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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

December 16, 2020

8 ways to keep fruits and vegetables fresh and tasety

8 ways to keep fruits and vegetables fresh and tasety
8 ways to keep fruits and vegetables fresh and tasety

8 ways to keep fruits and vegetables fresh and tasety

Sometimes unpleasant accidents happen in the kitchen that can ruin the dish or the mood. For example, lettuce leaves sluggish in a salad, cucumbers are bitter, and pests are hiding in strawberries. Simple but effective life hacks from will help to solve all these and some more problems.

1. Getting rid of germs and toxins

Even quality fruits, vegetables and berries can contain toxins and germs. To cleanse them, it is customary to wash with tap water before eating. A more effective way, however, is to briefly soak the berries or fruits in salt water. It is enough to hold them there for 15 minutes and it will be safe to eat them. And this method is also great for saving bugs or other small pests that may be hiding in food.

2. Improving the taste of cucumbers

Cucumbers are a delicious addition to salad or the main participant in vegetable slicing. It's not particularly difficult to choose beautiful and fresh cucumbers, but even they can ruin a dish or dinner by being bitter. However, knowing a special secret, you can easily fix the bitter fruits and make them tastier. To do this, cut the cucumber into two horizontally and rub until the juice comes out abundantly. Then this juice needs to be washed off and the bitterness will go away with it.

3. Returning freshness to salad

Sluggish lettuce leaves are very easy to bring to a beautiful fresh look. To do this, you need to soak them in cold water for a short time. Visually, it will be seen how the leaves are saturated with water and become more elastic and juicy.

4. Vegetarian pasta

You can make very beautiful and mouth-watering noodles from zucchini or pumpkin. To do this, you need to clean the inside of the squash or pumpkin, cut the vegetable into rings and bake them in the oven. The temperature should be maximum, the cooking time should be about an hour, watch when ready. After that, you need to wind the tearing fibers inside the vegetable with a fork. You can eat it just like that or with sauce.

5. Fresh and juicy tomatoes

To keep the tomatoes longer, you should try a simple but effective remedy. It is necessary to glue the green part of the tomatoes, the former place of attachment of the branch, with tape. This will help to retain moisture, which means that the fruits will be elastic and juicy for a longer time.

6. Safe watermelon

On the surface of the peel of a watermelon, special bacteria live, which ordinary water cannot cope with. Therefore, to make the food safe, wash the watermelon thoroughly with detergent before cutting off the pieces. After that, the fruit is thoroughly washed several times with running water, and then cut.

7. Vacuum for freezing and storage

Storing food in the fridge or freezer usually requires a lot of space. Vacuum will help save usable space and make storage longer. It is quite simple to prepare everything for creating a vacuum: you need to take a hairdryer, attach the top of the cut bottle to it, and a plastic tube is inserted into the neck. To keep the tube well, you can make a hole of the appropriate diameter in the lid, or close it with something else. The tube is inserted into a bag with vegetables, berries, herbs or pieces of fruit, and then the hair dryer turns on and it draws all the air out of the bag, creating a vacuum.

8. Combating pesticides

Food must be carefully processed to ensure that food is healthy and of good quality. To get rid of the pesticides in your greenery, you need to soak it briefly in water mixed with baking soda. Simple solution for health safety.

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Sunday, December 13, 2020

December 13, 2020

9 fresh beauty trends that will help radically change your image in the new year

9 fresh beauty trends that will help radically change your image in the new year
9 fresh beauty trends that will help radically change your image in the new year

9 fresh beauty trends that will help radically change your image in the new year

As you know, fashion is cyclical. Trends come, go, and then come back. In 2020, stylists have prepared a whole list of fashion recommendations, which is definitely worth paying attention to for everyone who wants to shine and cause the envy of others.

1. Emphasis on corners

In 2020, stylists recommend focusing on the inner corners of the eyes. Moreover, this accent should be noticeable and executed in one of the neon shades. This technique can be used not only in evening, but also in everyday makeup. Neon shades of yellow, orange, pink or blue will make your gaze, in the truest sense of the word, glow, so much so that others cannot fail to notice it.

2. Colored arrows

This year, stylists and makeup artists recommend focusing on the eyes, highlighting them to the maximum. This is why colored arrows are back in fashion. It is best to draw them with a neon pencil or liquid eyeliner over a white base. The choice of color is yours: blue, green, pink, orange, yellow - there are a lot of options. But, as for the rest of the makeup, the editors recommend limiting ourselves to minimalism, and leaving the lips generally intact.

3. Not boring manicure

New Year is declared the year of madness, well, within reasonable limits. And we are not talking about all areas, but specifically about manicure. Stylists and top-masters advise not to restrain yourself and give free rein to imagination. Multi-colored nails, asymmetry, playful lettering - your business. If before that your limit was a classic jacket, let it be colorful, shiny, moonlit or geometric this year.

4. Kaleidoscope

Geometric lines and dark tones have slowed down. This year the “heavy” dramatic look was replaced by a light and open one. According to, light shades and blurry watercolor strokes will help to achieve this effect. Unlike dark shadows and arrows, which tend to make the eyes smaller, this makeup, on the contrary, makes the look more wide open.

5. Red lipstick

If you still want to emphasize the lips, choose some of the shades of red. Yes, this is a classic and it is still relevant. The only rule is that the lipstick should have a matte finish. Well, as for the rest - let your face look as natural as possible.

6. "Kissed" lips

The effect of "kissed" lips is not a new trend, but is already loved by many fashionistas. The simplest technique for performing this makeup is to apply a colored gloss to the middle of the lips and distribute it with your fingers. Thus, you can achieve the effect of moist, plump and sensual lips.

7. Arrow on the movable eyelid

If you want to make your gaze more open and visually lift the eyelid, draw arrows in its fold. In general, unusual arrows this year are more relevant than ever so that you can safely experiment with colors and shapes. For everyday daytime makeup, gray and brown colors are suitable, and for evening makeup, feel free to choose a bright pencil or sparkles.

8. Sequins

The desire to shine and shine, like a star, has taken on a new form in 2020. The damp sheen was replaced by a matte finish. But the brilliance has not disappeared anywhere, but acquired a different, larger scale. This year it is fashionable to literally cover your face with large sparkles. They can be applied to eyes, brows and cheekbones. It should be noted that this technique looks very impressive and stylish in evening and festive makeup.

9. Straight eyebrows

The curved arches have been replaced by straight, natural eyebrows this year. If this shape suits you, be sure to experiment. Stylists assure that this technique will help to lift the upper eyelid and rejuvenate the face. It should be noted that changing the shape of the eyebrows allows you to radically change the usual image, and the rejuvenation effect is visible to the naked eye.

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December 13, 2020

5 rules for preparing skin for makeup application

5 rules for preparing skin for makeup application
5 rules for preparing skin for makeup application

5 rules for preparing skin for makeup application

No one would argue that the skin needs to be cleansed before makeup. What about the rest? Is it worth adding something else to your care besides the traditional cream, or is it unnecessary excess funds?

What skin needs preparation before makeup

The key to a quality make-up is good skin condition. If she:

dry → powder and foundation will emphasize peeling;

dehydrated → concealer will clog into wrinkles;

oily → makeup will "float" in 2-3 hours;

combined → sebum will appear on oily areas;

has a dull color → the tone will look uneven and unnatural.

It turns out that any skin needs a preparatory stage. Read interviews with some of the world's top makeup artists. They all begin to work not with tone, but with putting the skin in order.

What preparation gives

The base, tone and powder will lie perfectly even, will be natural, invisible.

The highlighter will give the skin a shine, will not look like foreign glitter.

Make will acquire stamina, it does not have to be corrected.

The coatings will not clog into wrinkles - the lines of dehydration will nourish.

The general appearance will become young, well-groomed, "expensive".

Rules for preparing the skin for applying decorative cosmetics

There are few universal recommendations - the advice comes from a specific skin type.

1. Preparing the skin the day before will give better results

In the evening, you can make a moisturizing or nourishing mask: fabric or cream. For older ladies, a novelty from Adelline is suitable - with black snail mucin. Intensive version with hyaluron - Triple hyaluronic hydra mask - a win-win for everyone.

2. Peeling is the enemy of peeling

Peeling can be done to ensure that the tone and powder lay down flawlessly. Professional set for home use Pams Terra Peel 30-Days Peeling Therapy leaves no marks and redness. Moisturizes, due to the volcanic powder with minerals, evens the complexion, gives a light healthy glow and renews the upper layer of cells, solving the problem of flaking.

3. It is important not to dry out oily skin

This usually happens during the purification phase. In order not to provoke increased sebum production, replace the cleansing gel with Adelline hydrophilic oil with macadamia nut. The system is simple: the epidermis receives a signal that the hydrolipid layer is protected and no longer produces sebum. As a result, the make-up lasts longer, the skin does not appear oily.

4. 50% of the look is a radiant look

And what about those for whom it gives out fatigue, traces of a bad ecology and a tense rhythm of life? For a pronounced lifting, rejuvenating and smoothing effect, the development of Adelline - collagen patches with 24-carat gold is suitable. A novelty from the same brand with snail extract will saturate the thin skin with organic acids, microelements, help to recover, find a fresh healthy look. A whole series of Cobalti Scorpio I patches will eliminate puffiness, bags under the eyes, and refresh the look.

5. Feed your skin

The skin needs much more than the cream can provide. Professional Derma Fluid concentrated ampoule face serums from Pams will help solve individual problems: eliminate inflammation, pimples, moisturize or tighten the face contour. By the way, they can be enriched with the highly concentrated Ampoule 100 serum series with hyaluron, collagen, vitamin C.

6. Moisturize and Conquer

Completing the preparation for dream makeup - day creams for face and eyes based on a combination of gold particles and snail mucin.

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Saturday, December 5, 2020

December 05, 2020

8 essential tips for choosing fresh tasty and healthy meat


8 essential tips for choosing fresh tasty and healthy meat
8 essential tips for choosing fresh tasty and healthy meat

8 essential tips for choosing fresh tasty and healthy meat

In the store, meat is sold in packaging, which makes it very difficult to determine how fresh and high-quality the product is. Even when choosing open meat, you can miss important details that say that it is not worth buying. Advice from will help you take care of your health and tasty diet: with them, the choice will be obvious and correct.

1. Smell

Before buying meat, be sure to check for smell. It should be easily recognizable and rich. In this case, any extraneous aromas should be completely absent. If there is even a minimal hint of rotting or mustiness, then it is better to never select meat in this place at all. A sour smell is also a sign of a poor-quality product. Most likely, such meat was additionally processed with vinegar to keep it longer and look more attractive. This product can lie on the counter for a long time, but outwardly it is absolutely not noticeable. It is also a mistake to buy meat that has any chemical impurities that can be smelled. The ideal smell is pure meat.

2. Purity of meat

It is not worth checking the freshness of the meat, focusing on the seller's assurances, because it is profitable for him to sell any product. If a suspicious film or mucus in the form of an ugly gloss is visible on the product, then this is a clear sign of missing meat. Meat fibers must be clearly visible.

3. Appearance

Perfectly cut, even portions of meat with even distribution of fat are not always ideal for cooking. These pieces are best for steaks, chops or medallions, and for all other dishes, it is better to choose another meat. Professional chefs prefer uneven pieces with different portions of fat. Such meat, most likely, came to the market from a small private farm, where the animals are better fed and kept in optimal conditions, without chemical additives.

4. Fat

The presence of fat in meat can also play a significant role in choosing a quality product. Fat layers or blotches should be perfectly white. A slight yellowish tint means that the meat lasts a long time and will no longer be tasty. In this case, the fat should be the same in its softness as meat, otherwise the product is not worth buying. And, of course, all parts of the meat you buy should smell good.

5. Elasticity

One of the best tests to check the quality of meat is its firmness. To do this, you need to press on the meat with your finger, and then look at the fibers: if they quickly return to their original position, then the meat is fresh.

Helpful Hint: It is best to choose meat where you can evaluate its appearance and smell in detail, namely without packaging. Even if the seller does not allow you to touch the product with your hands, you can ask to conduct the elasticity test personally, with your gloved hands. Packaged meat is almost impossible to check for freshness.

6. Unplanned expenses

Some unconscious vendors improve the meat with a salt water solution. This solution can be injected with a syringe into poultry, beef and pork and sent to grocery store shelves to make the product more delicious and beautiful in appearance. This adds moisture to the meat to make it look fresh. This solution of salt and water, which is added to the meat, can make up 15 percent or more of the weight of the whole meat. This means that you have to pay extra money out of your pocket for this. In addition, excess salt intake leads to health problems such as high blood pressure. Salt water injections can also increase the risk of E. coli infection by pushing bacteria to the surface of the meat.

7. Good chicken

It may seem that choosing chicken is much easier than other meats. But this business also has its own nuances. The skin of the meat should be yellow, and the meat itself should be pinkish and have a natural appearance in section or shape. In addition, the chicken should not have a special smell, if it does, this product is clearly stale. The carcass must be plump and intact with very little fat.

8. Meat and bones

When buying meat on the bone, you can use another freshness check life hack. Whichever type of meat is chosen, it should not disintegrate, exfoliate and easily come off the bone. If this happens, then the meat is already bad and not worth buying. At the end of the sternum of the bird, one can understand whether it was young or old. In an old bird, the bone will be ossified, and in a young bird, it will be easily bendable and cartilaginous.

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December 05, 2020

How to grow mushrooms at home and get a good harvest

How to grow mushrooms at home and get a good harvest
How to grow mushrooms at home and get a good harvest

How to grow mushrooms at home and get a good harvest

The most delicious mushrooms are hand-grown. Winter is not the best time for long walks in the forest. Moreover, you can harvest in your own apartment and you don't have to go anywhere. We will show you which representatives of the wildlife kingdom grow best at home and how to provide them with proper care.

How to choose mushrooms

The choice of this or that variety depends on the experience of the mushroom picker and the size of the site. Honey mushrooms and oyster mushrooms are suitable for beginners. Lovers can safely grow mushrooms and shiitake. We advise experienced mushroom pickers to choose boletus, boletus and chanterelles. These varieties are the easiest to care for and produce bountiful crops.

At home, it is optimal to equip a small area. If you are planting a large plantation, chances are good that you will not be able to cut the mushrooms before maturity. Then they will start throwing spores into the air that cause allergies in people. The higher the concentration of microscopic cells in the room, the more serious the consequences will be. For example, in the form of a cough, a runny nose, watery eyes and even asthma attacks. We recommend wearing a respirator and gloves when working with mushrooms.

Mycelium or fungal spores?

Mycelium and spores are planting material for growing mushrooms. The first is more like seedlings, and the second - seeds. It is better to use mycelium at home, since spore reproduction is a long and laborious process.

Mycelium is sold as a mixture and there are several options:


- grain - the most practical and widespread option;

- wooden plugs - suitable if mushrooms are grown on logs;

- non-sterile substrate - when using it, it is important to observe the technology, the advantage is that it is stored for a long time.

The best option is a grain mixture. Choose packaging with a transparent window and an air filter. Perforation is best avoided.

Where to grow mushrooms

Place mini-plantations on insulated balconies or windowsills. Ideally, windows should face north or west. If this is not possible, shade the windows with craft paper or blinds. Next, you need to prepare the substrate, populate the mycelium and create a suitable microclimate.

Mushrooms on the windowsill

A convenient place for growing mushrooms and other "compact" mushrooms. The main thing is that the windows do not open onto a warm balcony, otherwise there will be problems. The mycelium can be made from plastic bottles, boxes, glass cylinders in a wide mouth, pots, containers.

For woody living creatures, use deciduous sawdust, straw, and bran. Chop the straws to a size of 2-3 cm and mix with the other ingredients. Prepare heat-resistant dishes, pour the resulting mixture into it, completely fill it with water and boil for an hour. Wait for the brew to cool to 20 degrees and then drain the water. The substrate should be slightly warm and moist.

Fill the prepared container with the nutrient mass 5 cm below the edge. If you use cylinders, then on the shoulders. Spread the mushroom mycelium on the surface, and sprinkle on top with a layer of substrate 2 cm. Cover the dish with a damp cloth, which should be sprayed daily from the spray bottle. Wrap the glass container with a thick cloth to protect the contents from light. During the incubation period, the room should be dark and warm, the temperature should be +18 ... + 22 degrees.

After 2-3 weeks, the nutrient mass will be overgrown with white mycelium filaments, and mushroom rudiments will "hatch" on the surface. The fabric can be removed. When the mushrooms begin to bear fruit, the temperature should be lowered to + 10 ... + 15 degrees and the air humidity should be 85-88%. Create coolness and partial shade in the room, spray the substrate every day. Do not wait until the mushrooms are fully ripe. Harvest by unscrewing the nests with legs completely. Then again cover the mycelium with a damp cloth and repeat all the manipulations again. One substrate is enough for 3-4 cycles.

Mushrooms on the insulated balcony

It is easier to maintain the microclimate on the balcony and the smell of the substrate is not so strongly felt. You can place entire racks for myceliums, taking into account the size of the container and the height of the mushrooms. The back and side walls should be solid, and the front should be covered with a dark airtight curtain. Other options include using bulky bags instead of pots, or using logs.

In plastic bags

Prepare the substrate according to the above recipe, and use clean bags with a volume of 5-10 kg as a container. Fill the container with the nutrient mixture almost to the top, leaving 5 cm. Then sprinkle with mycelium and again with the substrate by 2 cm. Cut off the neck of the plastic bottle and fix the bag handles around it. Close the hole with cotton wool. Make 5 cm incisions on the side on three sides and one notch on the bottom. Place the bags at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other, cover with a curtain. Water the mycelium through the bottleneck once a day. As soon as fruiting begins, open the curtains slightly. Mushroom care is standard.

On logs

Logs can be purchased or prepared by yourself. You will need to saw the trunk of any deciduous tree up to 30 cm in diameter. Make sure that the wood is free of serious defects and divide it into logs 40-100 cm long. There is no need to remove the bark. Wait two weeks, and then soak the hemp in water for 24 hours. Then dry the logs for another 24 hours. Punch holes for the nutritious plugs all over the hemp. Place the holes in a checkerboard pattern, 10 cm apart. Place the plugs, wrap the logs in burlap and place them in a warm room. The mycelium grows in about 6 months. After that, remove the material and dig the logs into the ground (for example, in tubs). Water the mycelium through the soil and follow the above rules of care. You can grow mushrooms on a log plantation for 3-7 years.

Champignons in boxes

The substrate is prepared from manure and straw. You can do it yourself, but it will take weeks, so we recommend purchasing a ready-made one. Take boxes with drainage holes. Lay out the substrate 25 cm high, then a 3 cm layer of mycelium and 5 cm of nutrient on top. Cover the crates with burlap. Spray the material with water every day and ventilate the balcony. The temperature during the incubation period is + 24 ... + 26 degrees. With the beginning of fruiting, reduce to +18. The rest of the care is standard. After 2-3 months, the first crop can be harvested. About 10 kg of mushrooms are obtained from a square meter of land.

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December 05, 2020

Easy ways to peel walnuts from the shell keeping the kernel intact

Easy ways to peel walnuts from the shell keeping the kernel intact
Easy ways to peel walnuts from the shell keeping the kernel intact

Easy ways to peel walnuts from the shell keeping the kernel intact

Many people buy peeled walnuts, despite the fact that there is a lot of information on the Internet about the uselessness and even harmfulness of these products, if they were stored for a long time in a peeled form. But you can do all this at home, especially since now there are special devices for extracting nuclei from the shell. However, there are several ways to get the desired result without fancy devices, and they are all simple.

1. First way

We need a container of boiling water, in which walnuts are placed for ten minutes. After that, you need to get them out and open the shell with a knife or screwdriver, whoever is comfortable. The tip of the knife is inserted into a small crack in the nut (it is on the blunt side of the product) and scrolls slightly. Since the shell became soft after being treated with boiling water, it opens very quickly.

The next step is to extract the whole kernel. Another tool will come to the rescue - pliers. Little by little, they break off small pieces of the shell until the nut is freed. All that remains is to remove the partitions.

Instead of boiling water, you can use an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Nuts must be placed there for a similar period of time (ten to fifteen minutes). As a result, the shell will soften, and it will be easy to remove the kernel from it.

Here the hammer will come to the rescue. They need to lightly tap the nut until cracks appear, along which the shell can be removed using any sharp object.

2. Second way

If in the first case we warmed up the shell, then in this case it is necessary to freeze it. Nuts are placed in the freezer for fifteen to twenty minutes. The inner part does not freeze, but the shell becomes brittle and crushed without problems. If you keep it a little longer, and then knock the nuts on the table surface directly in the bag, the shell will begin to crack.

Uncrushed kernels are much more pleasant to eat than crushed ones. And only the nuts extracted from the shell are much more useful than those that have been lying around for a long time.

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Monday, November 30, 2020

November 30, 2020

8 ways to keep fruits and vegetables fresh

8 ways to keep fruits and vegetables fresh
8 ways to keep fruits and vegetables fresh

8 ways to keep fruits and vegetables fresh

Sometimes unpleasant accidents happen in the kitchen that can ruin the dish or the mood. For example, lettuce leaves sluggish in a salad, cucumbers are bitter, and pests are hiding in strawberries. Simple but effective life hacks from will help to solve all these and some more problems.

1. Getting rid of germs and toxins

Even quality fruits, vegetables and berries can contain toxins and germs. To cleanse them, it is customary to wash with tap water before eating. A more effective way, however, is to briefly soak the berries or fruit in salt water. It is enough to hold them there for 15 minutes and it will be safe to eat them. And this method is also great for saving bugs or other small pests that may be hiding in food.

2. Improving the taste of cucumbers

Cucumbers are a delicious addition to salad or the main participant in vegetable slicing. It's not particularly difficult to choose beautiful and fresh cucumbers, but even they can ruin a dish or dinner by being bitter. However, knowing a special secret, you can easily fix the bitter fruits and make them tastier. To do this, cut the cucumber into two horizontally and rub until the juice comes out abundantly. Then this juice needs to be washed off and the bitterness will go away with it.

3. Returning freshness to salad

Sluggish lettuce leaves can be easily refreshed. To do this, you need to soak them in cold water for a short time. Visually, it will be seen how the leaves are saturated with water and become more elastic and juicy.

4. Vegetarian pasta

You can make very beautiful and mouth-watering noodles from zucchini or pumpkin. To do this, you need to clean the inside of the squash or pumpkin, cut the vegetable into rings and bake them in the oven. The temperature should be maximum, the cooking time should be about an hour, watch when ready. After that, you need to wind the tearing fibers inside the vegetable with a fork. You can eat it just like that or with sauce.

5. Fresh and juicy tomatoes

To keep the tomatoes longer, you should try a simple but effective remedy. It is necessary to glue the green part of the tomatoes, the former place of attachment of the branch, with tape. This will help to retain moisture, which means that the fruits will be elastic and juicy for a longer time.

6. Safe watermelon

On the surface of the peel of a watermelon, special bacteria live, which ordinary water cannot cope with. Therefore, to make the food safe, wash the watermelon thoroughly with detergent before cutting off the pieces. After that, the fruit is thoroughly washed several times with running water, and then cut.

7. Vacuum for freezing and storage

Storing food in the fridge or freezer usually requires a lot of space. Vacuum will help save usable space and make storage longer. Preparing everything to create a vacuum is quite simple: you need to take a hairdryer, attach the top of the cut bottle to it, and a plastic tube is inserted into the neck. To keep the tube well, you can make a hole of the appropriate diameter in the lid, or close it with something else. The tube is inserted into a bag with vegetables, berries, herbs or pieces of fruit, and then the hair dryer turns on and it draws all the air out of the bag, creating a vacuum.

8. Combating pesticides

Food must be carefully processed to make sure food is healthy and of good quality. To get rid of the pesticides in your greenery, you need to soak it briefly in water mixed with baking soda. Simple solution for health safety.

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November 30, 2020

9 foods that can be frozen like meat or vegetables

9 foods that can be frozen like meat or vegetables
9 foods that can be frozen like meat or vegetables

9 foods that can be frozen like meat or vegetables

The freezer helps you make strategic stocks with success. With it, you can quickly prepare a variety of dishes, from soup to desserts, if prepared in advance. The freezer also saves when there are too many food in the refrigerator and there is no way to eat them on time. Then you can simply send the surplus to freeze and then return to it at the right time. Everyone enjoys the benefits of a freezer, but not everyone is 100%. offers several secrets for long-term food storage.

1. Nuts

Few people know, but nuts can go bad. After a few months of storage, their taste already changes slightly, and they become less tasty, although healthy and safe for consumption. Fortunately, nuts can be stored much longer without loss of taste in the freezer, where they remain unchanged for up to two years.

2. Flour

Flour does not last as long as many people think. In fact, some varieties, like whole grains, can go rancid rather quickly. To extend the shelf life of both whole grain and all-purpose flour, you can store it in the freezer and then use it as a regular food after thawing. However, before you start baking, the flour must be at room temperature, otherwise it can significantly change the consistency of the dough.

3. Cooked pasta

To provide yourself with a delicious dinner, when you do not want to cook after a hard day at work, you can make a larger amount of dish in advance and partially freeze it. Pasta freezes much better if it is cooked in advance until it is fully cooked, but not overcooked, but left hard. An additional life hack that will prevent pasta from sticking: sprinkle them with olive oil before freezing.

4. Marshmallow

Fresh airy and tasty marshmallows or marshmallows are wonderful treats that a lot of people love. However, keeping the dessert fresh and soft for a long time is difficult under normal conditions. But if you freeze, then easily. Helpful Hint - Frozen marshmallows are easy to cut with a knife, making them easier to add to hot drinks or other ready meals.

5. Cheese

Freezing cheese is an absolutely harmless process for its nutrients and components. However, not all types of cheese retain their taste and consistency unchanged. Sometimes freezing the cheese makes it dry and crumbly. You can safely send processed, hard or aged cheeses to the freezer. Frozen food is best used for cooking, as the melting process will negate any effects of freezing.

6. Cooked rice

Ready-made rice is convenient, especially when it is always at hand. In this case, it can very quickly and effortlessly turn into the basis of a dish, both for a snack and for a full-fledged dinner party. It is best to store rice in the freezer in portioned bags or containers. Ideal storage: in a thin, flat layer in a resealable bag. For quick and safe defrosting, you can use a microwave: for this, put frozen rice in a container and add a little water, heat for about a minute. Similarly, you can "liven up" rice on the stove in a saucepan. Frozen cooked rice can also be added directly to a sauce or casserole, or used as a base for fried rice.

7. Chips

If the chips are stored for too long, they will become tasteless and not as crispy. It is quite another matter if they were frozen. Unopened bags of chips can be frozen in their original packaging. If the bag is already open, place it in a freezer bag and cover with foil. When the chips are needed, they need to be removed from the freezer and allowed to sit for just a few hours on the kitchen counter to thaw, and they will taste the same as the day they were purchased. The same procedure can be repeated with crackers.

8. Avocado

After the avocado is ripe, it must be eaten in about a day, otherwise it will lose its attractive texture and taste. However, it is not always possible and in the mood to do this. Then the freezer comes to the rescue. You can freeze the avocado halves by peeling them and seeds, then lightly brushing them with lemon juice to prevent browning. After that, you need to wrap them tightly in plastic wrap. You can also mash the avocado with a little lemon juice and place it in a freezer bag. Once thawed, the product is best used for any recipe that requires chopped avocado or mashed avocado.

9. Grapes

The grapes freeze very well. This is a great help if the product is still left, but they do not have time to eat it or do not want to. Plus, frozen grapes are a delicious and refreshing summer snack in and of themselves. All you need to do to freeze it is to remove the stems and rinse the berries, put them in a freezer bag. There are frozen grapes - a special treat that slowly melts in your mouth. And it also becomes an excellent addition for cooling drinks, replacing ice.


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