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Saturday, August 8, 2020

What dreams do we dream

What dreams do we dream
What dreams do we dream

Despite all the variety of works of art, whether we are talking about books, films, canvases by artists, it is believed that there are only 36 plots of world art - so far no one has managed to come up with the 37th ... The same applies to dreams. The world of dreams that we see every night has no boundaries, and yet most of them are just "variations on a theme." Like plots, there are not so many types of dreams. Let's talk about the most common ones.

Physiological dreams

The content of these dreams is determined by the external conditions in which the sleeper is. For example, a feeling of coldness can cause snow to appear in dreams, feelings of thirst and hunger can also be the reasons for the occurrence of corresponding dreams. This category also includes erotic dreams, which, as a rule, occur during periods of suppression of sexual activity or abstinence.
Everyday dreams . These are dreams about what happens to a person every day. They are poorly or vaguely remembered. Basically, such dreams are not of any fatal nature and indicate our activity or passivity, busyness or worries.

Actual dreams

Most of these dreams are ordinary memories, re-experience of events that have already happened to us. As a rule, they are associated with the influence of objects of the surrounding world, subconsciously perceived by a person during sleep. It can be the ticking of a clock, noise outside the window, the sound of a door opening. As a rule, such dreams do not carry any semantic meaning if they do not belong to the category of recurring ones.

Compensatory dreams

They allow a person to go through his life experience in order to solve a similar problem that has already arisen in his life. A person "experiments", developing various options for its solution. Also, such dreams help us realize what we consciously strive for in our life, but subconsciously suppress our own desires, as we consider them unfulfillable or unethical.

Recurring dreams

If the dream begins to recur often enough, this is a clear indication of some unresolved problem. The subconscious mind over and over again tries to spur us on, to direct the forces of consciousness to solve it.

Dreams with a continuation

In the event that a person has dreams with a continuation, they should be interpreted as one dream. In general, continuation dreams are very similar in nature to recurring dreams.

Prophetic dreams

or dreams of the future. In most cases, such dreams warn of situations that are unfavorable for the dreamer, and only rarely do they contain information that portends something positive. It is very difficult to change the course of events of most prophetic dreams, but you can change your attitude towards the future. Prophetic dreams come in the second half of sleep, when the body and mind have already rested. They do not belong to prophetic dreams in which a person relives past events anew.


These are dreams in which there is an interaction with deceased relatives or emotionally significant people of the past. These dreams usually carry important messages.

Warning dreams

These dreams, as a rule, are based on subconscious knowledge of this or that fact and the attempt of the subconscious to convey this information to consciousness. For example, a person dreams that he is driving a car and the brakes suddenly fail. The thing is that subconsciously a person has long felt that it is time to check the brakes, but everyday affairs and worries did not allow this thought to form completely.

Nightmare dreams

Nightmare is a disturbing dream that causes an abrupt awakening from fear. Nightmares can be caused by injury, illness, stress, or a real life situation. Nightmares are signs of fear that cannot be ignored. The subconscious mind, as it were, shows us a sign "Attention!" Once a solution is found, the recurring nightmares will almost certainly end.

Healing dreams

Sometimes, in a dream, healing can occur. If a person is not sick, then after such a dream he feels much better and more cheerful. These are dreams about beautiful landscapes, flights, meetings with unusually beautiful creatures, angels, etc. Dreams of this kind are quite rare, but even a person who does not believe in the mystical feels that it was this dream that healed his ailment.

Confirming or complementary dream

When we are about to make a serious, significant choice, we often have a dream that confirms this action.

Incubated dreams

These are dreams ordered to clarify a situation. Usually the intention to see such a dream builds up over several days by a constant reminder of the need to see a "message" on a given topic. It is possible to appeal to any of your personal assistants or to the guardians of dreams.

Dreams about past lives

In such dreams, you can see the deep or symbolic reasons for what is happening in the dreamer's life. For example, if he meets a stranger with whom he feels a sense of close relationship and long-term acquaintance, he can "order" a dream and see the history of previous relationships. Another version of such dreams is also possible, when people with any significant problems or fears that cannot be explained from the standpoint of their life experience can realize their cause, having experienced a situation in a dream that occurs in another era in the body of another person.

Sleep within sleep

This is the so-called "matryoshka effect". Similar dreams occur in lucid dream training. Experiences are such as if you have already woken up and started going about your daily activities, when suddenly you "wake up" again, and everything is repeated anew.

Shared dreams

They are found in people with high emotional and spiritual closeness. Sometimes it is deliberately used by a married couple or loved ones to better understand a situation. One part of the dream is seen by one, the second - by another, and that part of the information that can be hidden from one is available to another. Also, in such dreams, it is possible to exchange information between people who are far from each other.

Parapsychological dreams

In them, a person intuitively recognizes what he would not be able to recognize in the usual way.

Lucid dreams

This is a special type of dream in which a person becomes not a passive observer of what is happening, but a "director" or "wizard" who can control the plot himself. In many spiritual and ancient traditions, the practice of lucid dreaming comes second after daytime meditation and mindfulness training. The skill to manage what is happening in a dream is transferred to daytime reality.

Dreams of clarity

This is a special state that arises as a result of spiritual practice. When the state of awareness is not interrupted by various distractions and becomes continuous, dreams with images are replaced by the experience of clear light, the essence of which is extremely difficult to describe.

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