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Saturday, September 19, 2020

Everyday habits that quietly steal our beauty and youth

Everyday habits that quietly steal our beauty and youth
Everyday habits that quietly steal our beauty and youth

Every day, each of us, without hesitation, performs the same actions: wakes up, has breakfast, goes to work, etc. But behind these body movements are hidden habits that have an extremely negative effect on our beauty and youth. This review contains 19 lessons that are not as harmless as they seem at first glance.

1. Hot bath

Hot bath lovers should moderate their ardor. Of course, this is a great way to warm up on a cold day or relax after a hard work. However, high water temperatures act on the skin like a scorching sun, disrupting the natural balance, and subsequently causing infections and itching. According to dermatologists, the optimal water temperature is 36 degrees. If you are not able to completely abandon hot baths, we recommend shortening the time for water procedures, using only mild cleansers and not neglecting moisturizers.

2. Using scrubs

Of course, dead skin cells need to be disposed of. But excessive enthusiasm for a variety of scrubs can lead to excess sebum production or, on the contrary, dry out the skin. Cosmetologists recommend using exfoliating products no more than once a week or replacing them with peels based on lactic or glycolic acid.

3. Plucking eyebrows before makeup

The use of tweezers for plucking eyebrows inevitably provokes the appearance of microtraumas. Poorly cleaned brushes or microbes living in cosmetics can provoke a serious infection and significantly spoil the appearance. A responsible approach to eyebrow shaping will help to avoid such problems. After the procedure, the damaged areas must be treated with a disinfectant and refrain from using cosmetics.

4. Earlier use of anti-aging creams

Young skin produces enough collagen, which is responsible for skin tone and firmness. Therefore, the use of anti-aging products at an early age will be useless, and at worst will lead to clogged pores. The optimal time to start using anti-aging cosmetics, dermatologists consider 25-30 years. Usually, during this time period, the skin begins to actively respond to stress: swelling under the eyes after a sleepless night, tired facial expression after a long day at work, unhealthy skin tone.

5. Using your phone before bed

Those who like to use social networks before bedtime should give up this habit. First, the “blue light” emitted from a smartphone suppresses the production of melatonin. Secondly, the world wide web has a strong effect on the brain, which leads to a malfunction, lack of sleep, and also affects the immune and endocrine systems.

6. TV shows and bedtime work

As mentioned above, the "blue light" emitted by TVs, phones, tablets and computers harms our nervous system and disrupts circadian rhythms. In addition, such light has the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, activating free radicals, which in turn cause skin cells to produce enzymes that destroy collagen. Early aging of the skin, an unhealthy complexion, the appearance of dark circles in front of the eyes and hyperpigmentation can be the consequences of nightly gatherings at the computer.

7. Contact of hands and face

Sitting with your chin on your hand is a bad habit of many people who spend a lot of time sitting at a computer. Abuse of this position leads to a displacement of the hyoid bone, impaired blood circulation, and subsequently to early aging of the skin and the appearance of a double chin. In addition, regular face contact with dirty hands can lead to acne, blackheads, and irritation.

8. Combing wet hair

Combing wet hair inevitably leads to mechanical damage, which leads to fragility and dryness. If you want to preserve the beauty of your hair, gently blot it with a soft towel, and then separate with your fingers and let the hair dry.

9. Using a cream with UV filter

All modern girls know about the need to use a cream with a UV filter to protect the skin from the sun. However, when caring for our face, we forget about the neck and décolleté, although these areas of the skin also need protection.

10. Using powder

Owners of oily skin often abuse powder to eliminate shine. Too often the use of powder will inevitably lead to clogged pores and the appearance of blackheads. Matting napkins will be much safer and more effective in this matter. And if you continue to use powder, remember to cleanse your skin before applying a new layer.

11. Crossing the legs

The habit of sitting cross-legged can lead to impaired blood flow, lower back pain and even disruption of internal organs. Such a pose is especially dangerous for those who suffer from varicose veins or have a genetic predisposition to it.

12. Chew gum

Gum lovers run the risk of developing wrinkles in the corners of the lips at an early age. So, those who do not want to harm their beauty should replace the chewing gum with sprays and lozenges for fresh breath.

13. Sleep pose

One of the common causes of early skin aging is the habit of sleeping with your face in your pillow. In this position, the weight of your head presses on your face, and the pillowcase you sleep on creates friction, which leads to stretching of the skin and the appearance of new wrinkles. In addition, the habit of sleeping on your stomach leads to disruption of the functioning of internal organs, which also negatively affects the appearance.

14. Rub your eyes

The skin of the eyelids and around the eyes is very delicate and the habit of rubbing the eyes can lead to the overhanging of the upper eyelid and the appearance of deep wrinkles in this area. If your eye is itchy or seems to have gotten into it, use a damp ear stick or clean wet cloth. Sensitive natures who often cry should also be careful not to rub their eyes, but gently blot their tears with a napkin.

15. Poor hydration

In pursuit of facial beauty, we often forget about our body. But he also needs care and hydration. Remember to use a scrub to exfoliate rough skin cells at least once a week. Also, don't forget about moisturizers. They should be part of the daily skin care ritual, especially for water lovers.

16. Bite your lips

Lips are the main attribute of seduction and should always be in perfect condition. To do this, you must forever get rid of the habit of biting your lips and rubbing them with your hands. Instead, make it a rule to use chapstick regularly.

17. Dirty bedding

A stale pillowcase and sheet is a huge threat to the beauty of your skin. Bedding is in close contact with the body and accumulates a huge amount of dirt, bacteria and dead cells, which can cause various skin infections.

18. Close contact with the phone

A mobile phone is an essential attribute of a modern person's life. Most often, it accompanies us everywhere, and a huge number of bacteria accumulate on its surface during the day. As a result of close contact with the skin during a conversation, all these bacteria can transfer to the face, causing various problems and diseases. To avoid this, special disinfectants will help, which should be used to wipe the phone during the day.

19. Cleaning brushes

At home, we often neglect to clean our makeup brushes and sponges properly. But these funds are in close contact with our skin and a lot of bacteria and dead cells settle on them. All this can negatively affect the condition of our face and lead to serious illnesses. This can be avoided by regularly cleaning your brushes with special cleaning products and shampoos.

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