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Sunday, November 1, 2020

How to plant forest mushrooms in your garden so that they take root well

How to plant forest mushrooms in your garden so that they take root well
How to plant forest mushrooms in your garden so that they take root well

How to plant forest mushrooms in your garden so that they take root well

Every lover of "freebies", in other words, every compatriot (just kidding), would not mind starting to grow mushrooms in their own summer cottage. A mushroom cannot be taken and planted like any plant. Because they are not plants! Today there are several planting methods of varying degrees of effectiveness and simplicity. Let's deal with each of them.

Method one - growing from mycelium

One of the most popular ways of growing mushrooms among summer residents. Ready-made mycelium can be freely purchased at specialized garden stores. Before planting the mushrooms, you will need to prepare the garden: dig up and compost the soil. It is best to choose a place for planting somewhere in the shade, for example, behind a barn wall. If there is a tree nearby, even better. True, you should make an indent from it at least 0.5 meters. The mycelium is laid in the pits to a depth of about 0.5 meters.

Before planting the mycelium itself, it is recommended to lay a nutritious substrate from sawdust, dust, leaves at the bottom of the pit. It is sprinkled on top of about 10 cm of soil. After that, the bookmark is tamped neatly (not too hard).

Method two - mushroom seedlings

This method is the simplest and at the same time one of the most effective. To implement it, you must first prepare a certain amount of ripe mushrooms. The caps are cut off from them, after which they are finely crumbled with a knife and ground with a meat grinder on mushroom mince. The resulting mass is poured with water and left to stand for about a day.

While the mushroom seedlings are being prepared, it will be necessary to prepare the site: dig up the ground somewhere under the tree, fertilize it well with compost. As soon as the seedlings are ready, they are simply poured onto the dug-up area.

Important: mushrooms can only be planted under “forest” trees. In no case do not plant mycelium under fruit! Such a neighborhood will harm both organisms. If there are no wild trees in the country, you should make a garden bed for mushrooms somewhere in a shady place, for example, behind a shed or a house under a wall.

Method three - mycelium transplant

Of course, you can plant mushrooms on the site by transplanting the entire mycelium. However, this will be quite difficult to do. The technology of extracting mycelium from the ground is in itself quite complicated. In this case, replanting is carried out in the same way as in the others - through the preparation of a bed with a nutrient medium. However, removing the mycelium without the help of an experienced person is unlikely to work on its own.

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