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Why is it difficult for us to wake up in the morning |
Before reading the article, give yourself an answer to the question: how often do you "wake up and sing"? - Personally, it is very difficult for me to get up in the morning, in principle, like the vast majority of the world's population.
So why is it so hard to get together to start the day? - the answer is in our article.
Causes of lack of energy in the morning
- Let's imagine a typical morning for the average resident. In most cases, after the alarm clock rings, the first thought is “five more minutes and I’ll get up!”. Next comes the system "Denial - anger - bargaining - depression" and already when you understand that the rise still cannot be avoided comes "humility". Usually by this time you are already quite late and getting ready for work turns into a sheer confusion.
- I agree, it happens differently, but let's face it, I think most who read these lines have learned in them a description of their usual morning. Yes, and it can be difficult for all of us to wake up and that's why this can happen.
- Your body does not have enough time that you allocate for sleep. Yes, this banal and most common reason is in the top ten of the main enemies of a good morning. Men need about 8 hours of sleep to restore strength and energy. Women and children - at least 9 hours. This is ideal, but in reality you have to sleep much less. Mainly because of the inability to turn off the TV on time, put down the smartphone and take on the feasible amount of things.
- You overeat. Well, okay, you went to bed on time, slept enough, but still no sutra energy. And here is the question, when did you have dinner? And what did you eat? If your diet consisted of heavy, fried foods rich in carbohydrates, or alcohol, then the body simply did not have enough time to rest - it digested your dinner all night. It also negatively affects waking up and sleeping immediately after eating.
- You are not following the daily routine. Difficult working conditions and irregular schedules force you to replenish energy reserves during the daytime. As a result, at night the body is no longer able to fall asleep and fully recuperate.
- You stay up late. Well, you slept enough, but you still didn't manage to wake up cheerful. What time did you go to bed? The most valuable and beneficial for the relaxation of the body is the period from 21:00 to 00:00. Therefore, if you went to bed after midnight, do not expect an easy rise.
- Indiscipline. The alarm went off, what are you doing? - that's right, at best you turn it off or rearrange it five minutes later, at worst - just turn it off and wake up everything in the world. It was not for nothing that in my childhood, my grandmother used to say the saying “When you woke up - get up, don't be lazy”. Oh, how right she is. The fact is that it is easier for the body to wake up in the superficial phase of sleep. And turning off the alarm can put him into a deep sleep phase, which is very difficult to get out of.
- You are overexerting. Stress and overexertion during the day do not remain unnoticed at night. We cannot calm down and fully relax, scrolling through various situations. It is necessary to be able to abstract from problems.
- You are taking pharmacological medications. Pain relievers, antiallergic, antidepressants - all drugs of these groups negatively affect the quality of sleep, as a result of which it is difficult for the body to start working in the morning.
- You are not comfortable. A bed that is too hard or too soft, an uncomfortable pillow, bed linens that are unpleasant to the touch, and insufficient air humidity - all these negatively affect your sleep.
- Lack of sleep hygiene. Before going to bed, you drank coffee, watched a movie late into the night, and also did not let go of your smartphone - a typical example of a gross violation of sleep hygiene. At the same time, we all know perfectly well that this cannot be done and we consciously take into ourselves the opportunity to sleep normally.
- You are suffering from sleep apnea. Simply put, you snore. Retention of breath and irregular oxygen supply throughout the body disrupt the structure of sleep. As a result, not only drowsiness is observed, but also memory impairment, permanent fatigue and difficulty in thought processes.
- Restless legs syndrome. Numbness, swelling and leg cramps make you constantly seek a comfortable position and toss and turn in bed. And as a result, it affects the process of falling asleep.
- Mental and psychological factors. Depression is the most common.
As you can see, many nuances can cause a difficult awakening, but it is important to understand that everything is in our power and you should still pay attention to your own condition.
Human biorhythms and morning
The clinical cause of the lack of energy in the morning may be slow biological rhythm syndrome. Its essence lies in the fact that a person has a persistent inability to fall asleep and wake up at the right time. It is this pathology that occurs most often in people with slow biological rhythms.
Normally, humans have a natural 24-hour biorhythm. It is he who affects the alternation of states of sleep and wakefulness. And people with a broken cycle need more time to complete this or that phase. As a result, they go to bed much later, which means they wake up later as well. Unfortunately, the reasons for this phenomenon are not exactly known.
Also, the human biological clock has the ability to respond to the level of illumination. Therefore, when the sun rises in the morning, the body itself "understands" that it needs to get up. This explains the deterioration in sleep quality when the light is too bright.
There are a number of factors that can influence even "working" biological rhythms:
Night shifts.
Transcontinental flights.
Uncontrolled time to fall asleep.
Not getting enough sleep.
It is important to be able to adjust your life schedule to biological rhythms. After all, this is the key to not only good health, but also health in general.
How to energize yourself in the morning
We already know why you don't want to do anything in the morning. Now let's determine how to wake up cheerful after all. Our day begins in the morning, which means it should be joyful.
For the most comfortable waking up in the morning, try these guidelines:
- Determine your own reason for waking up. Yes, yes, exactly the motivation to get out of bed. Getting up early is not just because you need to go to work, but in order, for example, to have time to read a book, take a bath, and run. If all these reasons are too unmotivational for you - just get a dog - this is really an “alarm clock”!
- Get up immediately after the alarm rings, stretching this process will only make the problem worse. In fact, this is self-deception, an additional five minutes will not only add vigor to you, they will also take it away. Try a life hack - put the alarm clock so that you have to get up to turn it off.
- Sleep well and in sufficient quantity. Sleep quality is the foundation of your morning well-being. Make your sleep process as comfortable as possible - buy high-quality bedding, take care of a normal sleeping place, as well as comfortable sleepwear. Noisy neighbors - beepers to help you. And don't forget to provide enough oxygen in the room.
- Do not wind yourself up with problems - better dream and fall asleep happy.
- Create a "sleep ritual". We watched how children cannot fall asleep without a lullaby or bedtime stories. Nothing prevents us, adults, before going to bed, to do soothing breathing exercises, or listen to the sound of the surf.
- Take a scented bath before bed. Or at least a warm shower. This will help relax the muscles in your body.
- Eat a light meal 3 hours before bedtime.
- Minimize light sources. Can't influence all factors? - Once upon a time they came up with a wonderful thing - a bandage for sleeping.
- Go to bed at the same time. Yes, it is difficult, but nobody canceled self-discipline.
- Another nuance is the alarm clock melody. Do not set it too sharp and loud, but do not overdo it with softness.
- Do at least the minimum charge. So banal advice, but it does not lose its relevance today. If even a minimal warm-up is not within your power, stretch, but gently and smoothly, so as not to seize cramps, or sprain.
- Start your metabolism by drinking a glass of water right after waking up.
- To minimize the burden of gathering in the morning, write out a plan for a week or a month and hang it in a prominent place.
- Turn on cheerful, favorite music and do all your morning chores with it
Don't forget that morning is an important and wonderful part of the day. Observe these rules and finally fall in love with your "enemy".
May your morning be always good!
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