

7. Over-worn coverage

Of course, if you can wear gel polish for 4-5 weeks without chips and breakages, your master is a professional in his field. But a coating that has grown to a full nail, firstly, looks unaesthetic, and secondly, it can lead to serious problems. During this time, microcracks and detachments may appear on the coating, into which dirt will clog. As a result, you can contract a fungus or onycholysis. In addition, the more your nail grows back, the more the center of gravity will mix when it is at the free edge, the nail will break, and you can also seriously injure it. To avoid trouble, we recommend visiting your master at least once every three weeks.

8. Peeling off the varnish

Even if detachments appear on the nails and it seems to you that you can easily tear off the coating, you should not do this. You may have noticed that the base is the first coat, it is applied with rubbing movements and provides a good adhesion to the natural nail. When you peel off the coating yourself, you are ripping off pieces of your own nail. Doing this is strongly discouraged, otherwise your nails will become thin and fragile.

9. Fish pedicure

Fish peeling is a popular and expensive foot care procedure. Water softens the skin, and the fish bite it, removing the upper stratum corneum. And all would be fine, but the question is, who and how monitors the health of the fish? We will answer you - nobody. But fish can carry and spread various skin diseases, and in the aquarium in which you put your feet, not only their own microflora, but also the bacteria of other visitors.

10. Onycholysis

If after the next removal of the coating, you notice that the "smile" has become uneven, refuse the subsequent coating and show your nails to the doctor. This symptom is the initial stage of an unpleasant disease called onycholysis. Masters often ignore such changes, so all hope is for your attentiveness. If you start treatment with the problem on time, you can cope fairly quickly, if you tighten it, you will get stuck in a long recovery and you may even lose your nail.

11. Allergic reaction

If after a manicure you have a rash, itching and flaking, take a closer look at what tools the master uses. This may be a banal allergy to some of the materials, or it may be the result of a chemical reaction that has arisen due to the contact of a metal pusher with a sticky layer of varnish. The banal replacement of a metal tool with an orange stick will help to solve the problem.

12. Pedicure in winter

In winter we change into closed shoes, wear tights and thick socks. All this puts pressure on the toes. In order not to increase the load even more, doctors recommend abandoning the use of gel varnishes, but the masters are often silent about this. Meanwhile, a dense coating can lead to serious injuries and diseases of the nails. If you want your feet to stay healthy in the cold season, do an exceptionally hygienic pedicure or use regular varnish.

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