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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Beauty secrets from Asian women that will make you look 20 at 40

Beauty secrets from Asian women that will make you look 20 at 40
Beauty secrets from Asian women that will make you look 20 at 40

Women from Asian countries are distinguished by the beauty and youth of the skin, perfect body and good health. Looking at the fashion model Aishwarya Rai, actress Lucy Liu, model Lin Chilin, politician Sheikhu Moz, who at 45-50 years old look at most 25, you involuntarily ask yourself: who and how much did they pay to look great all their lives? In fact, everything is much more prosaic. It's just that Asians know how to take care of themselves and are happy to share their secrets with girls from other countries.

Unlike European women, who prefer not to prevent age-related changes, but to deal with existing problems, residents of Asian countries from early childhood learn to thoroughly care for themselves in order to preserve the natural freshness and beauty of the face. Even after 50 years, they are distinguished by perfect, like porcelain skin, a minimum of wrinkles, a slender body and luxurious hair. Apart from genetic predisposition, proper nutrition and wise use of cosmetics, the natural attractiveness of Asian women is due to the correct and multi-stage care process, which is a real ritual for them.

1. Multi-stage cleansing

Imagine a situation: you come home after school or work and start cleansing your skin. How many steps are there in this process? One two Three? Or do you just wash off the make-up with micellar water and think that this is enough? If so, here's your first and biggest mistake. Asians believe that the body is given to them for temporary use, so they treat it very carefully.

They do not suffer from acne, acne and other problems with the dermis, if only because they devote at least 1 hour to cleansing the skin. First, girls use a cleansing gel, the main purpose of which is to remove makeup and surface layer of dirt. This is followed by a lather that deeply cleanses all layers of the dermis. After that, the Asian women carry out a deep skin massage using peels. The next step is toning with lotion, after which the serum is applied. The final stage is a night cream for the face and eye area. And in order to look beautiful, fresh and rested in the morning, Japanese women put on indelible night masks before going to bed. These products even out the tone of the face, make the skin soft and elastic, even if you have slept for only a few hours.

2. Natural cosmetics

World famous Japanese model Masako Mizatuni, who turns 51 this year (and looks like a young girl), claims that skin care takes her 5 hours a day! Of course, Russian girls who devote all their time to family and work will say that they cannot afford to spend so much time on masks and other grooming procedures. But no one forces you to arrange a spa at home every day. But a multi-stage purification system must be used. Also, only buy natural cosmetics. For example, Asian manufacturers create their cosmetics based on herbs and plant extracts. For oriental beauties, it is important that cosmetic products not only lack artificial components, but also that the products are from the same line. In this case,

3. Washing system 424

When we see 424 in various beauty and health articles, the first thing that comes to mind is a spy code. In fact, this is just a designation of the time in minutes that Asian women spend on grooming procedures.

• 4 minutes is needed to cleanse the skin with hydrophilic oil. This product helps remove grease-soluble dirt. Even the most persistent makeup will be defeated.

 • It takes 2 minutes to cleanse the dermis with a soft foam. Thanks to its water-based and foaming structure, it washes away all residues of hydrophilic soap.

• 4 minutes - alternate rinsing with warm and cold water, face massage.

4. Fighting the sun

While Russian girls try to tan as best they can and spend several hours on the beach under the scorching sun, for Asian women such actions are prohibited. Oriental beauties know that it is the sun that is the main cause of premature skin aging, so they try to hide their face and body from it. No woman in Korea, Japan or China leaves the house without an SPF cream. It is he who is called upon to protect their delicate skin from harmful sun rays.

5. Minimum make-up

Given the superb skin condition of Asian women, it is not surprising that they wear a minimum of makeup on their face. Japanese, Korean and Thai women believe that the less cosmetics are used, the better. Decorative means are perceived as an addition and are designed to emphasize natural beauty or disguise minor imperfections. Oriental beauties know that any make-up strongly clogs the pores and leads to the appearance of comedones, blackheads and other, not very pleasant consequences.

6. Proper nutrition

Probably, many people have heard the phrase of Hippocrates: "We are what we eat." And you don't even need to try to argue these words, because our appearance and state of mind directly depend on the food we eat. Asian cuisine is distinguished by its healthy cooking methods as well as their high nutritional value. Oriental beauties eat exclusively freshly prepared meat, vegetables and other products. There is no such thing as fast food in Japan, China and other Asian countries, and local semi-finished products are prepared only from high-quality products. It is a healthy diet that helps local girls achieve radiance and beauty from the inside out. In addition, there is a real cult of tea in Asian countries. And according to the results of many studies, there are a number of substances in tea varieties that are derived in Asia, prevent premature aging. Maybe here he is - the main secret of the youth of Asians?

7. No bad habits

Drinking alcoholic beverages in public places? Smoking? No, this is clearly not about Asian women. Compared to the inhabitants of European countries, oriental beauties lead a more correct and healthy lifestyle. They have practically no bad habits, which has a positive effect on the beauty of the skin.

8. Stress - fight!

Asian girls are 100% sure that even if you eat right, take care of yourself, play sports, but at the same time are constantly nervous, then there will be no question of any beautiful skin. Stress is the main enemy of youth and beauty. Therefore, Asians advise everyone to worry less about trifles, in any situation to control themselves and find harmony with themselves. Here is the main lesson from oriental beauties that we should definitely learn.

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