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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Steak and 8 more famous dishes that are often cooked and eaten incorrectly


Steak and 8 more famous dishes that are often cooked and eaten incorrectly
Steak and 8 more famous dishes that are often cooked and eaten incorrectly

Steak and 8 more famous dishes that are often cooked and eaten incorrectly

For professional chefs who cannot imagine their life without cooking, it can be a real shock to how people handle food. It turns out that we not only prepare many dishes incorrectly, but also eat them incorrectly. Of course, this is not a tragedy of a universal scale, however, by making these mistakes, we give the products a completely different taste. tells about which dishes you need to reconsider your views.

1. Sushi nagiri

Most people believe that nagiri sushi should be eaten according to the following scheme: pick it up with chopsticks, dip it in soy sauce and eat (as for wasabi, some put it in the sauce, while others put it directly on the sushi). And this is where the fun begins - the moistened rice in most cases falls apart, and half of the dish remains in the saucer with soy sauce. To prevent this from happening, the Japanese turn sushi over to dip the fish in the sauce, not rice. By the way, the use of sticks is optional. In expensive Japanese restaurants, sushi is taken with your fingers.

2. Feta cheese

Few people know that the salty taste of feta cheese is not "native". The product acquires it from the brine in which it is stored. That is why the cheese must be rinsed with cold water before use. If this is not done, then brine will remain on it, as a result of which the product will turn out to be too salty and its original taste will be lost.

3. Spaghetti bolognese

Last year, Italians, led by the mayor of Bologna, declared war on one of the most famous dishes on the planet. They demanded that tourists stop thinking that spaghetti bolognese has anything to do with Italy and Bologna in particular. As it turned out, they don't even use a similar term here. Meat sauces cooked over low heat are not called bolognese, but stews. Each of them contains a large number of ingredients that differ from region to region. As for the real Bolognese sauce, which is replaced all over the world with a banal mixture of minced meat with tomatoes, it is prepared in several stages: at the first, sofritto is made (a mixture of vegetables, stewed in a pan), in the second, chopped pork and beef are added, in the third - the contents of the pan are poured with white wine and milk, on the fourth, tomatoes are used.

In addition, Bolognese sauce and spaghetti are absolutely not combined - this type of pasta is not thick enough to absorb the thick sauce. In Italy, tortllini or nukes can be served under it, but not spaghetti.

4. Bacon

Bacon has its own story too. It is customary to fry it in a pan, but such a cooking technology only leads to the fact that it loses its tenderness and juiciness, on the one hand it burns, and on the other it remains uncooked. This is because the bottom of the pan does not heat up evenly. To make bacon tasty and crispy, as it is usually served in expensive foreign restaurants, the product should be put on a baking sheet or wire rack and put in the oven for 5-7 minutes, preheated to 300 degrees. After the time has passed, do not rush to open the oven. The bacon must cool on a baking sheet to maintain its shape and texture.

You should also remember that the main enemy of bacon is oil, so you do not need to grease a baking sheet with it or add it to the pan if you still decide to cook bacon in this way. Remember - the pan must be very hot, that's all. Just before cooking, the bacon can be marinated or glazed with pepper, honey, mustard and soy sauce.

5. Tortillas

A thin tortilla made from corn or wheat flour is very common in Mexico and Central America. There it is customary to use it hot, crispy, hot, hot. But what we are used to buying in stores or ordering in restaurants is, in fact, undercooked. Be sure to put the tortillas in a hot pan so that they swell a little, and only then serve. There is absolutely no point in eating them cold and flat. In this form, they are absolutely tasteless, even if they are eaten with the filling.

6. Chocolate

Chocolate is the most popular sweet in the world. It is actively used not only as an independent dessert, but also as an ingredient for cakes, cheesecakes, muffins and other goodies. There is just one "but" - most people eat it wrong.

You need to eat the treat in a measured way, without rushing, after you have drunk a warm drink (tea, coffee, cocoa). Chocolate must not be chewed! In order for the tile to fully reveal its taste and aroma, it must gradually melt in the mouth. Experts advise not to get carried away and not to eat too many treats at a time. This will not only cause a sharp jump in blood sugar, but also "block" the taste buds - after a few pieces of chocolate they close, which means that the true taste of the dessert will not be fully felt.

7. Steak

The steak should rest before it is placed on the table. Unfortunately, this is rarely done in restaurants, because it increases the waiting process, and then customers complain about cold meat. Here's why a well-rested piece of tenderloin deserves to be waited for. As the meat is cooked, the bonds between the molecules are lost, due to which the protein in it heats up and gets stuck. The better the steak is cooked, the harder the protein becomes and the more the meat juice accumulates in the center of the piece.

If you leave the meat on the plate for a short time after intense heating, all the juices that have collected in the center of the steak will be distributed over the entire area of ​​the dish. As a result, the meat will lose less juice during cutting, and each piece individually will be tender and soft. As for the taste, it turns out to be divine.

8. Mayonnaise in a hamburger

If you were told that the final taste of a hamburger directly depends on which bun is smeared with mayonnaise, would you believe it? But this is really true. Let's think, why is mayonnaise in this dish at all? Add juiciness and fatness? It is unlikely that these components are presented in excess. In fact, the uniqueness of mayonnaise lies in its properties - it is an emulsion that is able to bind any ingredient, be it liquid or fat. That is why it is necessary to lubricate the lower half of the bun with mayonnaise - this way it mixes with all the juices, turning into an analogue of creamy sauce, and protects the bun from moisture. If you smear the top half with mayonnaise, it will simply remain there and will not bear any functional and taste load.

9. Apple peel

If you think that if you peel apples, they will become less high-calorie and more useful, then we hasten to disappoint you everything is exactly the opposite. By cutting off the peel, you simultaneously get rid of fiber and triterpenoids, which can destroy the cells that have formed and prevent the appearance of new ones. Apple peel is very healthy, it is not for nothing that Canadian scientists have added it to the list of superfoods. It contains rutin and quracetin to protect the body from cellular damage, antioxidants to fight potentially life-threatening diseases, vitamin C, and insoluble fiber to help flush out toxins.

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