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Monday, September 21, 2020

8 bad habits that will definitely ruin even luxurious eyelashes

8 bad habits that will definitely ruin even luxurious eyelashes
8 bad habits that will definitely ruin even luxurious eyelashes

Paradox: in the pursuit of perfection, we so often spoil what is given by nature. Notice that your eyelashes are falling out and generally look weak? Sooner or later, many face a similar problem. Because the reason for sure lies in one of these bad habits that every second has.

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the eyelashes are its chic blinds. The entire "interior" often depends on the "design" of which. It is not surprising that most women are ready for any experiments for the sake of long and lush eyelashes, as in advertising. But sometimes the best is the enemy of the good. Did you know that these 8 habits slowly destroy even thick eyelashes? But many have them ...

1. Do not wash off makeup before bed

Yes, we know, sometimes after a long day you barely have enough strength to crawl to bed and turn on the series. But regularly sleeping with mascara in front of your eyes is to slowly "kill" your eyelashes. And all because mascara fixes the hairs and thereby reduces their elasticity. As a result, it is much easier to damage them, if not even break them. Especially if you are one of those who like to sleep with their face in the pillow.

What to do? The golden rule: to cleanse the skin from make-up, you need to spend as much time as the makeup itself. And for the laziest there is always a magic wand - make-up remover wipes that will always wait for their tired mistress on the bedside table. After all, you can wash off cosmetics even in bed.

2. Incorrectly curling eyelashes

Eyelash curlers have long settled in the cosmetic bag of many beauties. After all, who will not be pleased with an instant transformation - a bend and an open gaze? But it turns out that most people use the beauty gadget in a completely wrong way: they curl their already painted eyelashes. And thus mercilessly breaks them. Literally. So, if there are suspiciously fewer eyelashes, the reason may be right in front of you.

What to do? If you cannot refuse to use forceps, then at least remember: you only need to curl “naked” cilia, and only then fix them with ink.

3. Extend eyelashes

Although extended eyelashes adorn the faces of thousands and thousands of women, this is exactly the case when the best is the enemy of the good. After all, for some reason, it is in this beauty question that the sense of proportion shyly hides aside. And most of them order a "fan" from the master, thicker and more luxurious. As a result, under the weight of all this luxury, your own eyelashes weaken, begin to fall out. And they continue this bad tendency even when artificial "aliens" are removed. The comments of cosmetologists are frightening at all: some changes are irreversible.

What to do? Think three times. And it's better to give up the idea of   eyelash extensions. If you really really want to, then dwell on the option "your cilia, only better." And keep gigantomania under control.

4. Constantly rub your eyes

A bad habit that many have. It can easily provoke irritation of the skin, mucous membranes and increase eyelash loss. And also conjunctivitis if you rub your eyes with dirty hands.

What to do? Keep your hands in check. Since a habit is a psychological thing and is often invisible for the happiest owner, you can ask someone close to follow you and make a comment every time a hand reaches out to your eyes.

5. Use old cosmetics

Everything has its own expiration date. And in cosmetics that come into contact with mucous membranes, it is also very limited. If you use the same mascara and eyeliner for years, it is almost guaranteed to lead to irritation, "tearfulness" and an obsessive desire to rub your eyes. And then - according to the scenario of the previous paragraph.

What to do? Change mascara and eyeliner pencil every 3 months. At least.

6. Tear off false eyelashes sharply

False eyelashes are an option, but still safer than extensions. But you also need to be extremely careful with them. In particular, never pull them off abruptly, like a sticker or tape. Even if you really want to get rid of these "fans" as soon as possible. You risk removing false eyelashes along with natural ones.

What to do? Soak a cotton swab liberally in a makeup remover (ideally an oil-based one) and work well along the base of the false lashes several times to loosen the glue. Wait 10 seconds and easily pull them in the middle.

7. Coloring eyelashes

The idea of   giving up mascara by permanently dyeing your eyelashes sounds attractive. But, alas, any paint "burns through" and weakens the hairs, and the effect does not last long enough to be worth such sacrifices. The only exception is natural henna. But with her, surprises are possible.

8. Use permanent waterproof mascara

It can be indispensable when traveling to the sea, going to the pool or going to the cinema for a melodrama. But don't wear waterproof makeup every day. To erase such mascara, you will have to try and rub your eyes properly. So losses in the rows of eyelashes after such aggression cannot be avoided.

What to do? Save waterproof mascara for special occasions. And for everyday makeup, heat-resistant mascara is perfect, which can be washed off with plain warm water.

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