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Monday, August 3, 2020

Body shaping and fat burning

Body shaping and fat burning
Body shaping and fat burning
Summer has come, it's hot - it's time to put on your favorite shorts, a T-shirt and go to the beach to sunbathe. But how do you put on those damn shorts and why don't they fit? Wouldn't it be better to stay at home and read this article?

The topic of fat burning and body shaping is gaining relevance every year. And despite thousands of sources, millions of videos and billions of tips, people have more questions than answers:

. Why doesn't what works for others work for me?

.  Why does he eat everything and does not get better, and me? 

.  Is it true that after I lose weight, I will gain even more very quickly?

.  Why does the weight go away, but the belly still remains the same?

.  Which diet should I choose?

.  Just give up sweets and food in the evening?

.  Why do I need to lift these dumbbells, can you really not do without them?

.  But this girl has a flat stomach and is always in great shape. Is it possible? Maybe she is using
   illegal drugs? 

.  Why am I getting better anyway? I eat once a day! 

There are more than a dozen of these questions, myths, theories. Where is the truth? And why should you trust me?

To believe or not to believe is your personal right. I only recommend that you read this article to the end consciously, thoughtfully and try to put everything in its place in your head. Of course, you can try a couple of tips and tricks and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Why is excess weight dangerous?

The relevance of the topic of weight loss and body shaping is added by the fact that the word "obesity" is directly related to such terrible words as diabetes, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, colon cancer, cholecystitis, infertility etc. These diseases, like metabolic syndrome, always run in parallel or in pursuit of overweight and obesity.

The fact is that according to the statistics of the World Health Organization for 2017, mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system & #40; hereinafter referred to as CVS) is about 60%. This means that out of three people, two die from CVD diseases.

And this percentage is growing every year, while mortality from cancer, external factors or infectious diseases is decreasing! Yes, indeed, doctors are beginning to successfully cope with mild forms of cancer, coming up with new methods of treatment, and these diseases are becoming less and less causes of death. Car manufacturers, in turn, come up with more and more advanced safety systems: smart forced stop systems, airbags, etc., which reduce deaths from the same external factors.

Of course, technical progress has reached the field of heart disease. Doctors easily change valves, put shunts, make microvenous anastomoses and much more, but there is one but They have not learned to prevent these diseases, and this has not reduced the number of people suffering from latent forms of CVD diseases.

Where am I leading? Moreover, CVS diseases are closely related to overweight and obesity. In other words, if you are overweight, then, most likely, obesity will soon be, and along with obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system will begin in parallel. And if you do not attach importance to this, then ultimately - a microstroke - a stroke or a microinfarction - a heart attack and death.

By the way, I draw your attention to the fact that one of the factors of obesity and overweight is a genetic predisposition. And don't trust those bloggers who say genetics has nothing to do with it. According to recent reports, 80% is attributed to hereditary obesity. That is, if someone in your family was obese, then we can safely say that children will also suffer from this ailment. Of course, they can successfully fight it and look great, but it will cost them much more work than others.

Weight and beauty

A sculpted, athletic physique has always been the standard of beauty and aesthetics. In the Middle Ages, gorgeous ladies were considered the standard of beauty, but this period lasted only one century, and now this is not at all relevant. Although, in your defense, you can say: "There will be someone who will love me for who I am." I do not argue, of course, there is. You will eat burgers and sneakers, live happily, but not for long.

I also know girls who like "men in body", the main thing is not to be thin, even if they have a small tummy - it's even better. Indeed, recently there have been completely different values   and ideals. You obviously also have such acquaintances.

But nevertheless, obesity is a serious disease associated with metabolic disorders, and it will not be easy to get rid of it. This will take years.

Body shaping, relief - these are simpler things. If you are not overweight and you just need to remove fat in certain places: from the abdomen, thighs, shoulders, etc. - It's not a problem. But in two weeks you won't get any results. Be ready for serious, gradual and constant work on yourself.

Overweight or obese?

So, let's then figure out how we can characterize obesity and just being overweight. The point is that these are different concepts. Weight characterizes more quantitative indicators, that is, it is the force with which our body presses on the support (scales) under the influence of gravity. But for our convenience and perception, the scales do not show newtons, but kilograms.

Everyone remembers the simplest formula:

"Height - 100 = normal weight".

This is called Brock's formula. It was invented two centuries ago, and many people still determine their normal weight by it.

There are already modifications of this formula for men and women: M = height - 90; W = height - 110.

But all these calculations cannot characterize our body composition and its qualitative data: percentage of fat, muscle structures and water content.

To determine obesity, WHO still uses the formula for determining body mass index: 

Index = weight / height 2 

An index from 18.5 to 24.99 indicates the normal weight of a person. An index over 25 is worth considering. If you get 30 or more, this is already obesity. An index over 40 is a very high risk for life, typical for obesity of the 3rd degree.

There are many ways to determine the percentage of body fat: caliperometry, ultrasound, x-rays, immersion in water, bio-impedance scales, etc. Regardless of how you do it, remember: for girls, the norm is 15-30% body fat, and for men - 10-25%. If you try to go beyond these indicators, you should know: the body is a tricky thing, and it won't let you do it so easily!

What is fat

And since we have already started talking about fat, let's look at what it is before engaging in the so-called "fat burning". Fat is a tissue of our body that performs a number of functions: it protects our body from mechanical shocks and temperature changes, stores a large amount of energy, produces tissue hormones, is a raw material for many hormones, and also produces endogenous water.

Adipose tissue is made up of cells called adipocytes (lipocytes). Adipocytes are container cells. Inside the adipocyte, the energy reserve in the form of triaglycerides (TAG) is stored as in a container.

So, the number of fat cells in our body is the same. There are, of course, a number of factors that can contribute to the increase in the number, but in general, this is some kind of definite figure. The fact is that fat cells can overflow with TAG and increase in size, which is typical for obesity, cellulite and other diseases.

Fat burning process

What do we mean by the word "fat burning"? This is a multistep process during which TAGs are consumed for energy, or rather, fatty acids are oxidized (burned) in mitochondria to produce chemical energy.

That is, the need for energy is one of the factors in the expenditure of fat reserves. But do not forget, again, that the body is a tricky thing, and it has learned to use a number of other substrates for energy (for example, carbohydrates, proteins, creatine phosphate, etc.). This means that it is necessary not only to make an energy deficit, but also to force the body to use its own fats as energy.

1kg of fat = 93,000 kcal of energy

Energy deficiency can be done in two ways:

do not give the body a sufficient amount of these calories from the outside (that is, keep a low-calorie diet);
increase energy expenditures for daily activities (doing fitness, for example, getting a dog and walking it three times a day, etc.). Looking ahead, I will say that the second option is preferable.

The fat burning process is divided into three stages, or phases.

1. Activation phase. That is, a certain stress factor that gives our body the necessary stimuli and hormones that activate the fat cell. And the adipocyte, in turn, releases into the blood an energy substrate, in particular fatty acids. The simplest example is to do 20 squats, and even the scanty amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine released by the adrenal glands in response to physical activity will start the process of burning fat. But how much? For two hours or two minutes, and possibly much less.

For the first phase, short-term strength work of an explosive nature and high intensity is excellent. For example, 5-10 heavy weight squats.

Without an activation phase, without a hormonal arousal or start-up phase, fat burning occurs at a level close to zero.

2. The phase of direct "burning" of this fat. There is a working muscle or organ that needs energy; the blood moving towards it carries droplets of fatty acids, which can be oxidized (burned) in special "cauldrons" - mitochondria. The main condition for the oxidation (combustion) of these substrates is a sufficient amount of oxygen - an aerobic mode of work, aerobics. In order to burn firewood, oxygen is also required - without oxygen, a fire cannot be kindled. In other words, the second phase, following the activation phase, must consume fatty acids that entered the bloodstream at the time of power load. And for this we need to be sure that we are working in an aerobic mode. How to determine this? There are few ways, but the simplest is to understand that we do not have the so-called shortness of breath, which is characteristic of compensating for oxygen debt,

Of course, depending on age, weight and level of fitness, each aerobics will have different indicators: for one person it will start at a heart rate below 110 beats / min, while an athlete will have an aerobic mode of work even at 140 beats / min. min.

Of course, fitness gurus will say: "What about ANSP, IPC?" I recommend not to bother with terminology. I can definitely say that 120 beats / min is an average indicator that characterizes the aerobic nature of the work of most ordinary people. If you are doing exercises or walking down the street and at the same time breathe calmly and your heart rate does not exceed 120 beats / min - this is just the second phase of fat burning. This is aerobics.

Oddly enough, while you are sitting or lying on the couch, you also do aerobics. But what did you do before you lay down on the couch? Have you eaten a bucket of strawberries, or lifted 5 thousand kg in training, or ran away from an angry dog   and ran 100 meters in 10 seconds? 

3. The third phase of fat burning is also important. The fact is that in order for the body to continue taking the energy of its own fats, you need to try: it is necessary to prolong this process, that is, to make it as long as possible.

Imagine that you did strength training, and then the whole day the body uses those fatty acids that have entered the bloodstream as energy. But, again, the body is such a cunning thing that it won't let you do it just like that. Blood oversaturation with fatty acids inhibits lipolysis and β-oxidation. Therefore, it is necessary to do so that the fatty acids released into the blood are used as quickly as possible.

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