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Saturday, December 5, 2020

How to grow mushrooms at home and get a good harvest

How to grow mushrooms at home and get a good harvest
How to grow mushrooms at home and get a good harvest

How to grow mushrooms at home and get a good harvest

The most delicious mushrooms are hand-grown. Winter is not the best time for long walks in the forest. Moreover, you can harvest in your own apartment and you don't have to go anywhere. We will show you which representatives of the wildlife kingdom grow best at home and how to provide them with proper care.

How to choose mushrooms

The choice of this or that variety depends on the experience of the mushroom picker and the size of the site. Honey mushrooms and oyster mushrooms are suitable for beginners. Lovers can safely grow mushrooms and shiitake. We advise experienced mushroom pickers to choose boletus, boletus and chanterelles. These varieties are the easiest to care for and produce bountiful crops.

At home, it is optimal to equip a small area. If you are planting a large plantation, chances are good that you will not be able to cut the mushrooms before maturity. Then they will start throwing spores into the air that cause allergies in people. The higher the concentration of microscopic cells in the room, the more serious the consequences will be. For example, in the form of a cough, a runny nose, watery eyes and even asthma attacks. We recommend wearing a respirator and gloves when working with mushrooms.

Mycelium or fungal spores?

Mycelium and spores are planting material for growing mushrooms. The first is more like seedlings, and the second - seeds. It is better to use mycelium at home, since spore reproduction is a long and laborious process.

Mycelium is sold as a mixture and there are several options:


- grain - the most practical and widespread option;

- wooden plugs - suitable if mushrooms are grown on logs;

- non-sterile substrate - when using it, it is important to observe the technology, the advantage is that it is stored for a long time.

The best option is a grain mixture. Choose packaging with a transparent window and an air filter. Perforation is best avoided.

Where to grow mushrooms

Place mini-plantations on insulated balconies or windowsills. Ideally, windows should face north or west. If this is not possible, shade the windows with craft paper or blinds. Next, you need to prepare the substrate, populate the mycelium and create a suitable microclimate.

Mushrooms on the windowsill

A convenient place for growing mushrooms and other "compact" mushrooms. The main thing is that the windows do not open onto a warm balcony, otherwise there will be problems. The mycelium can be made from plastic bottles, boxes, glass cylinders in a wide mouth, pots, containers.

For woody living creatures, use deciduous sawdust, straw, and bran. Chop the straws to a size of 2-3 cm and mix with the other ingredients. Prepare heat-resistant dishes, pour the resulting mixture into it, completely fill it with water and boil for an hour. Wait for the brew to cool to 20 degrees and then drain the water. The substrate should be slightly warm and moist.

Fill the prepared container with the nutrient mass 5 cm below the edge. If you use cylinders, then on the shoulders. Spread the mushroom mycelium on the surface, and sprinkle on top with a layer of substrate 2 cm. Cover the dish with a damp cloth, which should be sprayed daily from the spray bottle. Wrap the glass container with a thick cloth to protect the contents from light. During the incubation period, the room should be dark and warm, the temperature should be +18 ... + 22 degrees.

After 2-3 weeks, the nutrient mass will be overgrown with white mycelium filaments, and mushroom rudiments will "hatch" on the surface. The fabric can be removed. When the mushrooms begin to bear fruit, the temperature should be lowered to + 10 ... + 15 degrees and the air humidity should be 85-88%. Create coolness and partial shade in the room, spray the substrate every day. Do not wait until the mushrooms are fully ripe. Harvest by unscrewing the nests with legs completely. Then again cover the mycelium with a damp cloth and repeat all the manipulations again. One substrate is enough for 3-4 cycles.

Mushrooms on the insulated balcony

It is easier to maintain the microclimate on the balcony and the smell of the substrate is not so strongly felt. You can place entire racks for myceliums, taking into account the size of the container and the height of the mushrooms. The back and side walls should be solid, and the front should be covered with a dark airtight curtain. Other options include using bulky bags instead of pots, or using logs.

In plastic bags

Prepare the substrate according to the above recipe, and use clean bags with a volume of 5-10 kg as a container. Fill the container with the nutrient mixture almost to the top, leaving 5 cm. Then sprinkle with mycelium and again with the substrate by 2 cm. Cut off the neck of the plastic bottle and fix the bag handles around it. Close the hole with cotton wool. Make 5 cm incisions on the side on three sides and one notch on the bottom. Place the bags at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other, cover with a curtain. Water the mycelium through the bottleneck once a day. As soon as fruiting begins, open the curtains slightly. Mushroom care is standard.

On logs

Logs can be purchased or prepared by yourself. You will need to saw the trunk of any deciduous tree up to 30 cm in diameter. Make sure that the wood is free of serious defects and divide it into logs 40-100 cm long. There is no need to remove the bark. Wait two weeks, and then soak the hemp in water for 24 hours. Then dry the logs for another 24 hours. Punch holes for the nutritious plugs all over the hemp. Place the holes in a checkerboard pattern, 10 cm apart. Place the plugs, wrap the logs in burlap and place them in a warm room. The mycelium grows in about 6 months. After that, remove the material and dig the logs into the ground (for example, in tubs). Water the mycelium through the soil and follow the above rules of care. You can grow mushrooms on a log plantation for 3-7 years.

Champignons in boxes

The substrate is prepared from manure and straw. You can do it yourself, but it will take weeks, so we recommend purchasing a ready-made one. Take boxes with drainage holes. Lay out the substrate 25 cm high, then a 3 cm layer of mycelium and 5 cm of nutrient on top. Cover the crates with burlap. Spray the material with water every day and ventilate the balcony. The temperature during the incubation period is + 24 ... + 26 degrees. With the beginning of fruiting, reduce to +18. The rest of the care is standard. After 2-3 months, the first crop can be harvested. About 10 kg of mushrooms are obtained from a square meter of land.

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