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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Spiritual Causes of Diabetes

Spiritual Causes of Diabetes
Spiritual Causes of Diabetes
You can agree or disagree with these observations, but it is better to connect your experience, remember stories from the lives of different people you know - then the picture will either be confirmed by examples, or not. Perhaps this is the only way to explore our world - from experience to generalizations?

Diabetes mellitus is a very exciting topic for me. I have not stopped studying the spiritual causes of this disease for nine years - this diagnosis was made to my daughter. This article is the quintessence of all the accumulated knowledge and experience. We will walk a conscious path into a completely unique system of cause-and-effect relationships for the occurrence of this disease. Consider diabetes as something holistic on an energy level. And to put this puzzle together, first I propose to find out what modern medicine says about diabetes.

Conventional medicine describes diabetes mellitus as a systemic endocrine disease associated with the production of the hormone insulin. Paradoxical is the fact that type I diabetes (insulin-dependent) and type II diabetes mellitus (non-insulin dependent) are completely different in etiopathogenesis (a set of ideas about the causes and mechanisms of the development of the disease), but subsequently both types show the same clinical symptoms. In the first case, the islets of Langengars (the endocrine apparatus of the pancreas) die, which leads to an almost absolute insufficiency of insulin. In the second case, the overproduction of insulin leads to the immunity of the cells of this hormone, which gradually leads to its insufficiency.

Statistics show that out of 100% of diabetics, 86-88% have type II diabetes, and 12-15% have type I diabetes. The first type is mainly found in children and adolescents, and the second, as a rule, in middle-aged and elderly people. Both types lead to impaired carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.

Diabetes is a disease of love

To complete the study of the issue, one should also familiarize oneself with the works of the classics of spiritual philosophy, psychosomatics and bioenergetics. They led me to a certain conclusion: diabetes is a disease of love.

Sergei Lazarev talks about the lack or absence of love in a person's soul.

Liz Burbo links diabetes to emotional redistribution. Typically, a diabetic patient is very impressionable and emotional, with excessive desires that mostly concern others.

Bodo Baginski and Sharmo Shalila also talk about love. A keen desire for love is accompanied by a dualistic inability to accept it and let it in. On this soil, the "acidification" of the organism occurs.

Valery Sinelnikov describes a diabetic as a person who develops a subconscious and conscious feeling that there is nothing pleasant, “sweet” left in life. Such people feel a strong deficit of joy.

Sergey Konovalov names such causes of the disease: longing for the unfulfilled, despair, deep grief. In addition, the reason may be in deep hereditary sadness, in the inability to accept and internalize love. Louise Hay says the same thing .

Anatoly Nekrasov writes that a person considers himself not entitled to the pleasures of life until loved ones have them.

After rereading hundreds of books, I wondered, but how can I explain this to myself, how to put this puzzle together? After much intuitive research, I was able to draw this "diabetic map", calling it "People who do good."

How to recognize a diabetic

Portrait of a child (type I diabetes). Observing children with diabetes, I found an almost identical picture. Outwardly, they are bright and attractive children, radiant, kind, gentle. It is impossible to pass by a child with diabetes - he shows with his whole appearance: "I will do whatever you say, just love me." Each of them tries to realize all their talents in order to thereby say: "Look, I am the best!" These inexplicably talented and bright children jokingly call themselves "sweet." But if we dig deeper, we notice how they withdraw into themselves, strive to retire.

These are children with huge lakes of eyes that radiate sadness. Another hallmark is some kind of inner wisdom of the soul. One of the physical manifestations in the external world is visible independence, but only visible.

Portrait of an adult (type II diabetes mellitus). The second type I would divide into two groups: "beginner" and "progressive".

A diabetic aspiring person is someone who has a unique gift of persuasion. The manifested charisma (the strength of the soul in a person, his influence as a person) causes the desire to love this person. Outwardly, these are soft, warm-hearted people who come to the rescue. With wise knowledge, they often become good friends and advisers. They are very loyal people who try to take care of everyone who comes in their field of vision, and they blame themselves if other people's life goes wrong, in their opinion. And yet these people who are always in a hurry to live are trying to occupy all the space, to be needed at work, in the family, even in the garden. They are eager to realize their talents and desires - then, when there is time. But then ... the next stage comes.

As we can see, the external picture is as follows: these are people "doing good"!

The “ progressive diabetic” (this type refers to chronic type I and II diabetes) is already too tired of “doing good”. He wants to remain the same “needed by the whole world”, but the strength is no longer enough, so “doing good” has to be done by violent methods. And now, what was previously kept in the secrets of the subconscious begins to appear outward.

Its behavior is distinguished by the following programs :

manifestation of sacrifice (“Here I am sick, but I do this and that!”);

evaluating everyone around. He knows exactly which person is bad and which is good;

persistent imposition of their knowledge and experience on everyone (“I have lived so much, but no one listens to me”);

imposing false goals on everyone around because of a sense of incompleteness. For example, he makes the child live for himself, makes him go to college, since he has only college behind him;

division of the world into castes: on the one hand, people who are socially lower than him, he denies, condemns, preaches and then ceases to communicate with them, not accepting the fact that all people are made "of the same clay." On the other hand, people who are socially superior inspire admiration and worship in him;

the manifestation of envy due to unfulfilled expectations and desires, picky to everyone around;
at the last stage - deep diabetic - the person ceases to like someone, everything is annoying, the pancreas is functioning worse and worse. A person closes in himself, begins to hate even his own kind, thereby launching the karmic program of generic diabetes.

Is there a way out?

For all of the above blocking emotional failures, the pancreas "pays". Ayurveda calls the main spiritual cause of type I diabetes the closure of one of the centers of the human energy-information system - the third chakra, while type II diabetes mellitus first causes it to be hyperactive and then blocks it. This chakra (manipura) controls the main vital energies - respiration and digestion, participates in the work of the adrenal glands, is responsible for the synthesis of ATP in the mitochondria, that is, it provides the human body with the main vital energy.

It is the main energy center for managing interpersonal relationships between people and distributing the divine energy of life in the body. Through this chakra, a person's individuality manifests itself, which is called charisma, "personal magnetism." When a person refuses to accept his unique personality, his "magnetism" turns into the manipulation of people. And where there is manipulation, there is a lack of love.

So why is all this happening? How is harmony broken? What do you need to realize? Let's look at everything in order.

First , the Soul. Being on the spiritual path, we accept ourselves and people as they are, without judgments and desires to "make the world a better place." Each Soul is a unique part of the whole mechanism of the Creator. The soul is an absolute unity of life energy, a harmonious union with everything that exists.

When does this harmony collapse? When we accept the responsibility to decide everything for others, to make ourselves better, we strive to find our absolutely important destiny.

We often “flirt” by succumbing to the tricks of consciousness and group beliefs. We set false goals and look for false ideals, but do not get the desired happiness, instead “gaining” pride, despair, loss of strength, and then the body gives us signals in the form of diseases. Whatever place we occupy in society, we will not feel happiness until we realize the harmony of the world.

Secondly, Love. Unfortunately, our idea of   love is limited only to physical manifestations of care, patience, gratitude, joy. In fact, love is an intangible substance for an ordinary person that fills our physical body. Love is the energy of life! There is nothing in the world but energy, which differs only in the speed of molecules.

If illnesses, problems and other troubles come, then only so that a person thinks about where he is going, what he thinks, says and does, and begins to correct himself, he takes the right path. There are many nuances of how the disease manifests itself in our body. The pancreas is the organ that distributes the vital energy of love in the human body. Diabetes mellitus is a failure in the system that leads to the desire to be the best, to prove oneself important in this world, in order to receive the love of others. And until a person "rips" all the "weeds" from his head, the body will be destroyed.

Healing formula

The healing formula is simple:

1. understand how it works;

2. we identify the reasons;

3. we carry out practical daily activities.

It is important to realize that the energy of the physical body and the spiritual are one and the same.

All living things require a continuous flow of energy to live. Energy is generated and used for all life processes, from digestion to muscle contraction. In the evolutionary process of plant and living organisms, a unique opportunity has been developed to store energy in the form of compounds.

The main place in this is occupied by ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Metabolic processes include the consumption and subsequent release of energy. It is ATP that is a functional energy converter, as well as one of the three most important elements of DNA and RNA. This is a kind of energy currency of our body! In 1939-1940. F. Lipman found that ATP is the main carrier of energy in the cell.

Sugars (carbohydrates) serve as the structural material for building ATP. They are the main source of energy for metabolism in living things that receive energy from food. Naturally, if a person lacks carbohydrates, he feels an acute lack of energy, and therefore love. Sugar entering the body brings a feeling of courage, as if adds strength, our mood rises. This courage balances fears, and the person feels false power.

The more fears a person has, the more he eats sweets. Soon there comes a point when sugars stop being absorbed. A person begins to do good to strangers, thereby, as it were, "buying" their love, while he secretly (deep in the subconscious) wants others to decide important things for him, that is, transfers responsibility to others.

The more a person longs to “do good” and be the best, the more his pancreas is affected.

The more internal protest against resolving your situations yourself, the faster the production of insulin decreases, up to cessation. A person loses the power of love and looks for it everywhere - just not in himself! At the energetic level, he independently cuts off the channel of communication with the creator, renouncing the intended energy of love, given to him by birth, and as a result of this failure, diabetes mellitus sets in.

Diabetes sets a clear task for the Soul - to  learn to control itself ! This is the solution to the problem. But more often, on the contrary, a person develops an acute desire to control everyone around.

Root causes

The causes of childhood type I diabetes. In the course of my work, I found some common deep blocks.

1.  Generic reason. A child born into an unrealized creative family. This is when several generations of the clan refuse to show creative talents (for various reasons: wars, deprivation, hunger). If we look into history, we will see that during the times when ancestral traditions were maintained, there were fewer diseases.

2.  Purchased program. Deep programs "gifted" to a child in the process of life. The emotional connection with his parents makes him live not his own life, but his parent's unfulfilled dreams. In this case, the will is blocked, and the child becomes "doing good" to his parents. Diabetes occurs in children who do not feel sufficient understanding and attention from their parents. Sadness creates emptiness in a child's soul, and nature abhors emptiness. In order to attract attention to himself, the child gets sick.

3.  Karmic connection. It happens that type I diabetes occurs when one of the parents cannot let go of the Soul of a departed beloved relative, as if yearning for love. Then the child takes on the responsibility to return this love to the ancestral DNA. It is important to know that until the age of 14, the child's chakra system is formed and is closely connected with the mother. Therefore, before the child turns 14, the mother needs to find all the causes of the child's illness in herself and change her life.

The causes of type II diabetes mellitus. The deep blocks can be different, because each person is unique, but the main reason is the refusal to realize in the world.

A case from life: a man dreamed of becoming a rocket launcher engineer, but sacrifices his choice for the peace of his family. Having quit his job, he helps his wife in realization, builds a house. Creative energy gradually disappears, sadness arises about the unfulfilled, after which programs of "sacrifice" are launched. Increasingly, he begins to say to his family: "I sacrificed this and that for you," after which he closes up, closes, and all the people around him begin to irritate him.

Being in conflict with oneself, one is unable to accept love from others. The general basic formula of diabetes mellitus is “mutual guarantee of love”. First, one loves others. Then he demands love in return, but cannot accept it. And now there is a lack of self-love. There are other reasons, each case is different, but there is only one solution - to take responsibility for your life and uniqueness.

Practical daily activities

First you need a desire to change your life, then you need to think about it, and then - to act in accordance with your thoughts - to create your life.

The child needs to do what he wants, to develop more creative skills.

The child needs to believe that the family loves him and does not reject him.

An adult needs to relax, stop controlling absolutely everything around.

Do not allow yourself to be discouraged and dissatisfied with everyone around you. Train yourself to find positive moments in any situation.

Forget the past, do not strive for the future, live here and now.

Stop the mission to save humanity. The desire to make someone better realize first on yourself

Stop looking for perfection in yourself. Forget unfulfilled past desires. Accept what you have already accomplished.

Learn to feel joy, pleasure and love for the world every day.

Love yourself! Create your life!

Finding inner peace of mind, openness to love and the ability to love is the beginning of the way out of the disease.

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