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Sunday, September 27, 2020

How to properly apply cream and face products 7 helpful tips and explanations

How to properly apply cream and face products 7 helpful tips and explanations
How to properly apply cream and face products 7 helpful tips and explanations

Taking care of yourself is a whole ritual. And how nice! All these batteries of creams and slender rows of tonics delight the female eye. But in order for the arsenal of beauty to give real results, they need to be used wisely. The vaunted remedy does not work and all the wrinkles remain in place? Perhaps you are just applying it incorrectly! Here is how professional cosmetologists recommend to apply the care. The effect increases significantly.

Just spreading cream on your face and adding a couple of drops of serum is not enough. For beauty products to really work, they need to be applied correctly to the skin. What most cosmetologists insist on. The only pity is that the manufacturer rarely writes about this on the packaging. It's okay: here are the “instructions” for using the most popular cosmetic tricks.

1. How to apply the cleanser

To properly cleanse the skin of make-up and impurities, without stretching it, apply the foam or gel with exceptionally soft circular movements counterclockwise. Pore   brushes can be used, but not daily. And people with sensitive skin and rosacea are better off staying away from them.

2. How to use exfoliation or scrub

For the least traumatic exfoliation, the peel is also applied in a circular motion. But the "circles" should be small (for a thorough study of each zone) and clockwise. Pay special attention to the nose and chin, but it is better not to torment the cheeks. And make sure that the whole procedure takes 1-3 minutes, no more.

3. Toner: an unexpected solution

The toner is useful in helping to restore the skin's normal pH after cleansing, soothe or tighten pores, and prepare the face for the following denser-textured products. To absorb the toner better, apply it simultaneously with two cotton pads, moving from the center points of the face to the edge.

4. Serum or serum

These products have the highest concentration of active ingredients. That is why cosmetologists warn: there is no need to additionally "stimulate" them with massage. Apply a small amount of serum (no more than a pea) with your fingertips, gently hammering it into the skin.

5. Cream for the skin around the eyes: how is it right?

The hottest debates around this sensitive area. Some experts say that the cream should be applied exclusively from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner, while others say exactly the opposite. Let's dwell on the most popular recommendation: gently apply the cream to the entire area around the eyes in circular movements, as in the photo.

6. Face oil

The format popular today requires special handling: the oil must be applied on the palm of your hand to warm it slightly from the heat of the body, and then spread with a patting motion from the center to the edge.

7. Face cream

Cream is the most dense product, the main task of which is to "seal" the moisture in the deeper layers of the skin. Cosmetologists advise to apply it with fingertips and a "figure eight", starting from the center of the forehead. So the coating will be as uniform as possible.

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