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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Energy practice SECOND BREATH

Energy practice SECOND BREATH
Energy practice SECOND BREATH

I would also call this practice 'second wind'. It is also suitable for opening the tenth and twentieth breaths.

So, sit or stand with your back straight. Rub your palms together and place them on the lower back, in the area of   the kidneys. Hold them like this for 2-3 minutes and release your hands.

How does it feel?

The kidneys are powerful energy centers, they are blood depot organs. Such as lungs, liver, spleen. 

For a reason, the older generation often instructed to keep the kidneys and feet warm.

Many energy channels, including birth ones, go through the kidneys.

Putting our palms on the back of the kidneys, we stimulate the release of energy into the body, which is so necessary at this moment, we give ourselves external support and support in a difficult situation.

If you feel confusion, loss of strength, doubt, fatigue - do this simple action. After a short time, your condition will improve, you will have more confidence and strength to make a decision or make a choice.

Just the same? And it is very effective!

Remember how pregnant women walk. They not only support the lower back, but also stimulate the kidney area. It takes a lot of extra energy to form a new life and body. This energy is released from the body of the expectant mother and is carried through the birth energy channels from the clan.

Old people also like to support their back in a way that enhances their flow of vitality.

And in difficult situations or physical exertion, your body itself prompted you to put your palms on your kidneys. Intuitively, you often do this. The body always knows how to help itself, just let yourself hear its desires.

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