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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Weight loss aid for a loved one subtleties of communication and secrets of motivation

Weight loss aid for a loved one subtleties of communication and secrets of motivation
Weight loss aid for a loved one subtleties of communication and secrets of motivation

Do you suddenly find that sitting next to your girlfriend (friend) in the transport has become cramped? Or a new thing was bought from memory as a gift, but it turned out to be 3 sizes smaller. Yes, the time has come to help in losing weight for a loved one. And here it is not even about the appearance, but about the state of health and the risk of pathologies. In general, it's time for a friend to urgently get rid of extra pounds. 

It would seem that he said the truth to his eyes: "Hello, you are fat / fat" - and that's it! But he is loved and dear. How not to hurt him, successfully motivate him and be helpful in overcoming the difficulties of the process of losing weight? 

A loved one does not want to lose weight?

There is no problem if the reaction to your comment turns out to be adequate and productive - an independent review of eating behavior will follow, and the morning begins with exercise and jogging. Only in most cases everything happens exactly the opposite. Grievances, whims and seizing of "psychos" sweet and fat.

Therefore, before offering your help in losing weight, think 10 times, who needs a loved one to lose weight more, you or him (her)? Will you be able to be firm in your decision and persistent in the desire to "drag him on his own back to a healthy weight"?

How to convince a loved one to lose weight

The first success depends on how much you can find the right words for the first conversation about losing weight. You definitely need to speak sincerely and truthfully, but choosing the right phrases is not an easy task. Everything is very individual here.

The only thing that can be suggested without fear is that in a conversation, confidently focus on the importance of normalizing weight for maintaining health, and not on your aesthetic preferences for slim figures. Think in advance and choose the words so that the counterpart does not suspect you of insincerity. Otherwise, the consequences of the conversation will be disastrous. Instead of motivation, an inferiority complex will be obtained. 

Prohibited and permitted phrases
Here are some examples of how you can positively hook a person, without insults or accusations:

For friends:

- you are overweight and look bad;
- it seems to me that they think about me that I am not friends with you, but “hide behind your plump forms” to emphasize my athletic physique.

For partners:

- this is your figure no longer attracts me;
- I want to live with you happily and for a long time, without being distracted by sores that have arisen due to excess weight.

For parents:

- completely stopped taking care of themselves;
- how I want you to dance at weddings with great-grandchildren.

For teenagers:

- you can't get enough food;
- it has been proven that being overweight at your age leads to type 2 diabetes in young people (briefly but in detail tell about the disease and its complications).

In general, any insults are prohibited, because this cannot be done in any case, as well as accusations, because they take away confidence. Also, do not threaten to break off relations. There is an option that this is what the case will end with.

How to help you lose weight

If the first motivational conversation led to a positive result and a loved one began to bring the body back to normal, help him as follows:

  • give a good rocking chair, write to the “right” coach;
  • ask how to help - by searching for useful information and / or going to the gym together, working out on the street;
  • do not set yourself up as an example;
  • bet on the end result;
  • do not provoke a breakdown of the diet with your own diet or idle talk about forbidden foods and products;
  • do not overload with notations and advice, control every step;
  • do not get frustrated, clearly explain the harm of "miraculous" remedies and fast diets;
  • reassure you periodically, reminding you that losing weight is a long process, and in some cases it can get stuck for several weeks or even months. 

Be sure to ask me to share with you when friends or family suddenly start teasing. Take all the "appropriate measures" so that their actions do not lead the loved one astray. Of course, do not skimp on praise. In this case, "sticks" are not needed, "gingerbread" helps. And prepare in advance for the fact that your appearance will also have to correspond to the new thinned image of a friend or relative.

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