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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What is the Health Benefit of Running

What is the Health Benefit of Running
What is the Health Benefit of Running

Running, by its nature, is generally unique. This is one of the most natural activities for a person, both in the whole story, and in particular for each person. Tell me, who did not run in childhood during games or just like that on the beach?

Another run is amazing in its biomechanics. A large number of muscles, ligaments and joints are included in the work. If you believe the research, then only swimming and skiing can be compared by load. But running is still more accessible than swimming or skiing.

Improves lung function. Thanks to running, the efficiency of gas exchange is increased, the cardiovascular system is strengthened. Oxygen more efficiently enters the body tissues, the body is cleansed of toxins.

The body's immune system becomes more resistant to viruses and bacteria. In the case of malignant cells, the body is more actively involved in the fight with them.
The nervous system is more active. The activity of the brain increases. Running helps to cope and prevent depression.

Efficiency increases after training, the brain works faster than those who do not run. After running, the body produces more hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, which, in fact, affects mood.

The amount of fat in the body decreases, the body mass index returns to normal. This, in turn, creates a more attractive shape. If you want an affordable cosmetic procedure, then this is a run that affects the buttocks, hips, torso, and face shape.

The risk of death from various diseases are reduced. According to studies, runners have a 25-40% lower risk, and they live 2-3 years more.

Even more good

Scientists from all countries love to explore the topic of health and life expectancy, and how to achieve not only long years of life, but also quality ones. Therefore, there are many discoveries about the positive impact of such cardio loads.

1. Running and the brain

It has long been known about the effect of exercise on the brain. The memory improves, the attentiveness increases, the training is more effective, the mental processes are faster, the cognitive functions of the brain are increased. Running helps more likely to prevent dementia, and also contributes to the emergence of nerve cells, i.e. There is neurogenesis. If you believe the research, then in the brain, in the hippocampus, about 700 neurons can form every day.

2. Running and cardiovascular system

Everyone knows that cardio loads are called that because they put a strain on the heart. Running gives such a form of load that strengthens the myocardium, and the heart itself becomes able to pump more blood per unit time. What does it mean? It means that oxygen is more likely to reach its destination, and all unnecessary from organs and tissues is excreted. In this way, toxins, waste products, and carbon dioxide do not accumulate.

If you have high or low blood pressure, i.e. hypertension or hypotension, then running will help. During running, the overall vascular tone rises, which leads to stabilization of blood pressure. In addition, due to the fact that blood circulates throughout the body better, more actively, and cholesterol levels normalize, the risk of atherosclerosis is also reduced. Well, we know that the heart and blood vessels play one of the key roles in the body.

And you can not ignore the opportunity to strengthen your cardiovascular system. Mortality due to heart or vascular disease is still the highest in the world.

3. Running and the respiratory system

Running has a positive effect on the lungs. It is possible to improve ventilation of the respiratory system, which helps to increase the vital capacity of the lungs, strengthen the diaphragm and increase vascularization. Thanks to all this, more oxygen enters the body, which in turn goes to the blood cells, and they already carry it throughout the body.

4. Running and the immune system

During running at a low or medium pace, the protective properties of the body increase. This is due to the fact that the activity of immune cells and protective proteins increases. Thus, the body is less susceptible to colds and other diseases. The body successfully resists viral infections, which is especially true in the modern world.

However, anyone who intends to train should take into account that the payloads are in low and medium intensity. Because during excessive loads, such as during a marathon or interval training, the immune system weakens. The body may need several hours or even several days to restore it.

5. Running and the digestive system

During running, rhythmic movements occur, which in turn work on the principle of massage for our internal organs, in particular for the intestines. This improves its peristalsis. What does it mean? The body will get rid of disorders, constipation and indigestion. In addition to the intestines, the gall bladder, stomach, pancreas and liver begin to work better.

7. Running and musculoskeletal system

Running has biomechanics that includes the entire body. Not only legs work, not only their muscles develop. The buttocks, abs, back, arms, shoulders, neck are included in the process. An even greater effect can be traced when a person runs not along the track, but trails, i.e. cross country running. While running up and down the slopes, much more muscle is turned on. Therefore, if there are no mountains nearby, then you can run up the stairs of your house.

What will be news for some is the effect of running on the spine. There are studies that have shown a positive effect on the mobility of intervertebral discs. Along with a positive effect on the joints and ligaments, running can and should be recommended to people aged.

But you should always remember about the correctness of training and the number of loads. Knees, ligaments, muscles are prone to injuries and sprains, if you ignore a reasonable approach to running.

Running is the medicine

1. Running and sleeping

If you want to normalize sleep, then running will help. It has a beneficial effect, which leads to balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. But if you run in the evening, then you should consider that you should be engaged no later than two hours before bedtime.

2. Running and weight

Many start jogging to deal with excess weight. Even a light run helps burn hundreds of calories. But running is not a panacea in this matter. Much more important is to adhere to discipline in the diet and exercise regularly. In addition, if a person is overweight, then you can not immediately proceed to intensive training. Loads should be increased gradually.

Do not rush to the head. First of all, you’ll only do much harm, and secondly, running will not help immediately from everything. In addition, you can do worse. Because both in the fight against excess weight, and in improving the functioning of your body as a whole, you should adhere to some rules in training and running.

Right training

1. Medical examination

If you want everything to be certain, consult a doctor first. He will give you proper advice, and you can sign up for a full examination. This will help to avoid unpleasant cases if you have a chronic illness. It is also necessary if there are injuries, because they must be taken into account and corrected running loads. But there are not so many contraindications in general.

2. Contraindications

Running is not suitable if detected:
Congenital heart defect
Heart failure
Thrombophlebitis of the legs
Acute Infectious Disease
Serious musculoskeletal injury
However, if a medical examination revealed either mild diseases or diseases in the initial stages, then running will benefit:

Mitral valve prolapse
Mild aortic or pulmonary valvular stenosis
Mild or moderate insufficient heart valves
If you have the first symptoms of a cold and there is no fever, then running will help stimulate the immune system, which will help you recover faster. Running will also help in the initial stage of varicose veins. Blood circulation improves, which eliminates stagnation in the legs, and this can even stop the disease.

3. Suitable time

It's never too late to start. They run at 7 years old and at 100. But, of course, it is necessary to take into account the level of loads according to the age and individual characteristics of the body. If you took everything into account and the medical examination did not reveal any contraindications, start today. Do not delay the opportunity to improve your health.

It may be inspired by the information that the oldest marathon runner, Fauja Singh, began to run at the age of 81. At 89 he ran the first marathon. At 100, he ran 42.2 km in 8 hours and 25 minutes.

The main thing is to increase the level of loads gradually and regularly. The body needs to adapt to new conditions, and then the described positive changes occur. Ideally, if the process is controlled by a trainer who will tell you about the loads and the technique. But to listen to the sensations while running, how the body reacts to training is also necessary.

And only regular training will lead to maximum benefit. It can be twice a week for 30 minutes, but it should be regular. If you like the process, then you can increase the number, duration, connect strength training for muscles, stretch marks for ligaments and joints.

4. Duration

If a person has never been involved in running, you can start with 15 minutes of running at a comfortable pace. If it’s hard, then you can switch to walking. Do not think that it does not give anything. Even regular 10 minutes of training have an effect. The most effective duration is achieved during training from 30 to 40 minutes.

According to the American Association of Cardiology and the World Health Organization, for the most beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, you should exercise at least 150 minutes a week with aerobic exercise at an easy pace. Or 75 minutes with a combination of light and medium intensity workouts.

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