How To Stop Hair Loss One Simple Trick For Everyone |
How To Stop Hair Loss One Simple Trick For Everyone
There are so many options for hairstyles and haircuts in the world, but most women still strive for long, luxurious hair. It's just that it's often not so easy to grow this chic and shine. If trendy shampoos do not help, and smearing the roots with burdock oil and raw yolk at night is somehow not included in your plans, try this trick. Simple, accessible to everyone, and the result will not be long in coming. Proven by science!
In any pharmacy and even the nearest store you can find shampoos, masks, fluids and other near "magic" potions that promise you to grow a braid to the waist almost overnight. Alas, in most cases, loud promises are just a marketing ploy. But there is one tool that can really slightly improve the situation on the head and bring the dream of length and volume closer. The good news is that it doesn't cost you any money. None at all. Just a little time and patience.
Shocking fact: your hair is already dead. Do not be afraid and cry into your pillow - this is the case for everyone and in general only from the point of view of medical terminology. But the "live" part of the beloved mane is still present, but only one. This is a hair follicle, it is also the "root" of each hair. Here it is necessary to influence it. It's easy to do: just pamper yourself daily with a head massage.
Regular scalp massage for 4 minutes increases the activity of genes responsible for hair growth and suppresses the activity of their eternal rivals responsible for hair loss, according to research published last January in the medical journal ePlasty . Of course, we cannot check all these genetic tricks, but any trichologist will confirm one fact: massage increases blood flow and lymphatic drainage. Due to which the hair roots receive more oxygen and nutrients. And, in the end, they really grow faster and become stronger.
The main thing in this business is regularity. But in the struggle for beauty, why not take 4 minutes in the evening for a pleasant and relaxing activity? Hair will definitely say "thank you". By the way, this trick works for both genders.
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