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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Nuts Are Good For Health Reasons Not To Eat Too Much

Nuts Are Good For Health Reasons Not To Eat Too Much
Nuts Are Good For Health Reasons Not To Eat Too Much

It is well known that nuts contain good fats and minerals, dietary fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. It also lowers cholesterol levels, improves heart health, boosts energy and helps you lose weight.
It has many nutritional benefits and harmonizes well with other ingredients, and thanks to the unique taste and texture of nuts, it is a healthy snack by itself.

However, because of this'snackable (good to eat with snacks)' feature, when you eat one by one, you often overlook the amount you need to eat a day. You can think of the recommended daily intake of nuts as a handful of fists or a quarter cup.

What would be the problem if you eat more than you need every day beyond this recommended amount?

◆ “I tried to lose weight, but rather gained weight ”

Nuts is a snack that many dieters choose. Instead of snacks that are high in calories without nutritional value, such as candies or sweets, they choose snacks that can help control weight with healthy nutritional ingredients.

However, nuts should not be overlooked. Nuts help diet when eating the right amount. If you eat more than the recommended amount, it will cause you to gain weight. For example, 30 grams of almonds contain about 160 calories. Even if you eat only twice that amount, you'll be eating 320 calories with just a nut snack.

◆ “My stomach is bloated and uncomfortable”

There are people who are uncomfortable with gas or bloated stomach after eating nuts. This is a common side effect of eating a lot of nuts. Nuts contain compounds called tannic acid and phytic acid, which can interfere with digestion and absorption and cause these uncomfortable symptoms.

In addition, eating too many nuts increases your fat intake, which can cause uncomfortable symptoms like diarrhea. People who experience these symptoms should adjust their nut intake to within the recommended amount to find out the amount that did not make their stomach uncomfortable.

◆ “In rare cases, even selenium poisoning”

There are many nuts rich in selenium. It is a Brazilian nut. Brazil nuts 6 to 8 tablets contain about 10 times the amount of selenium consumed per day. Therefore, if you keep eating Brazil nuts like a cookie, there is a risk of selenium poisoning.

When selenium poisoning occurs, nails are brittle, the smell of the mouth becomes severe, and muscle and joint pain may occur. To prevent this, you can limit the daily intake of Brazil nuts. The recommended daily intake of selenium is 55 micrograms, and Brazil nuts are recommended to be consumed within 2 tablets per day.

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