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Monday, August 31, 2020

Hunger that prolongs life

Hunger that prolongs life
Hunger that prolongs life

In recent years, scientists have conducted several major studies on intermittent fasting. It turned out that it really has a good effect on health: the participants in the experiments lost weight, normalized their blood pressure, and longer studies showed that controlled fasting prolongs life.

Of course, nothing will happen from a one-time fast, so if you choose this option for healing, you must practice it constantly.

How does intermittent fasting work?

During voluntary starvation, the cells of the body do not need to process the nutrients entering them, so they can "look inside themselves", quickly cleanse their own parts that have failed and renew themselves. According to some opinions, fasting even cures oncology, but for now we will focus on the proven and obvious fact of intermittent fasting: it really helps cells to renew themselves.

We offer several proven cyclic fasting regimens. Perhaps after just a month of this practice, you will feel the results.

Intermittent fasting options 

8 Hour Diet by David Zinchenko

An American blogger promotes 8/16 intermittent fasting for everyone, not just bodybuilders. However, few people pay attention to the fact that at the same time his recommendations "rest against" the low-calorie nutrition of the English endocrinologist Albert T.V. Simeon. It's not just that. All "this story" should take place accompanied by the obligatory daily injections (drops, spray) of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Eat-starve-eat from Brad Pilon

The Canadian sports nutritionist and fitness adherent invites everyone to lose weight without going on a diet that is personally unsuitable for him with 6 meals a day, but to arrange for himself 1 hungry day a week (2 is possible). On other days, you need to reduce calories in the way that suits you best. This option is suitable for those who do not know how or are lazy (as the author) to calculate the calorie content of one fractional portion of food, as a result, it exceeds the daily norm and ends up with an inevitable weight gain.

Fast diet by Bert Haring

He proposes a 5/19 daily schedule known as Fast-5. This intermittent system is designed for overweight exercising people. Possible 20% fat loss, subject to calorie restriction. But for those who do not exercise, Haring guarantees 3% fat loss, even without calorie restriction in a 5-hour food window. The doctor advises not to expect any results during the first 3 weeks, which the body needs to adapt to the new meal schedule.

Ori Hofmeckler's Warrior Diet

Everything is very similar to Fast-5. The difference in the balance of the food window and fasting     is 4 + 20. 

Fast Diet by Tony Havel and Michelle Harvey

Designed for the lazy. To lose 3 kg per month, it is proposed to eat 2 times a day 2 days a week, consuming 500 kcal at a time. Days like this shouldn't follow each other. 

Diet 5: 2 by Kate Harrison

It is a practical counterpart of the scheme described above, with the only difference that you need to eat for 2 "limited" days 1 time: men eat 600 kcal, and women - 500.

In the early 70s of the last century, a Soviet climber, Doctor of Biological Sciences, an outstanding sports physiologist - Vladimir Dmitrievich Monogarov, recommended periodically exposing the body to a one-day hunger stress on the water. But to do this not once a week, on a strictly fixed day, but with unequal intervals between hungry days, for example, like this: 5— (1) —12— (1) —7— (1) —4— (1) - 10 ... Such a "ragged" alternation should last 3 months and be repeated once a year. If you want, you can arrange a hard fast several times for 2 days in a row.

Such "sudden" one-day fasting is great for maintaining the tone of the immune system. Well, for effective weight loss, you still need to limit calories and exercise. In any case, the practice of such intermittent fasting has been proven over the years. At 93, the professor is not only alive, but also healthy, in excellent physical shape, runs and works out in the gym. 

Classic fasting is not to consume anything high-calorie (but tea and coffee - you can) for 16 hours. For example, suppose you had dinner at 4 pm, and next time you have breakfast at 8 am. During this time, the body manages to start self-healing processes.

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