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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Influence of emotions on human health

Influence of emotions on human health
Influence of emotions on human health

Surely you have heard the expression "All diseases from nerves" more than once. Over time, we come to the conclusion that this statement is not a collection of empty sounds. Of course, the psychological background determines the quality of life. However, it still remains unclear exactly how human emotions and physical condition are interconnected. Whether mood really affects health, what role hormones play in this process, and whether the power of thought is really material, you will learn from this article.

Emotions as the foundation of life perception

If you are interested in how to prolong youth and maintain health for many years, then, for sure, in magazines or on the Internet, you have read more than once collections of recommendations on how to achieve this. Very often, the last summarizing item on such lists is the recommendation to look at the world with optimism and focus only on the positive that comes into your life. Despite the fact that it is impossible to argue with this advice (after all, everything is correct), to many it seems not only useless, but also absurd. You can’t flutter about your problems like a dragonfly from a fable. Otherwise, there will be a risk of repeating her fate.

Krylov's dragonfly in this context is not the best example. She is uninitiated and frivolous. The reluctance to take responsibility for her life played a bad trick on her. Therefore, as an objective example, it is better to take Polianna, the heroine of the novel of the same name by Elionor Porter. The peculiarity of Polianna's character was her unusual view of negative incidents. The little orphan, who from childhood was accustomed to enduring hardship, had plenty of reasons to lose faith in life. But she set a goal to be happy at all costs. This is how Polianna's amazing philosophy of life was born: “They threw lemons at you - make lemonade out of them. Others don't like you - this is a great reason to make friends with them. " What was the girl doing? She turned punishment into a reward and in such an unusual way won in the battle with the cruelty of the world around her.

The relationship between emotions and physical health. What do scientists say?

Medicine does not deny the direct influence of a person's emotions on their physical well-being. However, she pays more attention to the impact of negative emotions in order to find ways to deal with it. Thus, a direct link between severe stress and the development of ulcers has already been proven. Anger is a threat to people with cardiovascular disorders. There are plenty of analogies, since the effect of negative emotions in general reduces immunity and the readiness to resist the disease.

But emotions with the "+" sign are of more interest. If they are truly capable of healing, then they are a powerful resource for the body and the impetus for the development of new methods of therapy without drugs. There are many confirmed cases where a seriously ill person with a strong craving for life recovered completely. In such people, cases of resorption of malignant tumors were recorded and it was impossible to explain this from a scientific point of view. But, the fact remains.

Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh conducted an experiment, dividing experimental optimists and pessimists into two groups and asked them to complete several tasks. It was found that people with optimism and a healthy degree of indifference about the assigned tasks solved them 34% more effectively than alarmists involved in negative experiences. The work with the groups did not end there. To prove the direct effect of emotions on the physical condition, scientists "planted" a cold virus in each of the groups. The results surprised even skeptics. Members of the optimistic group either did not feel the symptoms of a cold at all, or they successfully and quickly dealt with it. And a group of pessimists experienced all the dubious delights of the disease to the fullest. At the same time, the average pain threshold of the participants in the "optimistic" group was 17% higher,

Games that hormones play

To join the group of lucky optimists, it is not enough just to smile, call black white and rejoice in failure. It looks silly and unnatural. You don't need to seem an optimist, you need to be. There are very specific prerequisites for this state. Namely, a sufficient level of hormones in the body responsible for good spirits. Without them, you can put on a smile as much as you like, but these efforts will be in vain.

Hormones are substances that are produced by the organs of internal secretion. They perform the function of chemical coordinators and in their interaction are responsible for the operation of all the gears of the huge mechanism. The slightest shift, imbalance or release of hormones threatens us with psychological instability and loss of health. Now let's get to know the little sponsors of our psychological and physical well-being.

Serotonin and optimism

The main function of this hormone is to transmit impulses between nerve cells. If there is a deficiency of serotonin in the body, the morale drops rapidly, leads to despondency, and then to prolonged depression. At the same time, intellectual and physical activity decreases, the work of the digestive and reproductive systems deteriorates, immunity decreases, and healthy sleep disappears. We obtain serotonin indirectly from food. In order for the hormone to be produced in the required amount, it needs the amino acid tryptophan. It is found in foods such as:

cottage cheese;
hard cheese varieties;
buckwheat grain;

If your serotonin levels drop, include magnesium-rich foods in your diet as well:

dried fruits;

Walk outdoors on sunny days, train your brain with puzzles, read more and do what you love. Serotonin likes it.

Dopamine and pleasure

Like serotonin, this hormone belongs to the group of neuromoderators. It is with its help that we experience the pleasure of intimate contact, as well as the enjoyment of the taste of food. At the same time, dopamine is produced not only in the process, but also in anticipation of pleasure, which increases its significance and prolongs pleasant sensations. However, sometimes dopamine plays a cruel joke with a person, addicting him to alcohol and illegal drugs. Therefore, it is best not to use them as a source of dopamine.

Adrenaline, norepinephrine and stress

Nature has laid down in man two types of reaction to danger. This is an attack or flight. Norepinephrine is responsible for the first action. Its task is to accumulate the forces of the body, activate the brain, increase muscle tone and blood flow. On an emotional level, the release of norepinephrine manifests itself in courage, determination and courage. The task of adrenaline is to signal the danger in time and solve the problem as soon as possible (get out of the conflict, pass the exam, dodge an accident, etc.). Both hormones are produced by the adrenal glands. Exceeding their concentration threatens the body with moral and physical exhaustion, the appearance of phobias, anxiety states. To prevent them, avoid stress and nerve-racking situations.

Endorphins and euphoria

Endorphins are the best friends of dopamine and serotonin. As a rule, they operate in parallel. These hormones act as a natural pain reliever and sedative. But, the most amazing property of endorphins is the ability to evoke pure, genuine (puppy, if you will) joy. Its sources can be:

listening to your favorite music or watching a movie;
communication with children or animals;
reading a good book;
leisure in pleasant communication, etc.

The release of endorphins is a short-term phenomenon. It is about him, like a fleeting happiness, sung in songs and poems.

Phenylethylamine and falling in love

Love at first sight exists and a very specific substance is responsible for it. In tandem with serotonin and dopamine, phenylethylamine induces sexual attraction, emotional outburst, feelings of sympathy and desire for closeness. It is to this cheerful trio that people should be grateful for bright, but short resort romances. The fact is that the complex of these hormones comes into effect only under favorable external circumstances and the level of stress reduced to zero. And where, if not on vacation, do all these components successfully develop?

Oxytocin and emotional closeness

Oxytocin is a female hormone. In a pregnant woman's body, this substance regulates the contractions of the uterus and the lactation process upon contact with the baby. However, oxytocin production is not limited to pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. This hormone lives in the body, regardless of gender. It forms in a person the ability to trust, penetrate, attach. An active release of oxytocin occurs with tactile contact. Therefore, hugs between loved ones are not just a gesture of trust. It is a source of joy and love that we give each other, both physically and chemically. Oxytocin relieves stress, anxiety, gives a sense of security, and even treats autism.

Testosterone and the joy of triumph

Testosterone is a hormone of the strong half of humanity. Of course, conditionally. He is responsible for the level of libido, the severity of secondary male sexual characteristics, erectile function. At the emotional level, testosterone is responsible for the formation of competitive advantages in the social environment, ambition, psychological and physical endurance. Testosterone is produced by gains in various areas of life. But this process also has pitfalls. As soon as the peak is reached, there are no new victories, and hormones are produced in the same volumes, there is a risk of depression and apathy. This is often encountered by athletes, business sharks and other people with an active lifestyle.

The endocrine system is responsible for the production of hormones in the body. Our well-being depends on it. But, in addition to the physical sphere, hormones command our psycho-emotional state, help us build a successful career, and realize ourselves in other equally important areas of life. Does our health depend on emotions? Certainly! Therefore, it is important to take care of yourself, take care of your health and know that our well-being is always in our hands!

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