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Friday, November 20, 2020

How to cook potato cutlets to make you want more

How to cook potato cutlets to make you want more
How to cook potato cutlets to make you want more

How to cook potato cutlets to make you want more

Cutlets are something that is always on our table, and that you can cook quickly, without problems and with maximum ease. And when meat options are no longer held in high esteem, then you should definitely try potato ones, which will surprise you not only with their taste, but also with their variety.

1. With ham and cheese

By combining potatoes with simple ingredients such as ham and cheese, you can easily get both a delicious cutlet that can be served with a side dish, or a separate snack dish.


• Potatoes - 510 g;

• Cheese - 110 g;

• Ham - 200 g;

• Eggs - 2 pcs;

• Flour - 2 tbsp;

• Onions (feathers) - 5 pieces;

• Salt and pepper to taste;

• Sour cream.

Method of preparation:

• Rinse and boil the potatoes until tender;

• Allow to cool and remove the skin;

• Grate the ham on a medium grater;

• Then grate the cheese, add to the bowl to the meat;

• Wash the onion and cut into small pieces;

• Mix with filling;

• Grate potatoes on a coarse grater;

• Add to the filling, mix;

• Drive in two eggs and mix;

• Salt and pepper;

• Season with flour and stir;

• Form cutlets with wet hands;

• Additionally roll in flour;

• Sprinkle the frying pan with oil and lay out the cutlets;

• Fry until golden brown on each side;

• Serve warm with sour cream and onions.

2. With pumpkin

For those who like vegetables, you can try to cook a variant of cutlets, which is unique in its essence, by adding a delicate and aromatic ingredient to the puree - fresh pumpkin.


• Pumpkin - 810 g;

• Potatoes - 2 pcs;

• Onions - 1 piece;

• Carrots - 2 pcs;

• Egg - 1 piece;

• White bread - 240 g;

• Garlic - head;

• Oat flakes - 3 tbsp;

• Dill and parsley - to taste;

• Salt and pepper to taste;

• Vegetable oil;

• Sour cream.

Cooking method:

• The oven should be preheated to 180 degrees;

• Cut the bread into small cubes in portions;

• Cover a baking sheet with paper and pour croutons on it;

• Dry in the oven until golden and crunchy;

• Let them cool;

• Pour some of the croutons into the blender bowl;

• Interrupt to the crumb;

• Rinse the pumpkin, remove the peel and seeds;

• Cut into large cubes;

• Rinse the potatoes without removing the skin;

• Put pumpkin with potatoes, as well as peeled garlic on foil;

• Wrap and bake for about 40 minutes;

• Pour the flakes into the blender bowl, interrupt;

• Peel the onion and cut into small pieces;

• Wash carrots, peel and grate on a fine grater;

• Sprinkle a frying pan with oil, fry the onion until golden;

• Add carrots and fry, stirring occasionally, for another five minutes;

• Remove the foil from the oven, unfold and allow to cool;

• Peel the potatoes;

• Put pumpkin, potatoes and garlic into a bowl;

• Beat until puree;

• Add frying, flakes, salt and pepper there;

• Drive in an egg next and mix;

• Form cutlets by hand;

• Then roll in croutons;

• Fry in oil on both sides until golden brown.

3.With liver

And for those who want something interesting, we offer a recipe for potato cutlets with liver - with chicken hearts and tender, aromatic and so tasty liver.


• Potatoes - 1 piece;

• Chicken liver - 220 g;

• Chicken hearts - 150 g;

• Onions - 1 piece;

• Egg - 1 piece;

• Flour - 3 tbsp;

• Butter - 45 g;

• Salt and pepper to taste;

• Vegetable oil;

• Sour cream.

Method of preparation:

• Rinse the potatoes, peel, boil until tender;

• Kill with puree without adding water or milk;

• Allow to cool;

• Season with pepper and beat in an egg;

• Stir;

• Slowly introduce flour;

• Stir until smooth;

• Cover with a lid or foil and put in a cold place for half an hour;

• Peel and chop the onion;

• Rinse and clean the hearts beforehand;

• Pour water in a saucepan and boil until tender;

• Fry the onions in a skillet;

• Pour in the washed chicken liver afterwards;

• Stir, frying for a couple of minutes;

• Pour hearts next;

• Fry until the liver is ready (until it darkens);

• Pass the filling through a meat grinder;

• Salt and pepper;

• Remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll it out;

• Form small circles, placing the filling in the center;

• Roll up, forming a cutlet or pie;

• Roll in flour (you can use corn);

• Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.

4.With an apple

But this option will delight even gourmets, especially small children who do not really like cutlets, but will be crazy about their sweetish, fruity taste!


• Potatoes - 1 kg;

• Apple - 210 g;

• Butter - 30 g;

• Eggs - 2 pcs;

• Flour - 45 g;

• Croutons - 70 g;

• Soda and salt to taste.

Method of preparation:

• Rinse the potatoes and cover with water;

• Roll off until cooked, adding water to the salt;

• Cool and peel off;

• Grate or use a meat grinder;

• Separate the yolks from the whites;

• Add the yolks to the puree, mix;

• Beat the whites into a foam;

• Add next and mix;

• Add soda, salt and flour;

• Stir until smooth;

• Rinse the apples and peel them off;

• Get rid of seeds and grate;

• Add them to the test;

• Form small cutlets by hand;

• Sprinkle the pan with oil;

• Fry on both sides until golden brown;

• Serve with sour cream or herbs.

5.With rice

If there are some potatoes and rice lying around in the kitchen, then it's time to cook small cutlets, which are perfect for a snack, as well as for a full lunch and dinner.


• Potatoes - 350 g;

• Brynza - 90 g;

• Water - 400 ml;

• Eggs - 3 pcs;

• Rice - 40 g;

• Flour - 35 g;

• Parsley - a few leaves;

• Lemon juice - ½ tsp;

• Salt - to taste;


Method of preparation:

• Rinse the potatoes, boil in the peel;

• Allow to cool and clean;

• Grate on a coarse grater;

• Boil the rice so that it is half ready;

• Drain water and add to potatoes;

• Grate pieces of cheese;

• Connect with filling;

• Boil eggs until cooked;

• Grate and add to the filling;

• Squeeze out the lemon juice;

• Stir;

• Season with spices and add some herbs;

• Shape cutlets with your hands;

• Place in a greased frying pan;

• Fry on both sides until golden brown.

6.With broccoli

And in order for the cutlets to turn out to be really very tasty and themselves asked for in your mouth, you should add to them not only mashed potatoes instead of the usual meat, but also pieces of incredibly healthy broccoli.


• Potatoes - 3 pcs;

• Broccoli - half a head of cabbage;

• Onions - 1 piece;

• Garlic - 2 cloves;

• Cheese - 45 g;

• Egg - 1 piece;

• Flour - 1 tbsp;

• Salt and pepper to taste;

•Vegetable oil;

• Rusks.

Method of preparation:

• Rinse the potatoes and boil until tender in a peel;

• Cool and clean;

• Rinse broccoli and disassemble;

• Salt water and boil for about five minutes;

• Peel the onion and chop it;

• Fry the onions in a skillet until golden brown, adding salt and pepper;

• Garlic, peel, chop and add to the onion;

• Fry for another couple of minutes;

• Crumble the potatoes into cubes;

• Crumble broccoli and combine with potatoes;

• Next add the frying, mix;

• Grate cheese there on a grater;

• Drive in one egg;

• Season with flour;

• Stir until smooth;

• Roll in breadcrumbs;

• Fry on both sides until tender;

• Then cover, reduce heat and simmer for a couple of minutes.

7.With tongue

When you are tired of ordinary cutlets, but you still need to cook something for the table, we suggest trying a unique recipe - a dish with tongue that will appeal to even gourmets.


• Potatoes - 250 g;

• Brynza - 110 g;

• Language - 110 g;

• Flour - 3 tbsp;

• Salt and pepper to taste;

• Vegetable oil.

Method of preparation:

• Rinse the potatoes, remove the skin and grate on a medium grater;

• Then grate the cheese;

• Boil the tongue beforehand;

• Crumble with a small cube;

• Combine ingredients and mix well;

• Season with salt;

• Add flour and mix;

• Form dense, uniform cutlets with your hands;

• Pour oil into a frying pan;

• Lay out the cutlets;

• Fry for three to four minutes on each side.

8.With cottage cheese

Healthy, tasty and homemade, cottage cheese is the head of everything. And you can use it not only for a snack, but also as an appetizing filling for everyone's favorite cutlets.


• Potatoes - 300 g;

• Cottage cheese - 200 g;

• Egg - 1 piece;

• Flour - 3 tbsp;

• Onions (feathers) - 3 pieces;

• Pepper and salt - to taste;

• Rusks;

• Vegetable oil.

Method of preparation:

• Rinse the potatoes, peel, boil until tender;

• Crush on mashed potatoes, throwing a piece of butter inside;

• Set aside and allow to cool;

• Wash and chop the onion;

• Mash mashed potatoes, add cottage cheese;

• Stir until smooth;

• Drive in an egg, stir;

• Add chopped onion and stir;

• Form cutlets of the same size with wet hands;

• Sprinkle a frying pan with oil, heat;

• Fry the cutlets on both sides until golden brown.

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