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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

7 beauty myths belief in which only spoils health and appearance

7 beauty myths belief in which only spoils health and appearance
7 beauty myths belief in which only spoils health and appearance

According to research by scientists, on average, each girl spends about 15 thousand dollars on cosmetics in her entire life. And these are just beauty products. And you also need to do a manicure, pedicure, dye and cut your hair, do depilation and so on. Cosmetics manufacturers and beauty salon founders are doing their best to make as much money as possible from the fair sex. They even create some myths about grooming procedures in the hope that girls will sincerely believe in them. But it turns out that we do not need all of them. What women can perfectly do without in life, read our article.

Myth # 1: Rejuvenating injections should be done after 25 to avoid early wrinkles

Any girl is afraid that she will have wrinkles early. It is on this fear that cosmetologists and beauty salons usually play, claiming that anti-aging injections will help to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. But in fact, at an early age, they are not needed, as they make the skin very vulnerable to negative external factors, and also leave microtrauma. In the body of a healthy girl, hyaluronic acid is quite enough, which ensures skin elasticity and participates in regeneration processes, so there is no point in injuring the dermis before 40 years of age. In addition, the younger the woman, the more active her immunity to botulinum toxin is. This means that each time the effect of the injections will decrease, until it completely disappears. But after 40, antibodies that block the action of the drug are formed much more slowly,

Myth # 2: You Need to Block Perspiration with Antiperspirants

Let's remember together what we were told about sweating in biology class. This process controls body temperature and helps remove harmful substances from the human body. Now let's imagine what the frequent use of antiperspirant deodorants will lead to. According to scientists, the main consequence will be a persistent disruption of the microbiome. Therefore, experts advise using such products 2-3 times a week and rinse them thoroughly at the end of the day. In addition, you should choose antiperspirants with a safe natural composition, which simply prevent the growth of bacteria, thereby neutralizing the unpleasant odor, and not hinder the production of sweat.

Myth number 3: Asian cosmetics are better than European ones

Probably, everyone noticed how much the popularity of Korean cosmetics, as well as Asian ones in general, has grown in the last couple of years. This demand is fully justified, because most beauty products have a natural composition and therefore effectively fight some of the imperfections of the skin. But the key word here is "some." Yes, if you need to moisturize or whiten your skin, feel free to buy Korean creams, serums and masks. But acne, early wrinkles, sagging skin, that is, those problems that oriental beauties very rarely encounter, you can hardly cure with the help of Asian cosmetics. In addition, Europe and Asia have too different climate and mentality: if Asians can afford to take care of their skin for 2-3 hours every day, then European women simply will not have time for this,

Myth # 4: Lip balms can help prevent dryness.

No one disputes that lips need to be moisturized, especially in winter, when frost and cold winds cause them irreparable harm. But to do this with the help of balsam, the benefits of which are clearly exaggerated, is not worth it. The thing is that the product interferes with the exfoliation of cells, as if gluing them together. As a result, it blocks the natural mechanism of moisture evaporation and skin renewal. And if you buy a balm with some kind of sweet taste and smell (watermelon, for example), then you will constantly have a desire to lick your lips, which will lead to their rapid drying.
It is best to buy inexpensive pharmacy vitamin E capsules instead of cosmetics. They contain oil that will help to properly moisturize your lips if you rub it in the morning and evening.

Myth # 5: To get rid of cellulite, you need to constantly go to body wraps and massages

Everyone knows about the "orange peel", which is an accumulation of fat cells under the surface of the skin. It can appear at almost any age and always brings a lot of inconvenience, spoiling the appearance. Indeed, effective methods of fighting cellulite are special massage, scrubs, and caffeine wraps. But this is not a panacea for all ills.

First of all, you need to start eating right. In this case, by PP we mean the anti-inflammatory proteins found in chicken, turkey, salmon, anti-cellulite spices (cumin, turmeric, ginger) and vegetables, fruits (spinach, cabbage, dried cranberries). Salt, sugar and foods containing simple carbohydrates should be prohibited. Don't forget to go to the gym - regular exercise will help make your skin smooth, supple, and toned. You can also sign up for the pool, increase muscle tone and improve blood circulation using the myostimulation procedure.

Myth 6: You need to sleep under a thin blanket, because cold is good for the body

In fact, scientists have proven that the weight of the blanket should be about 5-15 kg. It will create deep pressure, thanks to which a person will relax and fall asleep faster. There are also opinions that a heavy blanket helps fight insomnia, stress, relieves anxiety, reduces aggression, and prevents depression. However, such claims have not yet received scientific substantiation - there are scientists who believe that an ordinary blanket cannot be used to treat psychological problems.

Myth # 7: You can't use classic face creams in winter.

Some cosmetologists say that ordinary creams that we use throughout the year should not be used in cold weather, as the water contained in the beauty product will freeze on the street and damage the skin. Therefore, you need to put aside the usual beauty products and run to the store for oils and creams from the "winter" series. But if you go deeper, it turns out that this is an extra waste of money.

Of course, you don't need to go outside with a wet face when the thermometer shows -20 degrees, because this will cause dehydration of the skin. But applying moisturizers, despite the fact that they are half liquid, is possible. We explain this paradox. The water contained in the cream warms up our skin when applied, so it cannot harden on the street. Even if you apply a light creamy product or emulsion just before leaving the house, your face will be able to calmly endure the cold for at least an hour, and during this time you will get to a warm and cozy place. But it's better not to take risks and use a cream with a dense texture. Also, do not forget to apply loose powder with light movements - it will become an additional barrier between your skin and frost.

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