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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Which of the winter fruits is the healthiest

Which of the winter fruits is the healthiest
Which of the winter fruits is the healthiest

Which of the winter fruits is the healthiest

In winter, our body needs vitamins more than ever. Lack of sunlight, cold, colds, a decadent mood - all this weakens the immune system, which is why it is so important to maintain your health in winter. Natural seasonal fruits will help to do this. Here is a list of the most useful and information about their benefits. 

The most "New Year" fruit is mandarin

A unique property of mandarin is its ability to restore those vitamins that we lost in the autumn-winter period. This juicy fruit saturates the body with ascorbic acid. In addition, it is low-calorie: 100 grams of tangerine slices have only 33 calories.


Mandarin contains many vitamins and minerals such as:







Orange fruit prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, reduces swelling, and is also an excellent antidepressant. Indeed, after a few slices, the mood rises!

We were sharing an orange

Orange is a storehouse of vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, C, H, PP) and minerals. Thanks to a powerful army of useful elements, oranges strengthen the immune system, normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels, rejuvenate the skin, make hair strong, and slow down the aging process.


As for the calorie content, the orange is not much higher than the tangerine: only 36 calories per 100 grams.

By biological parameters, an orange is a berry, although everyone considers it a fruit.

Persimmon - vitamin bomb

Do you need a vitamin and mineral complex? Do not rush to get him to the pharmacy, better buy a persimmon. It fits: 


vitamins A, B1, B2, C, H and PP;








phosphorus and sodium;

malic and citric acid.

The calorie content of the tart-sweet and viscous fruit is 66 calories per 100 grams. 


Persimmon does an excellent job of preventing cardiovascular diseases, cancers and gallstone disease. It is also able to remove toxins from the body and helps with digestive disorders.


This fruit is one of the most nutritious: there are 95 kcal per 100 grams of pulp. But the high calorie content of a banana is easy to forgive for those nutrients that are hidden behind the yellow peel. Here and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, PP and potassium, and calcium, and many other trace elements.


What is the power of a banana? It is able to significantly improve the function of the heart muscle and gastrointestinal tract, reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Well, it's just delicious.

Exotic pomelo

The pomelo has a pleasant sweet-sour taste and a fresh aroma. The fruit is able to help the body fight viruses, colds, protects blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and blood clots. It must necessarily be in the diet of those who periodically suffer from high blood pressure. 

Pomelo breaks down fats and proteins, which means that it can and should be consumed while losing weight. The calorie content of the fruit is only 32 calories per 100 grams. Among the vitamins and minerals of pomelo are A, B1, B2, B5, C, H, PP, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and fiber.

Always sweet clementine

Clementine is very similar to tangerine, but it is actually a hybrid of two citrus fruits: tangerine and king orange. A distinctive feature of the fruit is a magical aroma and one hundred percent sweetness.

Calorie content of clementine is 47 calories per 100 grams. Fruit from the rutacea family does not take up nutrients: B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

Clementine is beneficial for vision and digestion. It fights germs effectively, so we recommend consuming this sweet fruit when you have a cold.

Lemon - forever

Lemon is a natural source of antioxidants, a storehouse of vitamin C, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. The sour fruit improves bowel function, relieves cold symptoms, normalizes blood pH, and even stimulates the nervous system to work actively.

Add a lemon wedge to tea or water and you are guaranteed health in the winter.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from colds, eat more fruits, engage in physical activity and do not forget about a positive mood!

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